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 to the soles of my feet with a cold; clammy perspiration that couldn't have been caused by anything else but cold; irrational fear。 Of course; I hadn't allowed my mind to dwell on the possibility of failure; but now that I actually had the money; the suppressed doubts and fears made themselves felt。 But my physical reaction didn't last very long。 I stripped to the waist and bathed my upper body with a cold washrag; and dried myself thoroughly; before reading Judge Powell's letter。 It was a long letter; overly long; typed single spaced on his law firm's letterhead; watermarked stationery:
  Mr。 Frank Mansfield
  c/o The Jeff Davis Hotel
  Jacksonville; Florida
  Dear Frank:
  I handled this matter personally; following your desires throughout; feeling you knew your brother Randall better than me。 You did。 When I called on him and informed him that you intended to break the will of your father; he laughed。 If it hadn't been for your copious notes; his laughter would have surprised me。
  〃Is Frank willing to fight this in court?〃 he asked me。
  〃No;〃 I told him (again following your instructions)。 〃Your brother; Frank; said it wouldn't be necessary。 'When Randall sees that he is in an untenable position; he will sign a quitclaim deed immediately and move out。'
  Again your brother laughed as you predicted。 〃Do you think I'm in an untenable position; Judge?〃 he then asked。
  〃Yes; you are;〃 I told him。 〃That's why I brought a quitclaim deed for you to sign。〃
  He laughed and signed the deed。 〃in New York;〃 he said; 〃you wouldn't have a chance; Judge。〃 I remained silent instead of reminding him that the case; if brought to a trial; would be held in Georgia。 〃When does Frank want me to leave?〃
  〃As soon as the property is sold。〃
  〃Does Frank have a buyer in mind?〃
  〃He remended that I try Wright Gaylord first;〃 I said。
  This statement gave your brother additional cause for merriment; because he laughed until the tears rolled down his face。
  〃Frank only wants a profit of one thousand; five hundred dollars;〃 I told your brother。 〃He instructed me to give you any amount over that; after deducting my fee; of course。〃
  〃That's generous of Frank;〃 he said; 〃but there are some taxes due; about seven hundred dollars。〃
  〃I'm aware of the taxes;〃 I said。
  〃All right; Judge。 You've got your quitclaim deed。 Continue on down the road and sell the property to Wright Gaylord。 I'll be ready to leave tomorrow morning when you bring me my share; if there's anything left over。〃
  Wright Gaylord gave me a check the same afternoon for three thousand; five hundred dollars; which I accepted reluctantly。 Given more time I am positive that your property would have sold for eight or possibly ten thousand dollars。 But the sum adequately covered your required one thousand; five hundred and my fee of five hundred dollars; so I closed the sale then and there。 You didn't mention it in your notes; but I realize the astuteness of selling to Mr。 Gaylord; although I doubt if he did。 Upon your marriage to his sister you will automatically get half your farm back and half of his as well。 Mr。 Gaylord is also a client of mine; and this was a fine point of legal ethics; but inasmuch as he is certainly aware of your engagement to his sister; I did not deem it necessary to remind him。
  Enclosed is a certified check for one thousand; five hundred dollars。 My fee of five hundred dollars has been deducted; the taxes have been paid; plus stamps; and miscellaneous expenses。 I gave your brother a check for seven hundred and sixty…eight dollars and fifty cents。 Randall and his wife left yesterday on the bus for Macon。
  Mr。 Gaylord has already begun to tear down your father's farmhouse and the outlying buildings。 He hired a wrecking crew from Atlanta; and I saw some of their equipment moving through town yesterday。 However; he agreed to keep your Negro tenant on the place if he wanted to stay; per your request。 But he would not consent to keep him on shares because Charley Smith is too old。 Your main concern; I believe; was to maintain a home for Charley and his family; so again; in lieu of instructions to the contrary; I agreed to this condition。
  There are also some papers enclosed for you to sign on the places marked with a small X in red pencil。 They have been predated; including the power of attorney; in order to send you the money without undue delay。 Please return them (after you have signed them) as quickly as possible。
  If your father were still alive; I know he would want you to use your money wisely; so I can only say the same。 〃A rolling stone gathers no moss〃 is an old saying but a true one nevertheless。 If I can help you further do not hesitate to ask me。
  Very truly yours;
  I didn't mind the moralizing of the windy old man; because he didn't know what I planned to use the money for; but I was irritated because he had dictated the letter to his bigmouthed old maid secretary; Miss Birdie Janes。 The small initials; 〃bj〃 in the lower left…hand corner of the letter; meant that my business would be spread all over the county by now。 I realized that it was a long letter; and I appreciated the details; but the old man should have written the letter personally。 When I returned to Mansfield; eventually; sides would be taken…some for Randall and some for me; but the majority would take Randall's side; even though I was legally and morally right about taking what rightfully belonged to me。
  The letter from Jake Mellhorn was more pressing:
  Dear Frank;
  Glad to see you're getting sense enough to know that the Melihorn Black is the best gamecock in the world; bar none!!! And you're lucky you wired me just when you did。 I just brought in twenty…two cocks; but if you only want a dozen country…walked roosters; you can have the best of the lot; which is plenty damned good!!! I can ship you six Aces; two to three years old。 The other six are brothers; five months past staghood; but all are guaranteed dead game; and they'll cut for you or your money back。 As you know; I ship them wormed; in wooden coops; but they'll need watering upon arrival。 Don't trust the damned express pany to water birds en route…they'll steal the cracked corn out of the coops and make popcorn out of it。 As a special price…TO YOU ONLY!!! One dozen Mellhorn Blacks for only seven hundred dollars。 That's much less than seventy…five apiece。 Let me know by return wire; because I can sell them anywhere for one hundred to one hundred and twenty…five dollars each。
  For a good season;
  An outlay of seven hundred dollars; although it was an exceptionally fair price for Ace Mellhorns; would make a deep dent in my one thousand; five hundred dollars; but I had little choice。 I had to have them; or others just as good。 Another five hundred to Ed Middleton; seventy…five dollars for the truck; and I'd be down to only two hundred and twenty…five。 Luckily; I had feed at Ocala left over from last year; and the older Flint corn is; the better it is for feeding。 And within two weeks I could win some m
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