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 operas before miraculously landing the part of Big Daddy in a Scranton dinner…theater production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof。 A freelance critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer described Strickland's performance as 〃gutsy and brooding。〃
 Several weeks after fire swept through Francis X。 Kingsbury's theme park; a piano…sized crate from Auckland; New Zealand; was discovered outside the padlocked gate。 No one was certain how long the crate had been there; but it was empty by the time a security guard found it; whatever was inside had clawed its way out。 Soon residents of the nearby Ocean Reef Club began reporting the disappearance of pet cats and small dogs at a rate of two per week…a mystery that remains unsolved。 Meanwhile; Kingsbury's estate received a handwritten invoice from a person calling herself RACHEL LARK。 The bill; excluding shipping; amounted to 3;755 for 〃miscellaneous wildlife。〃
 The widow of DR。 WILL KOOCHER hired a Miami lawyer and filed a wrongful…death action against the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills; Ramex Global Trust; N。A。 and Bermuda Intercontinental Services; Inc。 The insurance panies hastily settled the lawsuit out of court for approximately 2。8 million。 The gutted ruins of the Amazing Kingdom were razed; and the land was replanted with native trees; including buttonwoods; pigeon plums; torchwoods; brittle palms; tamarinds; gumbo…limbos and mangroves。 This restoration was acplished in spite of rigid opposition from the Monroe County mission; which had hoped to use the property as a public dump。
 The surviving owners of the FALCON TRACE golf resort sold all construction permits and building rights to a consortium of Japanese investors who had never set foot in South Florida。 However; the project stalled once again when environmentalists surveying the Key Largo site reported the presence of at least two blue…tongued mango voles; previously thought to be extinct。 According to an unsigned press release faxed to all major newspapers and wire services; the tiny mammals were spotted at Falcon Trace during a nature hike by MOLLY MCNAMARA and the Mothers of Wilderness; who immediately reported the sighting to the U。S。 Department of Interior。
 Eventually the Falcon Trace and Amazing Kingdom properties were purchased from bankruptcy by the state of Florida; and became part of a preserve on NORTH KEY LARGO。 In the spring of 1991; a National Geographic photographer set out to capture on film the last surviving pair of blue…tongued mango voles。 After two months in the woods; the photographer contracted mosquito…borne encephalitis and was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital; where he spent three weeks on clear fluids。 He never got a glimpse of the shy and nocturnal creatures; although he returned to New York with a cellophane packet of suspect rodent droppings and a pledge to keep searching。
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