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 Joe Winder ran a finger along the spines of the books; and found himself smiling at the exhilarating variety of writers: Churchill; Hesse; Sandburg; Steinbeck; Camus; Paine; Wilde; Vonnegut; de Tocqueville; Salinger; Garcia Marquez; even Harry Crews。
 〃I put a new battery in this thing;〃 Skink was saying。 〃This time of year I've got to run the AC at least two; three hours a day。 To stop the damn mildew。〃
 〃So there's gas in this car?〃 Winder asked。
 〃But no wheels。〃
 Skink shrugged。 〃Where the hell would I be driving?〃
 A cool stream of wind rushed through the open windshield; and overhead the yellow beach umbrella began to flap noisily。 A fat drop of rain splatted on the hood; followed by another and another。
 〃Damn;〃 said Skink。 He put a shoulder to the door and launched himself out of the station wagon; 〃Hey; Flack; you ing or not?〃
 The storm came hard and they sat through it; huddled like Sherpas。 The campfire washed out; but the soft…shelled turtle was cooked to perfection。 Skink chewed intently on its tail and blinked the raindrops from his good eye; the other one fogged up like a broken headlight。 Water trickled down his bronze cheeks; drenching his beard。 Lightning cracked so close they could smell it…Winder ducked; but Skink showed no reaction; even when thunder rattled the coffeepot。
 He adjusted the blaze weather suit to cover the electronic panther collar on his neck。 〃They say it's waterproof; but I don't know。〃
 Winder could scarcely hear him over the drum of the rain against the trees。 Lightning flashed again; and reflexively he shut his eyes。
 Skink raised his voice: 〃You know about that new golf resort?〃
 〃I saw where they're putting it。〃
 〃No!〃 Skink was shouting now。 〃You know who's behind it? That fucking Kingsbury!〃
 The wind was getting worse; if that was possible。 With his free hand; Skink wrung out the tendrils of his beard。 〃Goddammit; man; are you listening? It all ties together。〃
 〃What…with Koocher's death?〃
 〃Everything…〃 Skink paused for another white sizzle of lightning。 〃Every damn thing。〃
 It made sense to Winder。 A scandal at the Amazing Kingdom would not only be bad for business; it might jeopardize Francis Kingsbury's plans for developing Falcon Trace。 If anyone revealed that he'd lied about the 〃endangered〃 voles; the feds might roll in and halt the whole show。 The EPA; the Army Corps of Engineers; the Department of Interior…they could jerk Kingsbury around until he died of old age。
 〃Look at the big picture;〃 Skink said。 With a tin fork he cleaned out the insides of the turtle shell。 The wind was dying quickly; and the rain was turning soft on the leaves。 The clouds broke out west; revealing raspberry patches of summer sunset。 The coolness disappeared and the air turned muggy again。
 Skink put down the fry pan and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his rainsuit。 〃It's beautiful out here;〃 he remarked。 〃That squall felt damn good。〃
 〃It might be too late;〃 Joe Winder said。 〃Hell; they've started clearing the place。〃
 〃I know。〃 The muscles in Skink's neck tightened。 〃They tore down an eagle nest the other day。 Two little ones; dead。 That's the kind of bastards we're talking about。〃
 〃Did you see…〃
 〃I got there after the fact;〃 Skink said。 〃Believe me; if I could've stopped them。。。〃
 〃What if we're too late?〃
 〃Are you in or not? That's all I need to know。〃
 〃I'm in;〃 said Winder。 〃Of course I am。 I'm just not terribly optimistic。〃
 Skink smiled his matinee smile; the one that had gotten him elected so many years before。 〃Lower your sights; boy;〃 he said to Joe Winder。 〃I agree; justice is probably out of the question。 But we can damn sure ruin their day。〃
 He reached under the flap of his rainsuit; grunted; fumbled inside his clothing。 Finally his hand came out holding a steel…blue semi…automatic pistol。
 〃Don't worry;〃 he said。 〃I've got an extra one for you。〃
 The woman who called herself Rachel Lark was receiving a vigorous massage when Francis X。 Kingsbury phoned。 She'd been expecting to hear from him ever since she'd read in the Washington Post about the theft of the blue…tongued mango voles in Florida。 Her first thought; a natural one; was that Kingsbury would try to talk her into giving some of the money back。 Rachel Lark braced for the worst as she sat up; naked; and told the masseur to give her the damn telephone。
 On the other end; Kingsbury said: 〃Is this my favorite redhead?〃
 〃Forget it;〃 said the woman who called herself Rachel Lark; though it was not her true name。
 Kingsbury said; 〃Can you believe it; babe? My luck; the goddamn things get swiped。〃
 〃I've already spent the money;〃 Rachel Lark said; 〃and even if I didn't; a deal's a deal。〃
 Instead of protesting; Kingsbury said; 〃Same here。 I spent mine; too。〃
 〃Then it's a social call; is it?〃
 〃Not exactly。 Are you alone; babe?〃
 〃Me and a nice young man named Sven。〃
 The image gave Kingsbury a tingle。 Rachel was an attractive woman; a bit on the heavy side; but a very hot dresser。 They had met years before in the lobby of a prosecutor's office in Camden; where both of them were waiting to cut deals allowing them to avert unpleasant prison terms。 Frankie King had chosen to drop the dime on the Zubonis; while the woman who now called herself Rachel Lark (it was Sarah Hunt at that time) was preparing to squeal on an ex…boyfriend who had illegally imported four hundred pounds of elephant ivory。 In the lobby that day; the two informants had amiably traded tales about life on the lam。 Later they'd exchanged phone numbers and a plete list of aliases; and promised to keep in touch。
 Rachel's specialty was wildlife; and Kingsbury phoned her soon after opening the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills。 Before then; he had never heard of the Endangered Species Act; never dreamed that an obscure agency of the federal government would casually fork over two hundred thousand dollars in grant money for the purpose of preserving a couple of lousy rodents。 Rachel Lark had offered to provide the animals and the documentation; and Kingsbury was so intrigued by the plan…not just the dough; but the radiant publicity for the Amazing Kingdom…that he didn't bother to inquire if the blue…tongued mango voles were real。
 The government check had arrived on time; they'd split it fifty…fifty and that was that。 Francis Kingsbury paid no further attention to the creatures until customers started noticing that the voles〃 tongues were no longer very blue。 Once children openly began grilling the Amazing Kingdom tour guides about how the animals got their name; Kingsbury ordered Pedro Luz to get some food coloring and touch the damn things up。 Unfortunately; Pedro had neither the patience nor the gentle touch required to be an animal handler; and one of the voles…the female…was crushed accidentally during a tongue…painting session。 Afraid for his job;
 Pedro Luz had told no one of the mishap。 To replace the deceased vole; he had purchased a dwarf hamster for nine dollars from a pet store in Perrine。 After minor modifications; the hamster had fooled both the customers and the male vole; which repeatedly attempted to mount its chubby new panion。 Not only had the hamster rejected
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