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  I was tired when I reached Jacksonville; but I wasn't sleepy。 I had hoped to get some sleep in the cab of the truck on the long drive down; but the driver had talked continuously。 As I listened to him; dumbly; my eyes smarting from cigarette smoke and the desire to close them; he poured out the dull; intimate details of his boring life…his military service with the First Cavalry Division in Vietnam; his courtship; his marriage and his plans for the future (he wanted to be a truck dispatcher so he could sit on his ass)。 He was still going strong when we reached Jax。 To finish his autobiography; he parked at a drive…in and bought me ham and eggs for breakfast。
  After shaking hands with the voluble truck driver; who wasn't really a bad guy; I caught a bus downtown and checked into the Jeff Davis Hotel。 One look at the soft double bed and I became wide awake; If my plan was successful; I would know within three days; and I didn't have time to sleep all day。 I had to proceed with a confidence I didn't actually have; as though there could be no doubt of the oute。
  After I shaved; I prepared a list for Doc Riordan。 These were supplies I would need; and I intended to take advantage of our agreement。 It would take a long time to use up eight hundred dollars worth of cocker's supplies。
  One。 Conditioning powder。 Doc made a reliable conditioning powder…a concoction containing iron for vigor; and Vitamin Bi。 This powder; mixed with a gamecock's special diet; is a valuable aid to developing a bird's muscles and reflexes。 I put down an order for three pounds。
  Two。 Dextrose capsules。 A dextrose capsule; dropped down a gamecock's throat an hour before a fight; gives him the same kind of fresh energy a candy bar provides to a mountain climber halfway up a mountain。 On my list I put down an order for a twenty…four…gamecock season supply。
  Three。 Doc Riordan's Blood Builder。 For many years Doc had made and sold a blood coagulant that was as good as any on the market。 If he didn't have any on hand he could make more。 This was a blood builder in capsule form containing Vitamin K; the blood coagulating vitamin; whole liver and several other secret ingredients。 Who can judge the effectiveness of a blood coagulant? I can't。 But if any blood coagulants worked; and I don't leave any loopholes when it es to conditioning; I preferred to use Doc Riordan's。 Again I marked down enough for a twenty…fourgamecock supply。
  Four。 Disinfectants。 Soda; formaldehyde; sulfur; carbolic acid; oil of tansy; sassafras; creosote; camphor and rubbing alcohol。 Insects are a major problem for cockfighters。 Lice are almost impossible to get rid of pletely; but a continuous fight against them must be fought if a man wants to keep healthy game fowl。 Give me a plentiful supply of all these; I wrote on my list。
  Five。 Turpentine。 Five gallons。 The one essential fluid a cocker must have for survival。 God has seen fit to subject chickens to the most loathsome diseases in the world…pip; gapes; costiveness; diarrhea; distemper; asthma; catarrh; apoplexy; cholera; lime legs; canker and many others。 Any one of these sicknesses can knock out a man's entire flock of game fowl before he knows what has happened to him。 Fortunately; a feather dipped in turpentine and shoved into a cock's nostrils; or swabbed in his throat; or sometimes just a few drops of turpentine in a bird's drinking water; will prevent or cure many of these diseases。 When turpentine fails; I destroy the sick chicken and bury him deep to prevent the spread of his disease。
  When I pleted my list I sealed it in a hotel envelope; wrote Doc Riordan's name on the outside; and headed for the drugstore where he had part…time work。 Doc wasn't in; but the owner said he was expected at noon。 Figuring that Doc would freely requisition most of the items on my list from the owner; I decided not to leave it; and to e back later。
  I walked to the Western Union office and sent two straight wires。 The first wire was to my neighbor and fellow cocker in Ocala; Omar Baradinsky:
  I knew Omar wouldn't mind attending to this chore for me in downtown Ocala and inasmuch as I didn't know what day or what time I would arrive at the farm; I wanted to be certain there was water and electricity when I got there。
  The other wire was to Mr。 Jake Mellhorn; Altamount; North Carolina。 Jake Mellhorn bred and sold a game strain called the Mellhorn Black。 It was a rugged breed; and I knew this from watching Blacks fight many times。
  These chickens fought equally well in long and short heels; depending upon their conformation and conditioning; but they were unpredictable fighters…some were cutters and others were shufflers…and they had a tendency to alternate their tactics in the pit。 As a general rule I prefer cutters over shufflers; but I needed a dozen Aces and a fair price。 Jake Mellhorn had been after me for several years to try a season with his Blacks; and I knew that he would give me a fairly low price on a shipment of a dozen。 If I won with his game strain at any of the major derbies; he would be able to jack the price up on the game fowl he sold the following season to other cockers。 I could win with any hardy; farm…walked game strain that could stand up under my conditioning methods…Claret; Madigan; Whitehackle; Doms…but the excellent cocks I would need would cost too much; especially after putting out five hundred dollars for Icky。 It wouldn't hurt anything to send a wire to Jake and find out what he had to offer anyway。
  If I knew lake Mellhorn; and I knew the egotistic; selfcentered old man well; I'd have a special delivery letter from him within a couple of days。 And on my first order; at least; he would send me Aces。
  I paid the girl for the wires; and then ate a hamburger at a little one…arm joint down the street before returning to Foster's Drugstore。
  Now that the wires were on their way; I felt mitted; even though they didn't mean anything in themselves。 I felt like I was getting the dice rolling by forcing my luck。
  I couldn't pay for the Mellhorns; no matter how good a price Jake gave me。 I couldn't even repay Omar Baradinsky the utilities deposit money he would put up for me in Ocala…and yet I felt confident。 Surely Judge Powell would e through with one thousand; five hundred dollars now; because I had acted as though he would。 It was a false feeling of confidence; and I knew that it was bogus in the same way a man riding in a transatlantic airplane knows that there cannot possibly be a crack…up because he bought one hundred thousand dollars' worth of insurance at the airport before the plane took off。
  Doc Riordan was sitting at the fountain counter; wearing a short white jacket; when I entered the drugstore。 I eased onto the stool beside him and tapped him on the shoulder。
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