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ked crimson。
 〃You assholes are going to jail;〃 he said; pinching the pale flesh around the bullet wound。
 〃We're just burglars;〃 said Danny Pogue。
 〃Not anymore。〃 Hawkins attempted to rise to his feet; but Bud Schwartz wiggled the gun and told him to stay where he was。 The agent's forehead was sprinkled with sweat; and his lips were gray。 〃Hey; Bud;〃 he said; 〃I've seen your jacket; and this isn't your style。 Assault on a federal officer; man; you're looking at Atlanta。〃
 Bud Schwartz was deeply depressed to hear the FBI man call him by name。 〃You don't know shit about me;〃 he snapped。
 〃Suppose you tell me what the hell's going on out here。 What's your beef with Frankie King?〃
 Bud Schwartz said; 〃I don't know who you're talkin〃 about。〃
 Miraculously; Danny Pogue caught on before saying something disastrous。 He flashed a checkerboard grin and said; 〃Yeah; who's Frankie King? We never heard a no Frankie King。〃
 〃Bullshit;〃 Agent Billy Hawkins growled。 〃Go ahead and play it stupid。 You're all going to prison; anyhow。 You and that crazy old lady?〃
 〃If it makes you feel any better;〃 said Danny Pogue; 〃she shot us; too。〃
 The campsite was。。。gone。
 〃I'm not surprised;〃 Joe Winder said。 He took Carrie's hand and kept walking。 A light rain was falling; and the woods smelled cool。
 Carrie asked; 〃What do we do if he's really gone?〃
 〃I don't know。〃
 Ten minutes later she asked if they were lost。
 〃I got turned around;〃 Winder admitted。 〃It can't be too far。〃
 〃Joe; where are we going?〃
 The rain came down harder; and the sky blackened。 From the west came a roll of thunder that shook the leaves。 The birds fell silent; then the wind began to race across the island; and Joe Winder could taste the storm。 He dropped Carrie's hand and started to jog; slapping out a trail with his arms。 He called over his shoulder; urging Carrie to keep up。
 It took fifteen more minutes to find the junkyard where the ancient Plymouth station wagon sat on rusty bumpers。 The yellow beach umbrella…still stuck in the dashboard…fluttered furiously in the gale。
 Joe Winder pulled Carrie inside the car; and hugged her so tightly she let out a cry。 〃My arms are tingling;〃 she said。 〃The little hairs on my arms。〃
 He covered her ears。 〃Hold on; it's lightning。〃
 It struck with a white flash and a deafening rip。 Twenty yards away; a dead mahogany tree split up the middle and dropped a huge leafless branch。 〃God;〃 Carrie whispered。 〃That was close。〃
 Raindrops hammered on the roof。 Joe Winder turned around in the seat and looked in the back of the car。 〃They're gone;〃 he said。
 〃What; Joe?〃
 〃The books。 This is where he kept all his books。〃
 She turned to see。 Except for several dead roaches and a yellowed copy of the New Republic; the station wagon had been cleaned out。
 Winder was vexed。 〃I don't know how he did it。 You should've seen…there were hundreds in here。 Steinbeck; Hemingway。 Jesus; Carrie; he had Garcia Marquez in Spanish。 First editions! Some of the greatest books ever written。〃
 〃Then he's actually gone。〃
 〃It would appear to be so。〃
 〃Think we should call somebody?〃
 〃Somebody up in New York;〃 Carrie said; 〃at the prison。 I mean; just in case。〃
 〃Let me think about this。〃
 〃I can't believe he'd try it。〃
 The thunderstorm moved quickly over the island and out to sea。 Soon the lightning stopped and the downpour softened to a drizzle。 Carrie said; 〃The breeze felt nice; didn't it?〃
 Joe Winder wasn't listening。 He was trying to decide if they should keep looking or not。 Without Skink; new choices lay ahead: bold and serious decisions。 Winder suddenly felt responsible for the entire operation。
 Carrie turned to kiss him and her knee hit the glove partment; which popped open。 Curiously she poked through the contents…a flashtight; a tire gauge; three D…sized batteries and what appeared to be the dried tail of a squirrel。
 And one brown envelope with Joe Winder's name printed in small block letters。
 He tore it open。 Reading the note; he broke into a broad smile。 〃Short and to the point;〃 he said。
 Carrie read it:
 Dear Joe;
 You make one hell of an oracle。
 Don't worry about me; just keep up the fight。
 We all shine on!
 Carrie folded the note and returned it to the envelope。 〃I assume this means something。〃
 〃Like the moon and the stars and the sun;〃 Joe Winder said。 He felt truly inspired。
 The Amazing Kingdom of Thrills reopened with only a minimal drop in attendance; thanks to a three…for…one ticket promotion that included a free ride on Dickie the Dolphin; whose amorous behavior was now inhibited by four trainers armed with electric stun guns。 Francis X。 Kingsbury was delighted by the crowds; and emboldened by the fact that many customers actually plained about the absence of wild snakes。 Kingsbury regarded it as proof that closing the Amazing Kingdom had been unnecessary; a costly overestimation of the average tourist's brainpower。 Obviously the yahoos were more curious than afraid of lethal reptiles。 A thrill is a thrill; Kingsbury said。
 The two persons forced to sit through this speech were Pedro Luz and Special Agent Ron Donner of the U。S。 Marshal Service。 Agent Donner had e to notify Francis X。 Kingsbury of a possible threat against his life。
 〃Ho! From who?〃
 〃Elements of organized crime;〃 the marshal said。
 〃Well; fuck em。〃
 〃Excuse me?〃
 〃This is just; I mean really; the word is horseshit!〃 Kingsbury flapped his arms like a tangerine…colored buzzard。 He was dressed for serious golf; even his cleats were orange。
 Agent Donner said: 〃We think it would be wise if you left town for a few weeks。〃
 〃Oh; you do? Leave town; like hell I will。〃
 Pedro Luz spun his wheelchair slightly toward the marshal。 〃Organized crime;〃 he said。 〃You mean the Mafia?〃
 〃We're taking it very seriously;〃 said Agent Donner; thinking: Who's the freak with the IV bag?
 With the proud sweep of a hand; Francis Kingsbury introduced his chief of Security。 〃He handles everything for the park and so on。 Personal affairs; as well。 You can say anything in front of him; understand? He's thoroughly reliable。〃
 Pedro Luz casually adjusted the drip valve on the intravenous tube。
 The marshal asked; 〃What happened to your foot?〃
 〃Never mind!〃 blurted Kingsbury。
 〃Car accident;〃 Pedro Luz volunteered affably。 〃I had to chew the damn thing off。〃 He pointed with a swathed; foreshortened index finger。 〃Right there above the ankle…bone; see?〃
 〃Tough luck;〃 said Agent Donner; thinking: Psycho City。
 〃It's what animals do;〃 Pedro Luz added; 〃when they get caught in traps。〃
 Kingsbury clapped his hands nervously。 〃Hey; hey! Can we get back to the issue; please; this Godfather thing。 For the record; I'm not going anyplace。〃
 The marshal said; 〃We can have you safely in Bozeman; Montana; by tomorrow afternoon。〃
 〃What; do I look like fucking Grizzly Adams? Listen to me…Montana; don't even joke about something like that。〃
 Pedro Luz said; 〃Why would the Mafia want to kill Mr。 Kingsbury? I don't exactly make the connection。〃 Then his chin dropped; and he appeared to drift off。
 Agent Donner said; 〃I wish you'd consider the off
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