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 Mellhorn would have said so; and charged a higher price for them。 The six cocks were obviously Mellhorn Blacks。 I could tell that by looking at them。 But only one drop of cold blood from a dunghill will sometimes cause a cock to run when it is hurt。 One of the young cocks had to be tested for gameness; and I had planned on doing it this morning before Omar came over。 If the cock I tested proved to be game; I could then assume that the others were equally game。 But in the testing I would lose the gamecock。 Another seventyfive bucks shot。
  One rigid test for gameness is to puncture a cock all over his body with an ice pick; digging it in for a quarter to half an inch。 If the injured cock will still attempt to fight another cock the next morning; even if all he can do is lie on his back and peck; it is considered game。 The ice…pick method of testing is fairly popular with cockers because they can usually salvage their bird after it recovers from its injuries。 I don't consider this test severe enough。 The Roman method I use is more realistic than a halfhearted jabbing with an ice pick; even though the cock is lost during the process。
  For the test; I selected one of the brothers with the poorest conformation。 The choice was difficult because all of the brothers were fine Mellhorn Blacks。 For an opponent; I used the largest of the two Middleton Grays。 Omar held the Gray when I heeled it with sparring muffs。 The Black would be practically helpless; and I didn't want him killed until he had suffered sufficiently to determine his gameness。
  My homemade pit is crudely put together with scrap lumber; but it meets the general specifications。 I've also strung electric lights above it in order to work my birds at night; and it's good enough for training purposes。 Omar put the Gray under one arm; after I pleted the heel…tying of the muffs; and headed for the training pit in front of my shack。
  The young Black was a man fighter and pecked my wrist twice before I could get a good grip around his upper legs with my left hand。 A moment later I had his body held firmly against my leg where he couldn't peck at me anymore。 In this awkward position; I stretched his legs out on the block outside the cockhouse and chopped them off at the knee with the hatchet。
  When I joined Omar at the pit; his brown eyes bulged until they resembled oil…soaked target agates。 〃Good God; Frank! You don't expect him to fight without any legs; do you?〃
  I nodded and stepped over the pit wall。 I cradled the Black over my left arm; holding the stumps with my right hand; and raised my chin to indicate that we should bifi them。 Omar brought the Gray in close and the Black tore out a beakful of feathers。
  We billed the cocks until their ingrained natural bativeness was aroused; and then I set the Black down on the floor of the pit and took the Gray away from Omar。 The Gray was anxious to get to his legless opponent; but I held him tightly by the tail and only let him approach tJD within pecking range。 When the Black struggled toward him; I pulled him back by his tail。 Without his feet; the Black was unable to get enough balance or leverage to fly; and his wildly fluttering wings couldn't support him in an upright position。 He kept falling forward on his chest; and after a short valiant period of struggling; he gave up altogether。 I let the Gray scratch into range; still holding him by the tail。 The Black pecked every time; although he no longer tried to stand on his stumps。 Finally; I let the Gray go; and he described a short arc in the air and landed; shuffling; in the center of the Black's back。 Getting a good bill hold on the prostrate cock; the Gray shuffled methodically in place; hitting the padded muffs hard enough to make solid thumping sounds on the Black's body。 This was the first time I had seen the Gray in action。 I realized that Ed Middleton had really done me a favor when he gave me the once…battered fighter。 Any cock that could shuffle with the deadly accuracy displayed by the Middleton Gray would win a lot of pit battles。
  The Black was too helpless to fight off the Gray; so I picked up the muff…armed bird and gave him to Omar to hold for a moment。 I took the can of lighter fluid out of my hip pocket; and sprinlded the liquid liberally over the Mellhorn Black。 Flipping my lighter into action; I applied the lighter to the cock; and his feathers blazed into oily flames。
  When Omar returned the Gray I pitted him against the burning bird from the score on the opposite side of the pit。 He walked stiff…winged toward the downed Black with his long neck outstretched; holding his head low above the ground。 The fire worried and puzzled him; and he was afraid to hit with his padded spurs。 The Gray pecked savagely at the Black's head; however; even though it was on fire; and managed to pluck out an eye on his first bill thrust。
  The Black tried to stand again; fluttering his smoldering wings; but his impassioned struggles only succeeded in increasing the flames。 The smell of scorching feathers filled the air with a pungent; acid stench。 As I grabbed the Gray's tail with my right hand; I held my nose with my left。 As the flames puffed out altogether; the Black lay quietly。 The charred quffis resembled matchheads or cloves dotting his undressed body; and for a moment I thought he was dead。 But as I allowed the straining Gray to close the gap between them; the dying Mellhorn raised his head and pecked blindly in the general direction of the approaching Gray。 With that last peck; a feeble peck that barely raised his head an inch above the ground; he died。
  I put the Gray under my arm and turned around to see what Omar thought of this remarkable display of gameness。 But Omar had gone inside the shack。 I cut the sparring muffs away from the Gray's spurs and returned him to his coop。
  Omar sat at the table; staring at his open hands; when I joined him inside the shack。 I opened a pint of gin I had stashed away behind the dresser…because of Buford…and put the bottle on the table。 Omar took a long pull; set the bottle down; and I took a long one myself。 I needed that drink and felt a little sick at my stomach。 And I knew that Omar felt as badly as I did。 But what else could I do? I had lost a wonderful gamecock; but I could now assume that his five brothers would be as game as he had been。 The unfortunate part of the testing was that I didn't really know if the brothers were equally game。 But I could now assume that they were。
  〃I couldn't treat a gamecock like that; Frank;〃 Omar said; without looking at me; keeping his eyes on his open hands。 〃Sure; I know。 A chicken is supposed to be an insensitive animal and all that crap。 But I couldn't do it! I could no more set a cock on fire than I could…〃 His mind searched for something he could no more than do; and then he shrugged his heavy shoulders and took another shot of gin。
  I took another short one myself。
  〃Was he game; Frank? It was too much for me。 I couldn't stick around to see。〃
  I nodded glumly and lit a cigarette。
  〃Unbelievable; isn't it! Burning like a damned torch and still trying to fight! A man couldn't take that kind of punishment and still fight。 Not a 
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