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 What the hell; it was only four bucks。 He could certainly afford it。
 On the morning of July 17; Danny Pogue awoke in a cold sweat; his T…shirt soaked from neck to navel。 He kicked the covers off the bed and saw the lump of gauze around his foot。 It wasn't a dream。 He limped to the window and from there he could see everything: the Olympic…sized swimming pool; the freshly painted tennis courts; the shady shuffleboard gazebo。 Everywhere he looked there were old people with snowy heads and pale legs and fruit…colored Bermuda shorts。 All the men wore socks with their sandals; and all the women wore golf visors and oversized sunglasses。
 〃Mother of Christ;〃 said Danny Pogue。 He hollered for his partner to e quick。
 Bud Schwartz ambled in; looking settled and well rested。 He was spooning out half a grapefruit; cupped in the palm of one hand。 〃Do you believe this fucking place?〃 he said to Danny Pogue。 〃What a gas。〃 
 〃We gotta get out。〃 
 〃How e?〃
 〃Just look。〃 Danny Pogue pointed out the window。 
 〃So now you got a problem with senior citizens? What…they don't have the right to have fun? Besides; there's some young people that live here; too。 I saw a couple a hot ones out by the swimming pool。 Major titties。〃
 〃I don't care;〃 mumbled Danny Pogue。
 〃Hey;〃 Bud Schwartz said。 〃She shot your foot; not your weenie。〃
 〃Where is she?〃
 〃Long gone。 You want some lunch? She loaded up at the Publix; you should see。 Steaks; chops; beer…we're set for a couple a weeks; easy。〃
 Danny Pogue hopped back to the bed and peeled off the damp shirt。 He spotted a brand…new pair of crutches propped in the corner。 He said; 〃Bud; I'm gonna split。 Seriously; I'm taking off。〃
 〃I can give you ten thousand reasons not to。〃
 〃Speaking of which。〃
 〃She's bringing a grand for each of us; just like she promised;〃 said Bud Schwartz。 〃Good faith money is what she called it。〃
 〃Invisible is what I call it。〃
 〃Hey; lighten the fuck up。 She's an old lady; Danny。 Old ladies never lie。〃 Bud Schwartz lobbed the grapefruit skin into some kind of designer wastebasket。 〃What's wrong with you; man? This is like a vacation; all expenses paid。 Look at this freaking condo…two bedrooms; two bathrooms。 Microwave in the kitchen; Cinemax on the cable。 Say what you will; the old geezer knows how to live。〃
 〃Who is she?〃 Danny Pogue asked。
 〃Who cares?〃
 〃I care。 She shot me。〃
 Bud Schwartz said; 〃Just some crazy; rich old broad。 Don't worry about it。〃
 〃It's not you that got shot。〃
 〃She won't do it again; Danny。 She got it out of her system。〃 Bud Schwartz wiped his hands on the butt of his jeans to get the grapefruit juice off。 He said; 〃She was pissed; that's all。 On account of us losing the rats。〃
 Danny Pogue said; 〃Well; screw that deal。 I'm leaving。〃 He made a move for the crutches but faltered; hot and dizzy。 Molly McNamara had fed him some pain pills late last night; that much he remembered。
 〃I don't know where you think you're going;〃 said Bud Schwartz。 〃The truck's history。〃
 〃I'll hitch;〃 said Danny Pogue woozily。
 〃Look in the mirror。 Your own mother wouldn't pick you up。 The Hell's Fucking Angels wouldn't pick you up。〃
 〃Somebody'll stop;〃 Danny Pogue said。 〃Especially with me on them crutches。〃
 〃Oh; sure。〃
 〃Maybe even some girls。〃 Danny Pogue eased himself back on the pillow。 He took deep breaths and tried to blink away the haze in his brain。
 〃Have another codeine;〃 said Bud Schwartz。 〃Here; she got a whole bottle。〃 He went to the kitchen and came back with a cold Busch。
 Danny Pogue swallowed two more pills and slurped at the beer can noisily。 He closed his eyes and said; 〃She ain't never gonna pay us; Bud。〃
 〃Sure she is;〃 said his partner。 〃She's loaded; just look at this place。 You should see the size of the TV。〃
 〃We better get away while we can。〃
 〃Go back to sleep;〃 said Bud Schwartz。 〃I'll be down at the pool。〃
 The Mothers of Wilderness met every other Tuesday at a public library in Cutler Ridge。 This week the main item on the agenda was the proposed bulldozing of seventy…three acres of mangroves to make room for the back nine of a championship golf course on the shore of North Key Largo。 The Mothers of Wilderness strenuously opposed the project; and had begun to map a political strategy to obstruct it。 They pursued such crusades with unflagging optimism; despite the fact that they had never succeeded in stopping a single development。 Not one。 The builders ignored them。 Zoning boards ignored them。 County missioners listened politely; nodded intently; then ignored them; too。 Of all the environmental groups fighting to preserve what little remained of Florida; the Mothers of Wilderness was regarded as the most radical and shrill and intractable。 It was also; unfortunately; the smallest of the groups and thus the easiest to brush off。
 Still; the members were nothing if not mitted。 Molly McNamara steadfastly had refused all offers to merge her organization with the Audubon Society or the Sierra Club or the Friends of the Everglades。 She wanted no part of coalitions because coalitions promised。 She enjoyed being alone on the fringe; enjoyed being the loose cannon that establishment environmentalists feared。 The fact that the Mothers of Wilderness was politically impotent did not diminish Molly McNamara's passion; though occasionally it ate at her pride。
 She ran the meetings with brusque efficiency; presiding over a membership that tended to be retired and liberal and well…to…do。 For its size; the Mothers of Wilderness was exceedingly well financed; Molly knew this was why the other environmental groups wooed her; in hopes of a merger。 The Mothers had bucks。
 They had hired a hotshot Miami land…use lawyer to fight the golf course project; which was called Falcon Trace。 The lawyer; whose name was Spacci; stood up at the meeting to update the Mothers on the progress of the lawsuit; which; typically; was about to be thrown out of court。 The case was being heard in Monroe County…specifically; Key West…where many of the judges were linked by conspiracy or simple inbreeding to the crookedest politicians。 Moreover; the zoning lawyer admitted he was having a terrible time ascertaining the true owners of the Falcon Trace property; he had gotten as far as a blind trust in Dallas; then stalled。
 Molly McNamara thanked Spacci for his report and made a motion to authorize another twenty thousand dollars for legal fees and investigative expenses。 It passed unanimously。
 After the meeting; Molly took the lawyer aside and said; 〃Next time I want to see some results。 I want the names of these bastards。〃
 〃What about the lawsuit?〃
 〃File a new one;〃 Molly said。 〃You ever considered going federal?〃
 〃How?〃 asked Spacci。 〃On what grounds?〃
 Pinching his elbow; Molly led him to an easel behind the rostrum。 Propped on the easel was an aerial map of North Key Largo。 Molly pointed and said; 〃See? There's where they want the golf course。 And right here is a national wildlife refuge。 That's your federal jurisdiction; Counselor。〃
 The lawyer plucked a gold pen from his breast pocket and did some pointing of his own。 〃And right here; Ms。 McNamara; is a two…thousand…acre amusement pa
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