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cent meal for me; she knew I would be pleased。 If I was pleased with her; I'd take her to bed。 These thoughts probably never entered her conscious mind; but I sensed this; and knew instinctively that she was mine if I wanted her。 As she chattered away; gaily; cheerfully; I learned that I did want her; very much so。 She was a damned attractive woman; a little heavy in the thighs; perhaps; but I didn't consider that a detriment。 I like women a little on the fleshy side。 Skinny; boyish…type figures may be admired by other women; but not by most men。
  I smiled appreciatively; showing my teeth; when she set the huge platter before me。 The aroma of the fried ham steak; four fried eggs; and fluffy potato pancakes all blended beautifully as they entered my nose。 Bernice poured two steaming cups of fresh coffee and sat down across from me to watch me eat; her face flushed from recent exertion and pleasure as I stowed the food away。
  〃I should have made biscuits;〃 she said; 〃but I could tell you were too hungry to wait; so I made the toast instead。 Would you like some guava jelly for your toast?〃 She started to get up; but I shook my head violently; and she remained seated。
  A minute later she smiled。 〃I like to see a man eat;〃 she said sincerely。
  I've heard a lot of women make that trite remark: Grandma; Mother; when she was still alive; and a good many others。 I believe women really do like to see men eat; especially when they're fond of the man concerned; and he's eating food they have prepared for him。 I have never denied any woman the dubious pleasure of watching me eat。 Outside of taking care of a man's needs; women don't get very much pleasure out of life anyway。
  When I finished eating everything in sight; I pushed the empty platter to one side; and wiped my mouth with a square of white damask napkin。 Smiling over the lip of her cup; Bernice nodded with satisfaction。 I winked slowly; returned her smile; and she blushed and lowered her eyes。
  〃My husband's been dead for five years; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 she said shyly。 〃You don't know how nice it is to cook a meal for a man again。 I'd almost forgotten myself。 I loved my husband very much; and still do; I suppose。 My brother's always telling me how foolish I am to keep this big house and live here all alone。 An apartment would be easier to keep; I know; and give me more free time; but I don't know what I'd do with more free time if I had it。 I don't know what to do with myself half the time as it is。
  〃This old house has a lot of pleasant memories for me; and I'd miss them if I ever sold it。 I can see my husband in every room。 Sometimes; during the day; I pretend he isn't dead at all。 He's at the office; that's where he is; working; and when six o'clock es he'll be ing home through the front door like always; and。 。 。〃 Her voice trailed away; and two tears escaped into her long black eyelashes。
  Bernice wiped them away; tossed her head impatiently and laughed。
  〃Morbid; aren't I? How about some more coffee?〃
  I nodded; took my cigarettes out of my shirt pocket; and offered them to her。 She put the cork tip in her mouth; and when I flipped my lighter; she held my hand with both of hers to get a light。 This was unnecessary。 My hand was perfectly steady。 After refilling the cups; she sat down again and described circles on the tablecloth with a long red fingernail。
  〃I know that you want to go; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 she said at last; 〃but I'm finding this a novel experience。 It's a rare instance when a woman can pour her troubles into a man's receptive ear without being told to shut up!〃 She laughed; and shrugged ically。
  〃But I really don't have any troubles。 As far as money goes; I'm fixed forever。 My husband saw to that; God bless him。 I own the house; and my trust fund is well guarded by the bank trustees。 And I have a circle of friends I've known most of my adult life。 So where are my troubles?〃 She sighed audibly and licked her lips with the point of her tongue like a cat。
  〃I should be the happiest woman in the world。 But once in a while; just once in a while; mind you; Mr。 Mansfield; I'd like to go into my bathroom and find the toilet seat up instead of down!〃 Color flooded into her face; and the freckles almost disappeared。 She got up from the table hastily and pushed open the swinging door leading to the living room。 〃I'll get your money for you; Mr。 Mansfield。〃
  She had aroused my sympathy。 I wondered what her husband had been like。 An insurance executive probably。 Every time he had gotten a promotion he had used the extra money for more protection; more insurance。 It must have cost her plenty to keep up this big house。 And it was a cinch she didn't have any children; or she would have talked about them instead of a man five years dead。 If I could have talked; I would have been able to kid her out of her mood in no time。 My sex life had really suffered since I gave up talking。 Not pletely; because money always talks when words fail; but a lot of women had gotten away during the last couple of years because of my stubborn vow of silence。
  As I pondered the situation; how best to handle it; Bernice returned to the kitchen。 She placed a fifty…dollar bill on the table。 The fifty ruined everything for me。
  I could have accepted a twenty; because Lee Vernon had set the fee; but I couldn't; with good conscience; accept fifty dollars。 My concert wasn't worth that much。 I knew it; and Bernice Hungerford knew it。 She was trying to buy me and I resented it。 I folded the bill into a small square; placed it on the edge of the table and flipped it to the floor with my forefinger。 I got up from the table and left the room。
  I picked up my guitar in the living room and had almost reached the foyer when Bernice caught up with me。 She tugged on my arm; and when I stopped; got in front of me; looking up wistfully into my face。 My jaws were tight and I looked over her head at the door。
  〃Please!〃 she said; stuffing the folded bill into my shirt pocket。 〃I know what you're thinking; but it isn't true! The only reason I gave you a fifty was because I didn't have a twenty。 I thought I had one; but I didn't。 Please take it!〃
  I dropped my eyes to her face; looked at her steadily; and she turned away from me。
  〃All right。 So I lied。 Take it anyway。 Fifty dollars doesn't mean anything to me。 I'm sorry and I'm ashamed。 And if you want to know the truth I'm more ashamed than sorry!〃
  I retrieved my hat from the marble angel's thumb and put it on my head。 But I didn't leave。 I reconsidered。 Damn it all anyway; the woman was desirable! I removed my hat; replaced it on the angel's thumb and dropped my guitar case to the carpeted floor。 Bernice had started up the stairs; but I caught up with her on the third step; lifted her into my arms and continued up the stairs。 She buried her face in my neck and stifled a sob; clinging to me with arms like a child。 As I climbed I staggered beneath her weight…she must have weighed a solid one hundred and forty…five pounds…but I didn't drop her。 When I reached the balcony I was puffing with my mouth open to regain my wind。
  Bernice whispered softly into my ear; 〃The bedroom's the first door on th
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