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 〃The Catabs;〃 Pedro Luz said; mainly to himself。
 Joe Winder heard him unsnap the holster。 He turned and told Pedro Luz not to do anything crazy。
 〃Shut up; smartass。〃
 As they watched Skink load the second pair of cans onto the Cushman; Winder realized his own mistake: he had tried too hard to be reasonable and civilized and possibly even clever。 Such efforts were wasted on men such as Francis X。 Kingsbury。 Skink had the right idea。
 Pedro Luz aimed his 。45 and shouted; 〃Freeze right there!〃 Skink stopped at the top of the steps。 Pedro Luz ordered him to raise his hands; but Skink acted as if he didn't hear。
 〃Don't I know you?〃 Skink said; ing closer。
 Pedro Luz found it difficult to look directly at the bearded stranger because one of the man's eyeballs seemed dislodged from the socket。 As Skink approached; he gave no indication of recognizing Joe Winder。
 〃Hello; gentlemen;〃 he said。 Casually he bent to examine the taped stump of Pedro Luz's leg。 〃Son; you're dropping more parts than a Ford Pinto。〃
 Flustered; Pedro Luz fell back on standard hardass…cop colloquy: 〃Lemme see some ID。〃
 Skink reached into the blaze…orange weather suit and came out with a small kitchen jar。 He handed it to the security man and said; 〃I believe this belongs to you。〃
 Pedro Luz felt his stomach quake。 At the bottom of the jar; drifting in pickle juice; was the tip of his right index finger。 It looked like a cube of pink tofu。
 〃The old woman bit it off;〃 Skink reminded him; 〃while you were beating her up。〃
 Beautiful; Joe Winder thought。 We're both going to die long horrible deaths。
 Hoarsely; Pedro Luz said; 〃Who the hell are you?〃
 Skink gestured at the soiled bandages around his chest。 〃I'm the one you shot at the trailer!〃
 All three of them jumped as a Roman candle exploded high over KingsBury Lane。 A band was playing the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey。 It sounded dreadful。
 In the tank below; Dickie the Dolphin rolled twice and shot a light spray of water from his blowhole。 A few drops sprinkled the barrel of Pedro Luz's gun; and he wiped it nervously on the front of his trousers。 The circuits of his brain were being badly overloaded; assimilating new information had bee a struggle…the drugs; the finger in the jar; the one…eyed stoner with the gas cans; the fireworks; the god…awful music。 It was time to kill these sorry bastards and go to the gym。
 〃Who first?〃 he asked。 〃Who wants it first?〃
 Joe Winder saw no evidence of urgency in Skink's demeanor; so he took it upon himself to ram an elbow into the soft declivity beneath Pedro Luz's breastbone。 Winder was stunned to see the bodybuilder go down; and idiotically he leapt upon him to finish the job。 Winder's punching ability was hampered by the searing pain in his rib cage; and though Pedro Luz was gagging and drooling and gulping to catch his wind; it was a relatively simple exercise to lock his arms around all hundred and seventy…five pounds of Joe Winder and squeeze the breath out of him。 The last thing Winder heard; before blacking out; was a splash in the tank below。
 He hoped like hell it was the pistol。
 Marine biologists debate the relative intelligence of the Atlantic bottle…nosed dolphin; but it is generally accepted that the graceful mammal is extremely smart; that it is able to municate using sophisticated underwater sonics; that it sometimes appears capable of emotions; including grief and joy。 Noting that the dolphin's brain is proportionally larger and more fully developed than that of human beings; some experts contend that the animals are operating in a superior cognitive realm that we simply cannot prehend。
 A more skeptical view (and one endorsed by Joe Winder) is that dolphins probably aren't quite as smart as tourist lore suggests。 Otherwise why would they allow themselves to be so easily captured; subjugated; trained and put on public display? It seemed to Winder that somersaulting through hula hoops in exchange for a handful of sardines was not proof of high intellect。 Given fins and some Milk…Bones; your average French poodle could master the same feat。
 It is certainly true; however; that captive dolphins exhibit distinct and plex personalities。 Some are gregarious and easily tamed; while others are aloof and belligerent; some are happy to perform stunts for cheering tourists; while others get ulcers。 Because each dolphin is so sensitive and unique; curators must be extremely careful when selecting the animals for mercial aquarium shows。
 When it came to jumping hula hoops; Dickie the Dolphin was petent if unspectacular。 The same could be said for his tail…walking; his backward flips and his mastery of the beach ball。 While most spectators thought he was a lovable ham; experienced dolphin trainers could see he was just going through the motions。 Ever since replacing the deceased Orky as the Amazing Kingdom's aquatic star; Dickie had approached each performance with the same sullen indifference。 He took a similar attitude into the swim…along sessions; where he habitually kept a large distance between himself and whatever loud pale humanoid had been suckered into entering the tank。
 The exception; of course; was when Dickie the Dolphin got into one of his 〃moods。〃 Then he would frolic and nuzzle and rub eagerly against the swimmer; who inevitably mistook these gestures for honest affection。 Dolphin researchers have documented numerous sexual advances upon human beings of both genders; but they cannot agree on the animal's intention in these circumstances。 If dolphins truly are second to people on the intelligence scale; then they most certainly would not mistake a bikini…clad legal secretary for a member of their own species。 Which raises a more intriguing hypothesis: that captive male dolphins attempt these outrageous liaisons out of mischief; or perhaps even revenge。 The truth is locked deep inside the dolphin's large and plicated cerebrum; but the phenomenon has been widely reported。
 On the evening of August 6; Dickie the Dolphin was in a state of high agitation as he circled the darkened whale tank at the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills。 Perhaps it was the percussion of the nearby fireworks that disrupted the powerful creature's peace; or perhaps it was the effect of a long and lonely confinement。 Although the trained seals and pelicans could be entertaining; Dickie the Dolphin probably would have preferred the panionship of a female partner。 And he would have had one if Francis X。 Kingsbury had not been so cheap。 In any event; the solitary dolphin was keeping a sharp and wily eye on the motion taking place along the walkway above。
 At the first splash; Dickie swiftly sounded; tracking a small steel object to the bottom of his tank。 He never considered retrieving the item; as there would be no reward for his effort…the buckets of cut fish had been hauled away hours ago。 So the dolphin disregarded Pedro Luz's gun; glided slowly to the surface and waited。
 The second splash was different。
 Pedro Luz was astonished by the strength of the one…eyed man。 He took a punch as well as anyone that Pedro Luz had ever assaulted; plus he was quick。 Every time Pedro Luz swung and missed; the bearded stranger hit him two 
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