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ick over her shoulder。 A small brass plate announced the title of the work: 〃My Nineteenth Hole。〃
 It was unspeakably crude; even to two men who had spent most of their adult lives in redneck bars and minimum…security prisons。 Bud Schwartz gazed at the painting and said: 〃I'll bet it's the wife。〃
 〃No way;〃 said Danny Pogue。 He couldn't imagine being married to somebody who would do such a thing。
 As they moved cautiously through the house; Bud Schwartz couldn't help but notice there wasn't much worth stealing; even if they'd wanted to。 Oh; the stuff was expensive enough; but tacky as hell。 A Waterford armadillo…how could millionaires have such lousy taste?
 The burglars followed the sound of the television down a hallway toward a bedroom。 Bud Schwartz had never been so jittery。 What if the asshole has a gun? This had been Danny Pogue's question; and for once Bud Schwartz couldn't answer。 The asshole probably did have a gun; it was Miami; after all。 Probably something in a semi…automatic; a Mini…14 or a MAC…11。 Christ; there's a pleasant thought。 Ten; fifteen rounds a second。 Hardly time to piss in your pants。
 Danny Pogue's whiny breathing seemed to fill the hallway。 Bud Schwartz glared; held a finger to his lips。 The door to the bedroom was wide open; somebody was switching the channels on the television。 Momentously; Bud Schwartz smoothed his hair; Danny Pogue did the same。 Bud Schwartz nodded and motioned with an index finger; Danny Pogue gave a constipated nod in return。
 When they stepped into the room; they saw the blond woman from the golf painting。 She was lying naked on the bed; two peach…colored pillows were tucked under her head; and the remote control was propped on her golden belly。 At the sight of the burglars; the woman covered her chest。 Excitedly she tried to speak…no sounds emerged; though her jaws moved vigorously; as if she were chewing a wad of bubble gum。
 Inanely; Bud Schwartz said; 〃Don't be afraid。〃
 The woman forced out a low guttural cry that lasted several seconds。 She sounded like a wildcat in labor。
 〃Enough a that;〃 said Danny Pogue tensely。
 Suddenly a door opened and a porky man in powder…blue boxer shorts stepped out of the bathroom。 He was short and jowly; with skin like yellow lard。 Tattooed on his left forearm was a striking tableau: Minnie Mouse performing oral sex on Mickey Mouse。 At least that's what it looked like to Danny Pogue and Bud Schwartz; who couldn't help but stare。 Mickey was wearing his sorcerer's hat from Fantasia; and appeared to be whistling a happy tune。
 Danny Pogue said; 〃That'd make a great T…shirt。〃
 With fierce reddish eyes; the man in the boxer shorts studied the two intruders。
 〃Honey!〃 cried the woman on the bed。
 The man scowled impatiently。 〃Well; shit; get it over with。 Take; you know; whatever the hell。〃
 Bud Schwartz said; 〃We didn't mean to scare you; Mr。 Kingsbury。〃
 〃Don't fucking flatter yourself。 And; Penny; watch it with that goddamn thing!〃
 Still recumbent; the naked Mrs。 Kingsbury now was aiming a small chrome…plated pistol at Danny Pogue's midsection。
 〃I knew it;〃 muttered Bud Schwartz。 He hated the thought of getting shot twice in the same week; especially by women。 This one must've had it under the damn pillows; or maybe in the sheets。
 Danny Pogue's lips were quivering; as if he were about to cry。 He held out his arms beseechingly。
 Quickly Bud Schwartz said: 〃We're not here to rob you。 We're here to talk business。〃
 Kingsbury hooked his nubby thumbs into the elastic waistband of his underpants。 〃Make me laugh;〃 he said。 〃Break into my house like a couple of putzes。〃
 〃We're pros;〃 said Bud Schwartz。
 Kingsbury cackled; snapping the elastic。 〃Two hands; babe;〃 he reminded his wife。
 Danny Pogue said; 〃Bud; make her drop it!〃
 〃It's only a 。25;〃 said Kingsbury。 〃She's been out to the range…what?…a half…dozen times。 Got the nerves for it; apparently。〃
 Bud Schwartz tried to keep his voice level and calm。 He said to Kingsbury: 〃Your office got hit yesterday; right?〃
 〃As a matter of fact; yeah。〃
 〃You're missing some files。〃
 The naked Mrs。 Kingsbury said; 〃Frankie; you didn't tell me。〃 Her arms were impressively steady with the gun。
 Kingsbury took his hands out of his underwear and folded them in a superior way across his breasts; which were larger than those of a few women whom Danny Pogue had known。
 〃Not exactly the Brink's job;〃 Kingsbury remarked。
 〃Well; we got your damn files;〃 said Bud Schwartz。
 〃That was you? Bullshit。〃
 〃Maybe you need some proof。 Maybe you need to see some credit…card slips。〃
 Kingsbury hesitated。 〃Selling them back; is that the idea?〃
 Some genius businessman; thought Bud Schwartz。 The guy was a bum; a con。 You could tell right away。
 〃Tell your wife to drop the piece。〃
 〃Penny; you heard the man。〃
 〃And tell her to go lock herself in the John。〃
 The wife said; 〃Frankie; I don't like this。〃 Carefully she placed the gun on the nightstand next to a bottle of Lavoris mouthwash。 A tremor of relief passed through Danny Pogue; starting at the shoulders。 He hopped across the room and sat down on the corner of the bed。
 〃It's better if she's in the john;〃 Bud Schwartz said to Francis X。 Kingsbury。 〃Or maybe you don't care。〃
 Kingsbury gnawed his upper lip。 He was thinking about the files; and what was in them。
 His wife wrapped herself in a sheet。 〃Frank?〃
 〃Do what he said;〃 Kingsbury told her。 〃Take a magazine; something。 A book if you can find one。〃
 〃Fuck you;〃 said Penny Kingsbury。 On her way to the bathroom; she waved a copy of GQ in his face。
 〃At Doral is where I met her。 Selling golf shoes。〃
 〃How nice;〃 said Bud Schwartz。
 〃Fuzzy Zoeller; Tom Kite; I'm not kidding。 Penny's customers。〃 Kingsbury had put on a red bathrobe and turned up the television; in case his wife was at the door trying to eavesdrop。 Bud Schwartz lifted the handgun from the nightstand and slipped it into his pocket; the cold weight of the thing in his pants; so close to his privates; made him shudder。 God; how he hated guns。
 Kingsbury said; 〃The painting in the big room…you guys get a look at it?〃
 〃Yeah; boy;〃 answered Danny Pogue。
 〃We did that up on the Biltmore。 Number seven or ten; I can't remember。 Some par three。 Anyway; I had to lease the whole fucking course for a day; that's how long it took。 Must've been two hundred guys standing around; staring at her boobs。 Penny didn't mind; she's proud of 'em。〃
 〃And who wouldn't be;〃 said Bud Schwartz; tight as a knot。 〃Can we get to it; please? We got plenty to talk about。〃
 Francis X。 Kingsbury said; Tm trying to remember。 You got the Ramex Global file。 Jersey Premium。 What else?〃
 〃You know what else。〃
 Kingsbury nodded。 〃Start with the American Express。 Give me a number。〃
 Bud Schwartz sat down in a high…backed colonial chair。 From memory he gave Kingsbury an inventory: 〃We got a diamond tennis necklace in New York; earrings in Chicago。 Yeah; and an emerald stickpin in Nassau of all places; for like three grand。〃 He motioned to Danny Pogue; who hobbled over to Mrs。 Kingsbury's dresser and began to look through the boxes。
 Dispiritedly; Kingsbury said; 〃Forget it; you won't
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