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  〃Randy'll be down pretty soon。 He was up late last night working on an article; and I didn't have the heart to wake him。 He likes to work at night; he says; when it's quiet。 But if it was any quieter in the daytime I don't know what I'd do。 We never go anyplace or do anything anymore; it seems to me。〃 She sipped her hot coffee black and then fanned a dimpled hand in front of her pursed lips。 〃This isn't getting your breakfast ready now; is it?〃
  Because Frances knew how fond I was of eating; or because she used my visit; as an excuse; she prepared a large and wonderful breakfast。 Fried pork chops; fried eggs; grits; with plenty of good brown milk gravy to pour over the grits; and fresh hot biscuits。 I ate heartily; hungry after walking out from town; listening with stolid patience to the steady flow of dull gossip concerning various kinfolk and townspeople。 I was finishing my third cup of coffee when I heard Randall on the stairs。 As he entered the room; I got up to greet him。
  〃Well; well;〃 he said with false heartiness; holding onto my hand and grinning; 〃if it isn't the junior birdman!〃
  He patted his wife on her broad rump; crossed to the sideboard and poured a shot glass full of bourbon。 He swiftly drank two neat shots before turning around。
  〃Wele home; Bubba;〃 he said; 〃how long are you going to stay?〃
  He sat at the table; and I dropped into my seat again。 Randall looked well。 He always did; whether he had a hangover or didn't have one。 His face was a little puffy; but he was freshly shaven; and his curly russet hair had been cut recently。 His starched white shirt; however; was frayed at the cuffs。 The knot of his red…and…blue striped rep tie was a well…adjusted double windsor; and his black; well…worn oxford flannel trousers were sharply creased。
  When I managed to catch his eyes with mine; I shrugged。
  〃I see;〃 he nodded; 〃the enigmatic response。 Before I came downstairs I looked outside; both in front and out back; and didn't see a car parked。 Until I realized it was you; I thought Frances was merely talking to herself again。 But if you're broke; you're wele to stay home as long as you like and close ranks with me。 I've never been any flatter。〃
  〃I saved two pork chops for you; Randy;〃 Frances said quickly。
  〃No; thanks。 Just coffee。 Save the chops for my lunch。〃 Randall smiled abstractedly; clasped his fingers behind his head and studied the ceiling。 〃It isn't difficult to divine the purpose of your visit; Bubba;〃 he continued。 〃When you're flush; you wheel up in a convertible; your pockets stuffed with dollar cigars。 When you're broke; you're pletely broke; and on your uppers。 But if the purpose of your visit is to collect the honest debt I owe you; you're out of luck。 Three hundred dollars!〃 He shook his head and snorted。 〃Frankly; Bubba; I'd have a hard time raising twenty!〃
  He leaned forward in his chair and said derisively; 〃But you can live here as long as you like。 We can still eat; and thanks to Daddy there's a wonderful roof over our heads。 And whether we pay our bills in town or not; the Mansfield credit is still good'
  To drink the coffee Frances set before him; Randall gripped the large white mug with both hands。 His fingers didn't tremble; but it must have taken a good deal of concentrated effort to hold them steady。
  〃Going to see Mary Elizabeth?〃 he asked suddenly。
  I shrugged and lit a cigarette。 I offered the pack to my brother。 He held up a palm in refusal; changed his mind and took one out of the pack。 He held both of his hands in his lap; after putting the cork tip in his mouth; and I had to lean across the table to light it for him。
  〃You kind of believe in long engagements; don't you; Bubba?〃 he said; smiling sardonically。 〃It's been about seven years now; hasn't it?〃
  〃Eight。〃 Frances emended。 〃Eight years e November。〃
  〃Well; you can't say I haven't done my part to bring you together;〃 Randall said wryly; watching my face closely。 〃Five years ago our farms were almost three miles apart。 But thanks to selling land to Wright Gaylord; we're less than a mile away from them now!〃 He laughed with genuine amusement。
  I was unable to listen to him any longer。 He made me feel sick to my stomach。 I rose from the table; and picked up my shaving kit from the sideboard。
  〃There's plenty of hot water upstairs if you want to shave; but not enough yet for a bath。 Lately I've taken to turning the heater off at night and not lighting it again till I get up;〃 Frances said。 〃Your room is dusty; too; but when Leona es over this morning I'll have her do it up and put fresh sheets on the bed。〃
  I nodded at my sister…in…law and left the room。 As I climbed the stairs to the second floor; Randall said; 〃Maybe you'd better scramble me a couple of eggs; Hon。 But don't put any grease in the skillet; just a little salt 。 。
  Not only was Randall weak; he was a petty tyrant to his long…suffering wife。 Before she could scramble eggs she would have to pour the good milk gravy into a bowl; and wash and dry the frying pan。
  My old room was at the very end of the upstairs hallway; next to the bathroom。 When Daddy bought the farm and moved us out from town; I had been elated about the move because it meant having a room to myself。 And somehow; Daddy had made a go of the farm when many other good farmers were half starving in Georgia。 He had earned a fair sum by not planting things and by collecting checks from the government。 But even when times were excellent; he had never made any real money out of the farm。 He was a fair farmer; but a poor businessman。 Daddy had only been good for giving Randall and me advice; cheap advice; and he had never found anything in either one of us except our faults。
  My room was dusty all right; as Frances had said。 It had also been used as a catchall storeroom during the two years I had been away。 The stripped double bed had been stacked with some cardboard cartons full of books; two shadeless table lamps and two carelessly rolled carpets。 Extra pieces of dilapidated furniture had been tossed haphazardly into the room; and the hand…painted portrait of Grandpa was lying flat on top of my desk。 A thick layer of dust was scattered over everything。 When I opened the window; dust puffs as large as tennis balls took out after each other across the floor。
  For a moment or two I looked out the window at the familiar view; but it didn't seem the same。 Something was missing。 And then I noticed that the ten…acre stand of slash pine had disappeared…cut down and sold as firewood probably; and not replanted。
  I lifted the stern…faced portrait of Grandpa off the desk and leaned it against the dresser。 I wiped the surface of the desk with my handkerchief。 After rummaging through the drawers; I found a cheap; lined tablet with curling edges。 Sitting down at the desk; I took out my ballpoint。
  It took approximately a half hour to write out a list of instructions for Judge Brantley Powell。 I wanted to be sure that I covered everything pletely so he wouldn't have any questions。 After rereading the list; and making a few interlinear corrections; I folded the sheaf of papers and stuffed them into my hip pocket。
  I w
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