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Omar gave him a five as well。 The boy was so astonished by the size of the two gratuities; he returned to our room in less than three minutes with four additional bath towels; a bowlful of ice cubes and a pitcher of orange juice。
  Omar glanced critically around the。 room and eyed the cut…glass chandelier in the high ceiling。 〃I'll say this much; Frank;〃 Omar said; 〃the rag rug on the floor isn't made of rags; the furniture wasn't made in Grand Rapids; and that calendar on the wall above my bed wasn't placed there by any Baptist。〃
  I opened my suitcase on my bed and urpacked; putting my extra black button…down shirts and white socks into the high walnut dresser between our beds。 Omar pushed open the double French windows and looked out; his hands clasped behind his back。
  〃There's a good view of the cockpit from here; Frank;〃 he said。 〃The dome has turned rose in the afternoon sun。 Take a look at it。〃
  I joined him at the window。 A half mile away; the dome was pink on one side; and on the other side; away from the sun; the shadows were a dark purple。 The twenty separated concrete cockhouses formed a U on the southern side of the circular pit。 The Atlanta architect who had built the cockpit had settled for concrete blocks; but had incorporated many of the features of the Royal Cockpit at Whitehall Palace into the structure。 The long narrow windows; recessed deeply into the walls; were traditional; but they didn't let in enough light。 The five strong electric lights over the pit had to be turned on for both day and night fighting。
  The square squat ugly restaurant; with a white asbestos tile roof; had been added ten years after the cockpit had been finished and was connected to the pit by a screened…in breezeway。 The restaurant was entirely out of keeping with the general design; and I had always thought it a pity that it hadn't been built in the first place by the original architect。
  The interior of the two…story pit held circular tiers rising steeply to the rim of the dome; and seated four hundred people。 The judge's box was to the right of the connecting hall to the drag pit; and the press box was directly above this exit。 Including the new doorway that had been cut through the wall leading to the restaurant; there were five arched doorways to the pit。
  I finished my unpacking; and slipped on my jacket again in preparation to go out。 Omar turned away from the windows; and poured a glass of orange juice。
  〃I want to tell you something; Frank。〃 The husky tone of his voice stopped me before I reached the door。 〃Whether we win the tourney or not; I want you to know that I'll always be grateful to you for getting me this far。 This is truly the greatest experience of my life。〃
  He said this so warmly that I hit him fondly on the arm with my fist。 I was tempted to tell my partner about my vow of silence; but this wasn't the time to tell him。 If he knew that my voice was riding on the prospect of being awarded the Cockfighter of the Year award; he would have gotten more nervous about the oute than he was already。
  〃Well;〃 he said cheerfully; clearing his throat; 〃isn't it about time to take a look at those fancy chickens?〃
  I wagged my chin and pointed to his chest。 I couldn't go with him; but I knew he would enjoy seeing them。 Senator Foxhall had one of the finest collections of fancy game fowl in the world。 He had turned fancier; after getting too old to fight chickens in the pit。 He raised purebred Gallus Bankivas; the original wild jungle fowl from which all game fowl are descended; Javanese cocks; with tails ten feet long; miniature bantams from Japan…beautiful little creatures not much larger than quail…and many other exotic breeds。 If Mary Elizabeth came to the meet; I intended to show them to her。 But I couldn't go with Ed and Omar right then。 I had to drive into Milledgevifie。
  I had wired the Sealbach Hotel and reserved four rooms; but with the crowd of visitors expected the next day I knew the manager wouldn't hold them for me unless I paid for them in advance。 I wrote a short note for Omar; telling him where I was going and why。
  〃if you want me to; I'll go with you。〃
  I shook my head。
  〃Okay。 But rest easy about your guests; Frank。 I'll see that they're well taken care of; don't worry。 Didn't I ever tell you that I was once a vice…president in charge of public relations?〃
  I waved a hand in his direction; and drove into town。
  By seven thirty that evening all the official entries had signed in; and the great downstairs hall was crowded as we waited for Senator Foxhall to e downstairs to lead the way into the dining room。 On time; the old man came down the wide stairs; clutching his housekeeper's arm tightly for support。 A slight; spare man; not much taller than a fifteen…year…old boy; he stifi managed to hold himself rigidly erect。 In his old…fashioned; broad…lapeled dinner jacket and white piqué vest; he had an almost regal appearance。 His pale blue eyes; deeply recessed now in his old age; were stifi alert and friendly behind his gold…rimmed glasses as he passed through the crowd。 Somehow; he had preserved his hair; and his ivory mane was bed straight back from his high forehead in a well…groomed pompadour。
  Ed Middleton; my partner and I were standing together。 When the senator reached us; Ed introduced the old man to Omar。
  〃Oh; yes。 Baradinsky? You're a Russian; aren't you?〃
  〃No; sir;〃 Omar replied。 〃Polish。〃
  〃You look like a Russian。〃
  〃It's probably the beard;〃 Omar said self…consciously。
  〃Maybe so。 Anyway; you're in good hands with Frank Mansfield。〃 The senator smiled in my direction; exposing his blue…gray false teeth。 〃You'll teach him our American ways; won't you; son?〃
  Smiling in return; I nodded my head。 Omar's great…greatgrandfather had emigrated to the United States; but it would have been useless to explain this fact to the senator。
  Senator Foxhall nodded his head thoughtfully about twenty times before speaking again。
  〃Frank is a good man; Mr。 Baradinsky。 I knew his granddaddy。 You listen to Frank and you'll learn something about gamecocks。 Did you ever hear of Polish poultry?〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃
  〃Well; they don't e from Poland! I'll bet you didn't know that; did you?〃
  〃No; sir; I didn't。〃
  〃I didn't think you did;〃 the old man said gleefully。 〃Not many people do。 Did you know that; Ed?〃
  〃I sure did; Senator;〃 Ed said; with a rueful laugh。 〃I once tried to cross some frizzle…haired Polish cocks; and after losing three in the pit; I found out that they wouldn't face when they were hurt。〃
  〃You should've e to me;〃 the old man said。 〃I could've told you that and saved you some money。〃 He turned back to Omar。 〃Cockfighting in Poland has never been up to standard; Mr。 Baradinsky。 They don't feed them right。 Same thing with Ireland。 Gamecocks can't fight on raw potatoes; Mr。 Baradinsky。〃
  〃I'll remember that;〃 Omar said blandly。
  Mrs。 Pierce; the senator's housekeeper for more than thirty years; tugged on the old man's arm。 〃We'd better go in to dinner now;〃 she reminded him。 As the old couple turned away from us to lead the way into the dining room; Omar shrugged h
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