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 Maria said; 〃The rumor is…〃
 〃We don't respond to rumors; Ms。 Rodriguez。〃 Now Chelsea was leaning forward; lecturing。 The boom mike followed him。 〃Would you like to hear about our newest attraction; or not?〃
 She smiled like a moray eel。 〃That's why we're here。〃
 Oh no it isn't; thought Chelsea; trying not to glare; trying not to perspire; trying not to look like the unvarnished shill he was。
 〃I brought a bathing suit;〃 Maria said; 〃as you suggested。〃
 〃Maybe we should wait for the others。〃
 〃I think we're it; Mr。 Chelsea。 I don't think any of the other stations are ing。〃
 〃Fine。〃 He tried not to sound disappointed。
 The cameraman stopped taping。 Chelsea dabbed his forehead in relief; he needed to collect himself; recover from the ambush。 Everybody wants to be Mike Wallace; he thought bitterly。 Everybody's a hardass。
 Maria picked up a tote bag and asked directions to the lady's room。 When she returned; she was wearing a tight melon…colored tonga that required continual adjustment。 At the sight of her; Charles Chelsea inadvertently licked the corners of his mouth。 It wasn't so bad after all; ing to work on a Sunday。
 〃Should I get in?〃 Maria asked。
 〃Sure。〃 Chelsea signaled across the pool to a young man dressed in khaki shorts。 This was one of the trainers。
 Maria slipped into the whale pool; dipped her head underwater; and smoothed her hair straight back。 The tape was rolling again。
 Eyes twinkling; she smiled up at the camera。 The guy with the boom mike leaned over the wall of the tank to capture her words。
 〃Hi; this is Maria Rodriguez。 Today we're visiting the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills in North Key Largo。 As you can see; it's a gorgeous summer day…〃
 Chelsea was thinking: Good girl; stick to the fluff。
 〃…and we're about to meet the newest star of the Kingdom's outdoor marine show。 His name is Dickie the Dolphin。。。cut! Hold it; Jimmy。〃
 The cameraman stopped the tape。 Bobbing in the whale pool; Maria groped beneath the surface; frowned and spun away。 Chelsea could see that she was struggling to realign the bathing suit。
 〃Damn thing's riding up my crack。〃
 〃Take your time;〃 said the cameraman。 〃We got plenty of light。〃
 Moments later; Maria was ready again; fresh; sleek; languid。 She splashed herself lightly in the face so that droplets glistened in her eyelashes; Charles Chelsea was transfixed。
 〃Hi; this is Maria Rodriguez reporting from the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills in North Key Largo。 As you can see; it's a gorgeous summer day in South Florida…perfect for a swim with the newest star of the Amazing Kingdom's marine show。 His name is Dickie the Dolphin and; starting tomorrow; you can swim with him; too!〃
 Chelsea cued the trainer; who pulled the pin on the gate to the whale pool。 Pushing a V…shaped wake; the dolphin charged from the holding tank and sounded。
 The TV reporter continued: 〃It's the latest concept in marine theme parks…customer participation。 Instead of sitting in the bleachers and watching these remarkable mammals do tricks; you can actually get in the water and play with them。 It costs a little more; but…believe me…it's worth it。〃
 A few yards behind her; Dickie the Dolphin rolled; blowing air noisily。 Maria kept her poise; glancing over one shoulder with a breezy; affectionate smile。 Chelsea was impressed; she had the whole script memorized。
 Turning back to the camera; Maria said: 〃To be in the water with these gentle; intelligent creatures is an experience you'll never forget。 Scientists say the dolphin's brain is actually larger than ours; and much of their plex social behavior remains a mystery。。。。〃
 Dickie the Dolphin surfaced lazily near Maria; who grabbed its dorsal fin with both hands。 Chelsea stood up quickly and waved a warning; but it was too late。 The dolphin carried the TV reporter across the top of the water; she closed her eyes and squealed with childlike excitement。
 〃Great fucking video;〃 remarked Jimmy the cameraman; panning expertly with the action。
 The boom man said; 〃She's getting out of range。〃
 Charles Chelsea cupped his hands and shouted。 〃Let go! No rides allowed!〃
 Maria couldn't hear a word。 She was holding her breath underwater while the dolphin imitated a torpedo。 Every few seconds her long brown legs would slice the surface as she was dragged along; like the tail of a kite。 Chelsea bit his lip and watched in queasy silence。 Finally Maria splashed to the surface…and she was laughing; thank God! She thought it was all in fun; and maybe it was。
 The sound man scurried along the rim of the tank and repositioned the boom。 Giggling; short of breath; Maria's eyes found the camera。 She said; 〃Folks; this is unbelievable。 Bring the family; you're gonna love it!〃 Dickie the Dolphin appeared at her side; and she stroked its sleek flank。 Wondrously; it seemed to nuzzle her bosom with its snout。
 〃He's so adorable〃 Maria exclaimed。
 From the feeding platform on the side of the tank; the trainer called out; 〃Hey; be careful!〃 Then he started peeling off his khakis。
 〃Such friendly animals;〃 Maria was saying。 〃Notice how they always look like they're smiling!〃
 Dickie the Dolphin slapped its tail on the surface and pushed even closer。 Maria threw both arms around the slippery mammal; which obligingly rolled on its back。
 Chelsea saw the trainer dive in。 He saw Maria's expression change from tenderness to awe。 Then he saw the dolphin hook her with its flippers and drag her down。
 When she broke to the top; Maria's giggle had bee a low fearful moan。 As the dolphin's dark form appeared beneath her; she seemed to rise from the water。 Then; just as slowly; the creature drew her under。
 The cameraman muttered that he was running out of tape。 A voice behind him said: 〃You'll miss the best part。〃
 It was Joe Winder。 He stood next to Charles Chelsea; who was clutching the rail with knuckles as pink as shrimp。 In the water; the trainer was trying without much success to separate the dolphin from the TV reporter。
 Chelsea said to Winder: 〃Maybe it's a new trick…〃
 〃It's no trick。 He's trying to boink her。〃
 〃That's not funny; Joe。〃
 Winder pointed。 〃What do you think that is? See?〃
 〃I…I don't know。〃
 〃It's a dolphin shlong; Charlie。 One of Nature's marvels。〃
 Chelsea began to stammer。
 〃They get in moods;〃 Joe explained。 〃Same as dogs。〃
 〃My God。〃
 〃Don't worry; Charlie; it'll pass。〃
 With the trainer's help; Maria Rodriguez finally broke free from Dickie the Dolphin's embrace。 Cursing; tugging at her tonga; she paddled furiously toward the ladder on the wall of the tank。
 〃Faster!〃 Charles Chelsea hollered。 〃Here he es again!〃
 Two hours later; he was still trying to apologize without admitting the truth。 〃Sometimes they play too rough; that's all。〃
 〃Playing?〃 Maria sniffed sarcastically。 〃Excuse me; Mr。 Chelsea; but I know a dick when I see one。〃 She had changed back to TV clothes; although her hair was still wrapped in a towel。 〃I ought to sue your ass;〃 she said。
 They were sitting in Chelsea's office…the reporter; Charles Chelsea; and Joe Winder。 The crew had returned to the truck to put the dish up; just in case。
 〃e on;〃 Winder said to Maria; 〃be a sport。〃
 〃What?〃 She gave him a
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