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  〃Thank you。 Thank you very much; Frank Mansfield。 I'll accept your gift。 When I get home; I'll preserve it in a jar of alcohol。 I might even work out some kind of ritual; to remind myself what a damned fool I've been。〃
  Her emerald eyes burned into mine for a moment。
  〃My brother's been right about you all along; but I had to drive up here to find out for myself。 You're everything he said you were; Frank Mansfield。 A mean; selfish sonofabitch!〃
  Turning abruptly; she headed toward the rows of parked cars。 After only a few steps; she broke into a wobbling; feminine run。 I don't know how long I stood there; looking after her retreating figure; even after she had passed from sight。 A minute; two minutes; I don't know。
  A voice blared over the outside speakers of the PA system: 〃MR。 ROY WHIPPLE AND MR。 FRANK MANSFIELD。 REPORT TO THE JUDGE'S BOX; PLEASE!〃 The announcement was repeated twice; and I heard it; but I didn't pay any attention to the amplified voice。 I was immobilized by thought。 I've grown up; I reflected。 After thirty…three years; I was a mature individual。 I had never needed Mary Elizabeth; and she had never needed me。 Finally; it was all over between us…whatever it was we thought we had。 My last tie with the past and Mansfield; Georgia; was broken。 From now on I could look toward the future; and it had never been any brighter… He must have made some noise; but I didn't hear Omar's feet crunching on the gravel until he grabbed my arm。
  〃For God's sake; Frank;〃 Omar said excitedly。 〃What the hell are you standing out here for? Senator Foxhall's awarding you the Cockfighter of the Year award! Let's go inside; man! As your partner; I'm entitled to a little reflected glory; you know。〃
  Now that he had my attention; he smiled broadly; his white teeth gleaming through his black moustache。 〃Of course;〃 he shrugged; 〃Old Man Whipple won the tourney; but what do we care? Thanks to Icky's victory; we're loaded!〃 He patted his bulging jacket pockets。 〃We've got so damned much money; I'm almost afraid to count it。〃
  Smiling; I gestured for him to go on ahead of me。 Omar turned toward the entrance and trotted down the short hallway to the pit。
  When I reached the doorway; I paused。 After the barbecue was over; I would ask Bernice to go to Puerto Rico with me for a month or so。 If it got dull in Puerto Rico; we could swing on down to Caracas; and I might be able to pick up some Spanish Aces for next season。 Omar could put our proven birds out on their Alabama walks without any assistance from me。 And then; if I returned from South America by the middle of April; I would be back in plenty of time to start working with the spring stags。
  Across the pit; standing behind the referee's table in front of the judge's box; the two greatest game fowl men in the world were waiting for me。 Senator Foxhall and Ed Middleton。 To the left of the table; Peach Owen was holding the leather box that contained my award。
  Well; they could wait a little longer。
  As I neared her seat in the front row; Bernice smiled and said; 〃Congratulations; Frank!〃
  〃Thanks;〃 I replied。
  〃Oh!〃 she said; her eyes widening with astonishment。 〃You…you've got your voice back!〃
  〃Yeah;〃 I said; grinning at her expression; 〃and you'll probably wish I hadn't。〃
  〃I…I don't know what you mean。〃
  〃You'll find out that I'm quite a talker; Bernice; once I get wound up。 How'd you like to go to Puerto Rico for a few weeks?〃
  〃Right now;〃 she said; 〃I'm so confused that the only answer I can think of on the spur of the moment is 'Yes:〃
  I laughed and turned away; joy burbling out of my throat。 How good to talk again; to laugh again!
  I jerked my jacket down in back and pushed my white hat back on my head at a careless angle。 Then; squaring my shoulders; I crossed the empty pit to get my goddamned medal。


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