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 〃You know; I've won the PGA three times;〃 said Jake Harp; 〃and finished third in the Masters twice。 But I can honestly say that I was never so honored as when y'all selected me as the touring pro for beautiful Falcon Trace。〃
 A voice piped up near the stage: 〃You rot in hell!〃
 A strong impassioned voice…a woman。 The crowd murmured unfortably。 Jake Harp nervously cleared his throat; a tubercular grunt into the microphone。
 Again the woman's voice rose: 〃We don't need another damn golf course。 Why don't you go back to Palm Springs with the rest of the gangsters!〃
 Now she was standing。 Joe Winder craned to get a good look。
 The famous golfer tried to make a joke。 Painfully he said; 〃I guess we got ourselves a golf widow in the audience。〃
 〃No;〃 the woman called back; 〃a real widow。〃
 On stage; Jake Harp bent over and whispered something to the mayor; who was smoking fiercely。 Someone signaled to the conductor of the high…school band; which adroitly struck up a Michael Jackson dance number。 Meanwhile three uniformed sheriff's deputies materialized and edged toward the rude protester。 The woman stood up; shook a fist above the silvery puff that was her head and said something that Joe Winder couldn't quite hear; except for the word 〃bastard。〃
 Then she put on a floppy pink Easter bonnet and permitted herself to be arrested。
 Well; hello; thought Winder。 The lady from the Wildlife Rescue Corps; the one who'd slipped him the note at the Amazing Kingdom。
 Joe Winder watched the deputies lead the old woman away。 He wanted to follow and ask what in the hell was going on; but she was quickly deposited in the back of a squad car; which sped off toward Key Largo。 As Jake Harp resumed his speech; Winder got up and walked past the stage toward the ocean。 In a few minutes he found the familiar stretch of shoreline where he usually searched for bonefish; but the water was too milky to see over the tops of his own sneakers。 As he waded into the flats; he could hear the high…school band begin to play 〃The Star Spangled Banner;〃 signaling the climax of the groundbreaking ceremony。
 As he slid his feet across the rocks and sea grass; Joe Winder started false…casting his fly; stripping out the line as he moved forward。 The water was murky; roiled; just a mess。 There would be no fish here; Winder knew; but still he drove the meat of the line seventy feet hard into the wind; and watched the tiny plop of the fly when it landed。
 Joe Winder fished in manic motion because he knew time was running out。 Before long; this fine little bay would be a stagnant ruin and the only fish worth catching would be gone; spooked by jet skis; sail…boarders; motorboats and plumes of rank sewage blossoming from submerged drainage pipes。
 Wele to Falcon Trace。
 He took another step and felt something seize his right ankle。 When he tried to pull free; he lost his balance and fell down noisily in the water。 He landed on his ass but quickly rolled to his knees; careful to hold the expensive Seamaster fly reel high and dry。 Irritably Winder groped beneath the surface for the thing that had tripped him。
 His fingers closed around the slick branch of a freshly cut tree。 He lifted it out of the water; examined it; then let it drop again。 A red mangrove; bulldozed; ripped out by the roots and dumped on the flats。 Illegal as hell; but who besides the fish would ever know?
 Joe Winder knelt in the shallows and thought about what to do next。 Back on the soon…to…be…sixteenth hole; the band played on。 After a while; the music stopped and voices could be heard; collegial chamber…of…merce good…old…boy voices; dissipating in the afternoon breeze。 Not long afterward came the sounds of luxury cars being started。
 Eventually the place got quiet; and Joe Winder knew he was alone again in his favorite fishing spot。 He stayed on his knees in the water until the sun went down。
 In the evening he drove out to the Card Sound Bridge and parked。 He got a flashlight from the trunk and began to walk along the road; keeping close to the fringe of the trees and playing the light along the ground。 Soon he found the place where he had been beaten by the two goons; Angel and Spearmint Breath。 Here Joe Winder slowed his pace and forced himself to concentrate。
 He knew what he was looking for: a trail。
 He'd spent most of his childhood outdoors; cutting paths to secret hideaways in the hammocks; glades and swamps。 At a young age he had bee an expert woodsman; a master of disappearing into impenetrable pockets where no one else wanted to go。 Every time his father bought a new piece of property; Joe Winder set out to explore each acre。 If there was a big pine; he would climb it; if there was a lake or a creek; he'd fish it。 If there was a bobcat; he'd track it; a snake; he'd catch it。
 He would pursue these solitary adventures relentlessly until the inevitable day when the heavy machinery appeared; and the guys in the hard hats would tell him to beat it; not knowing he was the boss's kid。
 On those nights; lying in his bed at home; he would wait for his mother to e in and console him。 Often she would suggest a new place for his expeditions; a mossy parcel off Old Cutler Road; or twenty acres in the Gables; right on the bay。 Pieces his father's pany had bought; or was buying; or was considering。
 Raw; tangled; hushed; pungent with animals; buzzing with insects; glistening with extravagant webs; pulsing; rustling and doomed。 And always the portal to these mysterious places was a trail。
 Which is what Winder needed on this night。
 Soon he found it: an ancient path of scavengers; flattened by raccoons and opossums but widened recently by something much larger。 As Winder slipped into the woods; he felt ten years old again。 He followed the trail methodically but not too fast; though his heart was pounding absurdly in his ears。 He tried to travel quietly; meticulously ducking boughs and stepping over rotted branches。 Every thirty or so steps; he would turn off the flashlight; hold his breath and wait。 Before long; he could no longer hear the cars passing on Card Sound Road。 He was so deep in the wetlands that a shout or a scream would be swallowed at once; eternally。
 He walked for fifteen minutes before he came upon the remains of a small campfire。 Joe Winder knelt and sniffed at the half…burned wood; somebody had doused it with coffee。 He poked at the acrid remains of something wild that had been cooked in a small rusty pan。 He swung the flashlight in a semicircle and spotted a dirty cooler; some lobster traps and a large cardboard box with the letters 〃EDTIAR〃 stamped on the side。 On the ground; crumpled into a bright pile; was a fluorescent orange rainsuit。 Winder unfolded it; held it up to gauge the size。 Then he put it back the way he found it。
 Behind him; a branch snapped and a voice said; 〃How do you like the new pants?〃
 Winder wheeled around and pointed the flashlight as if it were a pistol。
 The man was eating…and there was no mistaking it…a fried snake on a stick。
 〃Cottonmouth;〃 he said; crunching off a piece。 〃Want some?〃
 〃No thanks。〃
 〃Then we've got nothing to talk about。〃
 Joe Winder politely took a bite of snake。 〃Like chicken;
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