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  〃Bernice tells us you studied under Segovia; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 he said。
  〃Yes;〃 Bernice replied for me; 〃That's what Mr。 Vernon told us; didn't he; Tommy?〃
  〃That's right。 And he played a beautiful thing written by Dr。 Albert Schweitzet I hope he'll play it again for us。〃
  〃African rock 'n' roll; I suppose;〃 Dr。 McGuire chuckled from the fireplace。 〃That would be a treat!〃 When no one joined him in his laughter; he said quickly; 〃We're very grateful you came out to play for us; Mr。 Mansfield。〃
  I finished my drink; lifted my eyebrows for Tommy Hungerford to mix me another。 I took my guitar out of the case; and started to resting it with another 〃G〃 string to replace the broken one。 While I restrung the guitar; Mrs。 Hungerford asked her brother and the doctor to move chairs into the center of the room and form a line。 She then had her guests sit in the rearranged chairs facing me; as I stood with one foot on the piano bench。 Tommy Hungerford; smiling at the new seating arrangements; remained standing at the bar。 I plucked and tightened the new string; and Bernice hit the 〃G〃 on the piano for me until I had the guitar in tune。 Satisfied; I put the guitar on the bench and returned to the bar for my fresh drink。 The small audience waited patiently; but Dr。 McGuire glowered when Tommy insisted that I have another before I began。 I shook my head; picked up my guitar and played through my threesong repertoire without pause。
  The moment I hit the last chord I smiled; bowed from the waist and put the guitar back in the case。 Bernice Hungerford; who had hovered anxiously behind the row of chairs during my short concert; led the applause。
  〃Is that all he's going to play; Bernice?〃 the doctor asked。 〃I'd like to hear more。〃
  〃I think we all would;〃 his fat wife echoed。
  I shrugged; and joined Tommy at the bar for another drink。
  〃No; that's enough;〃 Bernice said。 〃Mr。 Mansfield has been playing all evening and he's tired。 We shouldn't coax him。 The concert is all over。 Go on home。 You've been fed; you've had your drinks; now go on home。〃
  Bernice herded the two wives out of the room to get their wraps; and their husbands joined Tommy and me at the bar for a nightcap。
  〃You play very well; young man;〃 Dr。 McGuire said。 〃Did you ever play on television?〃
  I shook my head; and added Scotch to my glass to cut the soda。
  〃I think you should consider television; don't you; Tommy?〃
  〃Not really; sir;〃 Tommy wrinkled his brow。 〃I'm not so sure that the mass audience is ready for classical guitar music。 I'm trying to recall; but I can't remember ever hearing or seeing a string quartet on television。 If I did; I can't remember it。〃
  〃By God; I haven't either〃 the doctor said strongly。 〃And certainly the string quartet is the most civilized entertainment in the world! Don't you agree; Mr。 Mansfield?〃
  I shrugged my shoulders inside my jacket; and lit a cigarette。
  He didn't want a reply; anyway。 〃But there's a definite need for serious music on TV;〃 he continued。 〃And; by God; the public should be forced to listen! No matter how stupid people are today; they can be taught to appreciate good music。〃 He banged his fist on the bar。
  The two middle…aged men drained their glasses quickly as Bernice came into the room; and turned to join their wives in the foyer。 Bernice crossed the room; and placed a hand on my arm。 So far; she had never missed a chance to touch me。
  〃Mrs。 McGuire would like to know if you'd consent to play for her guests next Saturday night。 She's giving a party quite a large one; and she's willing to…〃
  I shook my head; and crushed out my cigarette in a white Cinzano ashtray。
  〃It's 'no; then?〃
  I nodded。 She smiled; turned away and returned to the foyer to say good night to her guests and break the news to Mrs。 McGuire。
  〃Tell me something; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 Tommy said hesitantly。 〃Did you really study under Segovia?〃
  I grinned; and shook my head。 After setting my glass down; I picked up my guitar case。 Tommy laughed; throwing his head back。
  〃I didn't think you did; but I'll keep your secret till the day I die。〃
  Bernice Hungerford returned with a smile brightening her jolly face。 I didn't know why; but I was attracted to this graceful; pleasant woman。 She appeared to be so happy; so eager to please; and yet; there were tiny; tragic lines tugging at the corners of her full lips。
  〃I'll drive Mr。 Mansfield back into town; Auntie;〃 Tommy said。
  〃Oh; no you won't!〃 Bernice said cheerfully。 She took the guitar case out of my hand and placed it on the couch。 〃I'll drive him back myself。 You can just run along; Tommy。 I'm going to fix Mr。 Mansfield something to eat…you could eat something; couldn't you?〃
  I shrugged; then smiled。 She hadn't paid the twenty dollars yet; and I could always eat something。 The cold buffet supper; however; didn't appeal to me。 There were several choices of lunch meat; cold pork; three different cheese dips and pickles。 I looked distastefully at the buffet table。
  〃Now; don't you worry。〃 Bernice said; patting my arm with her small; white hand。 〃I won't make you eat the remains of the cold supper。 I'll fix you some ham and eggs。〃
  〃Me; too; Auntie dear?〃 Tommy grinned。
  〃No; not you。 Don't you have a job of some kind to report to in the morning?〃
  Tommy groaned。 〃Don't remind me。 Well; good night; Mr。 Mansfield' He shook hands with me; brushed his lips against his aunt's cheek and made his departure from the room。 A few moments later the lights of his Olds flashed on the picture window as he made the semicircle to the street。
  Now that we were alone in the big house; Bernice's posure suddenly disappeared。 She blushed furiously under my level stare; and then took my hand。 〃e on;〃 she said brightly。 〃You can keep me pany in the kitchen while I cook for you。〃
  I followed her into the kitchen; and sat down at a small dinette table covered with a blue…and…white tablecloth。 There were louvered windows on all three sides of the small dining alcove; but the kitchen itself; like those of most depression…built homes; was a large one。 The cooking facilities were up to date; however。 In addition to a new yellow enameled electric stove; there was a built…in oven with a glass door; and a row of plicated…looking knobs beneath it。
  〃There's coffee left; but its been setting on the warm burner so long it's probably bitter by now。 I'd better make fresh coffee; if you don't mind waiting awhile; but by that time I'll have the other things ready。 I think that coffee setting too long gets bitter; don't you? I've got some mashed potatoes left over from dinner; and I'll make some nice patties to go with your ham。〃
  Bernice kept a running patter of meaningless small talk going as she cooked; and I listened thoughtfully and smoked; watching her deft; efficient movements from my chair。 She had tied a frilly; ruffled white apron about her waist; and it looked out of whack with her Kelly green evening gown。 She kept talking about pleasant things to eat; and I got hungrier by the second。
  She wanted to please me; even though she didn't know why。 She knew she was a good cook; and by cooking a dec
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