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alership in Homestead。 The tent was brilliantly striped and decorated with the legend 〃SOUTH FLORIDA TOYOTA…THON。〃 A dozen or so electric fans had been requisitioned to circulate the air; which had grown heavy with the tang of dead whale。 The staff veterinarian; a man named Kukor; was up to his knees in Orky's abdomen when Joe Winder arrived。
 〃Joe; thank God;〃 said Chelsea; with an air of grave urgency。 He led Winder to a corner and said; 〃Mr。 X is here; to give you some idea。〃
 〃Some idea of what?〃
 〃Of how serious this is。〃
 Joe Winder said; 〃Charlie; I don't mean to be disrespectful but I'm not sure why I'm needed。〃 Over his shoulder; he heard somebody crank up a chain saw。
 〃Joey; think! First the damn mango voles and now Orky。 It's gonna look like we're neglecting the wildlife。 And this whole killer…whale thing; it's gotten very controversial。 There was a piece in Newsweek three weeks ago。〃 Charles Chelsea was sweating extravagantly; and Winder assumed it had something to do with the presence of Francis X。 Kingsbury。
 Chelsea went on; 〃I know it's unpleasant; Joe; but you can leave as soon as Doc Kukor gives us a cause of death。〃
 Joe Winder nodded。 〃How many words?〃
 〃Three hundred。 And I need it for the early news。〃
 〃Fine; Charlie。 Later you and I need to talk。〃
 Chelsea was peering through the flaps in the tent; making sure that no gawkers had sneaked past the security men。
 〃Listen to me;〃 Joe Winder said。 〃There's some big trouble in this park。 I got the shit kicked out of me last night because of it。〃
 For the first time Chelsea noticed the battered condition of Joe Winder's face。 He said; 〃What the hell happened? No; wait; not now。 Not with Mr。 X around。 We'll chat later; I promise。〃
 Winder grabbed his elbow。 〃I need to know everything about the dead man at the bridge。〃
 Chelsea shook free and said; 〃Later; Joe; for heaven's sake。 Let's tackle the crisis at hand; shall we?〃
 Together they returned to the autopsy。 Instead of concentrating on Orky's entrails; Joe Winder scanned the small group of official observers: a state wildlife officer; taking notes; the tow…truck drivers who had hauled the whale corpse to the tent; three of Uncle Ely's Elves; apparently recruited as extra manpower; and Francis X。 Kingsbury himself; mouthing obscenities over the gruesome ceremony。
 Nervously Chelsea directed Joe Winder to Kingsbury's side and introduced him。 〃This is the fellow I told you about;〃 said the PR man。。 〃Our ace in the hole。〃
 Kingsbury chuckled darkly。 〃Blame us for this? Some fucking fish croaks; how can they blame us?〃
 Joe Winder shrugged。 〃Why not?〃 he said。
 Cutting in quickly; Chelsea said: 〃Don't worry; sir; it'll die down。 It's just the crazy pro…animal types; that's all。〃 He planted a moist hand on Winder's shoulder。 〃Joe's got the perfect touch for this。〃
 〃Hope so;〃 said Francis X。 Kingsbury。 〃Meanwhile; the stink; holy Christ! Don't we have some Glade。 I mean; this is fucking rank。〃
 〃Right away;〃 said Chelsea; dashing off in search of air freshener。
 Kingsbury gestured at the billowing tent; the murmuring onlookers; the husk of deceased behemoth。 〃You believe this shit?〃 he said to Joe Winder。 〃I'm a goddamn real…estate man is all。 I don't know from animals。〃
 〃It's a tricky business;〃 Winder agreed。
 〃Who'd believe it; I mean; looking at this thing。〃
 It was quite a strange scene; Joe Winder had to admit。 〃I'm sure they can find a new whale for the show。〃
 〃This time mechanical;〃 Kingsbury said; jabbing a finger at Orky's lifeless form。 〃No more real ones。 puterized; that'd be the way to go。 That's how Disney would handle it; eh?〃
 〃Either that or a hologram;〃 said Joe Winder with a wink。 〃Think of all the money you'd save on whale food。〃
 Just then Dr。 Kukor; the veterinarian; tripped on something and fell down inside Orky's closet…sized stomach cavity。 Two of Uncle Ely's Elves bravely charged forward to help; hoisting the doctor to his feet。
 〃Oh my;〃 Kukor said; pointing。 The elves ran away frantically; their huge curly…toed shoes slapping noisily on the blood…slickened asphalt。
 〃What?〃 barked Francis X。 Kingsbury。 〃What is it?〃
 〃I don't believe this;〃 said the veterinarian。
 Kingsbury stepped forward to see for himself and Joe Winder followed; though he was sorry he did。
 〃Call somebody;〃 wheezed Dr。 Kukor。
 〃Looks like a human;〃 Kingsbury remarked。 He turned to stare at Winder because Winder was clinging to his arm。 〃Don't puke on me or you're fired;〃 said Kingsbury。
 Joe Winder was trying not to pass out。 The corpse wasn't in perfect condition; but you could tell who it was。
 A wan and shaky Dr。 Kukor stepped out of Orky's excavated carcass。 〃Asphyxiation;〃 he declared numbly。 〃The whale choked to death。〃
 〃Well; damn;〃 said Francis X。 Kingsbury。
 Joe Winder thought: Choked to death on Will Koocher。 Koocher; in a mint…green golf shirt。
 〃Somebody call somebody;〃 Kukor said。 〃This is way out of my field。〃
 Winder reeled away from the scene。 In a croaky voice he said; 〃That's the worst thing I ever saw。〃
 〃You?〃 Kingsbury laughed harshly。 Three fucking tons of whale meat; talk about a nightmare。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Joe Winder said; gasping for fresh air。
 〃I'm thinking South Korea or maybe the Sudan;〃 Kingsbury was saying。 〃Stamp it 'Tuna;' who the hell would ever know? Those little fuckers are starving。〃
 〃What?〃 said Winder。 〃What did you say?〃
 〃Providing I can get some goddamn ice; pronto。〃
 Charles Chelsea decreed that there should be no mention of Dr。 Will Koocher in the press release。 〃Stick to Orky;〃 he advised Joe Winder。 〃Three hundred words max。〃
 〃You're asking me to lie。〃
 〃No; I'm asking you to omit a few superfluous details。 The whale died suddenly overnight; scientists are investigating; blah; blah; blah。 Oh; and be sure to include a line that Mr。 Francis X。 Kingsbury is shocked and saddened。〃 Chelsea paused; put a finger to his chin。 〃Scratch the 'shocked;' he said。 〃 'Saddened' is plenty。 〃Shocked〃 makes it sound like something; I don't know; something…〃
 〃Out of the ordinary?〃 said Joe Winder。
 〃Right。 Exactly。〃
 〃Charlie; you are one sorry bucket of puss。〃
 Chelsea steepled his hands on his chest。 Then he unfolded them。 Then he folded them once more and said; 〃Joe; this is a question of privacy; not censorship。 Until Dr。 Koocher's wife is officially notified; the least we can do is spare her the agony of hearing about it on the evening news。〃
 For a moment; Winder saw two Charles Chelseas instead of one。 Somewhere in the cacophonous gearbox of his brain; he heard the hiss of a petcock; blowing off steam。 〃Charlie;〃 he said blankly; 〃the man was eaten by a fucking thirty…foot leviathan。 This isn't going to remain our little secret very long。〃
 Chelsea's brow wrinkled。 〃Eventually; yes; I suppose we'll have to make some sort of public statement。 Seeing as it was our whale。〃
 Joe Winder leaned forward on one elbow。 〃Charlie; I'm going to be honest。〃
 〃I appreciate that。〃
 〃Very soon I intend to kick the living shit out of you。〃
 Chelsea stiffened。 He shifted in his chair。 〃I don't know what to make of a remark like that。〃
 Joe Winder imagined his eyeballs pulsati
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