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  I nodded glumly and lit a cigarette。
  〃Unbelievable; isn't it! Burning like a damned torch and still trying to fight! A man couldn't take that kind of punishment and still fight。 Not a man in this world could do it。〃
  I stubbed out the cigarette。 It tasted like scorched feathers; despite the menthol and filter tip。
  〃Well; Frank;〃 Omar said pensively; 〃there're a lot of things I don't like about cockfighting; but a cocker's got to take the bad with the good。〃
  I nodded in agreement and pushed the bottle toward him。
  Omar studied my face and; ignoring the bottle; leaned forward。
  〃You and I need each other; Frank;〃 he said suddenly。 〃Why don't we form a partnership for the season?〃
  For some reason his suggestion startled me; and I shook my head automatically。
  〃Don't decide so hastily;〃 he continued earnestly; leaning over the table。 〃I've picked up twenty cocks already; and I've still got better birds to pick up on walks in Alabama。 Between the two of us; if you conditioned and handled; and I took charge of the business end; we could have one hell of a season。 I know how tough it's been since you lost your voice。 I still remember how you used to holler and argue and knock down the odds before the fights。 What do you say; Frank?〃
  I was tempted。 Two of my cocks were gone before I started。 I only had thirteen birds left for the season; and my cash was low。 If we bined our gamecocks we could enter every money main and derby on the circuit; and if Omar didn't interfere with my conditioning…
  〃Let it go for now;〃 Omar said carelessly; getting to his feet。 〃Just think about it for a while。 I don't like to mention my money; but I'm lousy with capital。 I've got a lot more than you have; and if you had a partner putting up the forfeits; entry fees; and doing all the betting; you could concentrate on conditioning and handling。 And on a partnership we can split everything we take in right down the middle。〃
  He turned in the doorway and his shadow fell across my face。 〃No matter what you decide;〃 he said cheerfully; 〃e over to my place for dinner tonight。 I'll take that high…stationed Mellhorn home with me。 I've always wanted to eat a Mellhorn Black with dumplings。〃 He laughed。 〃Chicken and dumplings for two! That's about thirty…seven; fifty a plate; isn't it?〃 Omar waved from the door and disappeared from sight。
  I remained seated at the table。 A few minutes later I heard the engine of his new Pontiac station wagon turn over; and listened to the sounds as he drove out of the yard。 The pot of coffee on the hot plate burbled petulantly。 I poured another cup; and a cock crowed outside; reminding me of all the work still to be done that morning。 I couldn't put off the dubbing of Icky any longer。
  Ordinarily; the deaf ears; wattles and b are trimmed away when the bird is a young stag of six or seven months。 Ed Middleton; for reasons known only to himself; had failed to dub Icky。 He probably meant to keep Icky as a pet and brood cock and had never intended to pit him。 But I was going to pit him; and he had to be dubbed for safety in battle。 With his lovely free…flowing b and dangling wattles; an opposing cock could get a billhold and shuffle him to death in the first pitting。 I had been putting off the dubbing; afraid that he might bleed to death。 With a stag the danger is slight; but Icky was fully matured; more than a year…and…a…half old。 And it had to be done。
  I got my shears; both the straight and the curved pairs; and went outside to Icky's coop room。
  He was a friendly chicken; used to kindness and handling; and ran toward me when I opened the gate。 I picked him up; sat on the bench in front of the shack; and went to work on his b。 With my experience I don't need a man to hold a chicken for me。 I've dubbed as many as fifty stags in a single morning; all by myself; and I've never had one die from loss of blood yet。 But I was extra careful with Icky。
  Gripping his body firmly between my knees; and holding his head with my left hand; I clipped his b with the straight shears as close to the head as possible。 Many cockers leave about an eighth of an inch; believing erroneously that the slight padding will give the head protection from an opponent's pecking。 But I've never known a cock to be pecked to death。 I trim right down to the bone because the veins are larger close to the head and there isn't as much bleeding。 I cut sharply; and with solid; quick snips; so the large veins were closed by the force of the shears。 Luckily; Icky's head bled very little。 I then cut away the wattles and deaf ears with the curved shears; again taking my time; and did a clean job。 As an afterthought I pulled a few short feathers out of the hackle and planted them in Icky's b。 The little blue feathers would grow there and ornament his head; until they were billed out by an irate adversary。
  When I pleted the dubbing I turned him loose in his coop。 He had held still nicely; and because he had been so good about it; I caught the Middleton Gray game hen running loose in the yard; and put her into his coop。 The dubbing hadn't bothered him。 He mounted the hen before she had taken two steps。 A moment later he flew to his roosting pole and crowed。 Within a week his head would be healed pletely; and he would be ready for conditioning。
  Omar had taken the decapitated Ace Black with him; but the charred Mellhorn was still in the pit。 I buried the dead chicken and the other cock's severed head in the sand before eating lunch。
  If I had been pletely broke; or without any gamecocks of my own; I wouldn't have considered a partnership with Omar。 But I had enough Ace chickens to hold up my end。 Omar had excellent; purebred gamecocks。 All he needed was a man like me to work the hell out of them。 The idea of forming a partnership with anybody had never occurred to me before; although partnerships were mon enough in cockfighting circles。 Besides; I had a good deal of affection for Omar; almost a paternal feeling toward him; despite the fact that he was more than twenty years older than me。 He wanted success very much; and there were many things he had to learn。 And there was a lot that I could teach him。
  After feeding the chickens that evening; I drove to Omar's farm for supper。 His farm was on the state road; and his house was a two bedroom…den structure with asphalt…tile floors。 It was a luxurious house pared to my one…and…a…half…room shack。 There was an arch above the entrance gate; and a sign painted with red letters on a white background stated:
  〃Our Chickens Lay Every Night!〃
  Omar had been in advertising too many years to pass up a good slogan。 In addition to the arch sign; there was a smaller sign nailed to the post of the gate at the eye level of passing motorists。
  At least once a week; some tourist driving down the highway toward Santos or Belleview would stop and attempt to buy eggs from Omar; thinking that the sign was in error and that the eggs were fifteen cents a dozen。 Omar enjoyed the look of surprise on their faces when he told them that there was indeed no mistake。 Of course the eggs were fiftee
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