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 Joe Winder spotted the acne…speckled face of Pedro Luz; peering suspiciously from behind a Snappy…the…Troll photo gazebo; where tourists were lined up to buy Japanese film and cameras。 Pedro Luz was again sucking on the business end of an intravenous tube; the tube snaked up to a bottle that hung from a movable metal sling。 Whenever Pedro Luz took a step; the IV rig would roll after him。 The liquid dripping from the bottle was the color of weak chicken soup。
 Joe Winder said to Nina: 〃My attitude is not a factor。〃
 〃Joe; you sound。。。〃
 〃Different。 You sound different。〃
 〃Charlie made me lie in the press release。〃
 〃And this es as a shock? Joe; it's a whole different business from before。 We talked about this at length when you took the job。〃
 〃I can fudge the attendance figures and not lose a minute of sleep。 Covering up a murder is something else。〃
 On Nina's end he heard the rustling of paper。 〃I want to read you something;〃 she said。
 〃Not now; please。〃
 〃Joe; it's the best thing I've ever done。〃
 Winder glanced over toward the Snappy photo gazebo; but Pedro Luz had slipped out of sight。
 Nina began to read: 
 Last night I dreamed I fell asleep on a diving board; the highest one; fifty meters。 It was a hot steamy day; so I took my top off and lay down。 I was so high up that no one but the sea gulls could see me。 The sun felt wonderful。 I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep…
 〃Not 'meters;' 〃 Winder cut in。 〃 'Meters' is not a sexy word。〃
 Nina kept going: 
 When I awoke; you were standing over me; naked and brown from the sun。 I tried to move but I couldn't…you had used the top of my bikini to tie my hands to the board。 I was helpless; yet afraid to struggle。。。we were up so high。 But then you knelt between my legs and told me not to worry。 Before long; I forgot where we were。。。。
 〃Not bad。〃 Joe Winder tried to sound encouraging; but the thought of trying to have sex on a high diving board made his stomach pitch。
 Nina said: 〃I want to leave something to the imagination。 Not like Miriam; she's unbelievable。 I took chew in my mouth and sock like a typhoon。〃
 Winder conceded that this was truly dreadful。
 〃I've got to listen to that pulp all night long;〃 Nina said。 〃While she's clipping her toenails!〃
 〃And I thought I had problems。〃
 She said; 〃Was that sarcasm? Because if it was…〃
 The telephone receiver was getting heavy in Joe Winder's hand。 He wedged it in the crook of his shoulder and said; 〃Can I tell you what I was thinking just now? I was thinking about the gastric secretions inside a killer whale's stomach。 I was thinking how unbelievably powerful the digestive juices must be in order for a whale to be able to eat swordfish beaks and seal bones and giant squid gizzards and the like。〃
 In a flat voice; Nina said; 〃I have to go now; Joe。 You're getting morbid again。〃
 〃I guess I am。〃
 The click on the other end seemed an appropriate punctuation。
 On the way home he decided to stop and try some bonefishing at his secret spot。 He turned off County Road 905 and came to the familiar gravel path that led through the hardwoods to the mangrove shore。
 Except the woods were gone。 The buttonwoods; the mahogany; the gumbo…limbos…all obliterated。 So were the mangroves。
 Joe Winder got out of his car and stared。 The hammock had been flattened; he could see all the way to the water。 It looked as if a twenty…megaton bomb had gone off。 Bulldozers had piled the dead trees in mountainous tangles at each corner of the property。
 Several hundred yards from Joe Winder's car; in the center of what was now a vast tundra of scrabbled dirt; a plywood stage had been erected。 The stage was filled with men and women; all dressed up in the dead of summer。 A small crowd sat in folding chairs laid out in rows in front of the stage。 Joe Winder could hear the brassy strains of 〃America the Beautiful〃 being played by a high…school band; its lone tuba glinting in the afternoon sun。 The song was followed by uneven applause。 Then a man stood up at a microphone and began to speak; but Joe Winder was too far away to hear what was being said。
 In a daze; Winder kicked out of his trousers and changed into his cutoffs。 He got his fly rod out of the trunk of the car and assembled it。 To the end of the monofilament leader he attached a small brown epoxy fly that was intended to resemble a crustacean。 The tail of the fly was made from deer hair; Winder examined it to make sure it was bushy enough to attract fish。
 Then he tucked the fly rod under his left arm; put on his Polaroid sunglasses and marched across the freshly flattened field toward the stage。 Absolutely nothing of logic went through his mind。
 The man at the microphone turned out to be the mayor of Monroe County; Florida。 It was largely a ceremonial title that was passed in odd…numbered years from one county missioner to another; a tradition interrupted only by death or indictment。 The current mayor was a pact fellow with silvery hair; olive skin and the lean fissured face of a chain…smoker。
 〃This is a grand day for the Florida Keys;〃 the mayor was saying。 〃Nine months from today; this will be a gorgeous fairway。〃 A burst of masculine clapping。 〃The sixteenth fairway; if I'm not mistaken。 A four…hundred…and…twenty…yard par…four dogleg toward the ocean。 Is that about right; Jake?〃
 A heavyset man sitting behind the mayor grinned enormously in acknowledgment。 He had squinty eyes and a face as brown as burned walnut。 He waved at the audience; the hearty and well…practiced wave of a sports celebrity。 Joe Winder recognized the squinty…eyed man as Jake Harp; the famous professional golfer。 He looked indefensibly ridiculous in a bright lemon blazer; brown beltless slacks; shiny white loafers and no socks。
 At the microphone; the mayor was going on about the championship golf course; the lighted tennis courts; the his…and…her spas; the posh clubhouse with its ocean view and; of course; the exclusive luxury waterfront homesites。 The mayor was effervescent in his presentation; and the small overdressed audience seemed to share his enthusiasm。 The new development was to be called Falcon Trace。
 〃And the first phase;〃 said the mayor; 〃is already sold out。 We're talking two hundred and two units!〃
 Joe Winder found an empty chair and sat down。 He propped the fly rod in his lap so that it rose like a nine…foot CB antenna out of his crotch。 He wondered why he hadn't heard about this project; considering that the property abutted the southern boundary of the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills。 He didn't remember seeing anything in the newspapers about a new country club。 He felt a homicidal churning in his belly。
 Not again; he thought。 Not again; not again; not again。
 The mayor introduced Jake Harp…〃one of the greatest cross…handed putters of all time〃…and the audience actually rose to its feet and cheered。
 Jake Harp stood at the podium and waved ebulliently。 Waved and waved; as if he were the bloody pope。
 〃Wele to Falcon Trace;〃 he began; reading off an index card。 〃Wele to my new home。〃
 More clapping as everyone settled back in their chairs。
 〃You know; I've won the PGA three times;〃 said Jake Harp; 〃and finished th
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