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e old guitarist。 Vernon had gone along with the gag; which was a break for me; although I detested the condescending sonofabitch。 If she wanted to pay me twenty dollars I would accept it; play my three songs; and then get out of her house。 I had already made up my mind not to return to the Chez Vernon。 A final concert for a group of rich people who could afford to pay for it and wouldn't miss the money would be a fitting end to my short; unhappy musical career。
  〃By the way; Frank;〃 Vernon said; as soon as I was ready to go; 〃don't get the idea that I was trying to make fun of you by falling in with the gag。 If I'd been strictly sober; I might have set her straight; but basically I poured it on so you could pick up a few extra bucks。 No hard feelings?〃
  I ignored his outstretched hand; and brushed by him; carrying my instrument。 Vernon followed me out into the club。 As I stopped at the stand; to put the guitar in the case; he handed me a ten…dollar bill。
  〃Hell; don't be sore about it; Frank。〃
  There was a black silhouette cutout of a plyboard cat at the end of the stand。 I wadded the bill in my fist and shoved it into the open mouth of the kitty before crossing the dance floor and entering the inside door to the package store。 If Lee Vernon had followed me into the package store; I would have knocked his teeth out; even if he was drunk。 Although I wasn't the butt of the joke; I didn't like to be patronized by a man I considered an inferior。 But Vernon was wise enough not to e outside; and I've never seen him since。
  Tommy drove the Olds and Mrs。 Hungerford sat between us on the wide front seat。 With the guitar case between my legs; my left leg was tight against her right leg; and I could feel the warmth of her body through my corduroy trousers。
  〃This isn't exactly a party; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 she explained; as we drove through the light traffic of the after…midnight streets。 〃We all attended the Jacksonville Little Theater to see Liliom; and I invited the bunch home for a cold supper and a few drinks。 It was a real faux pas on my part。 There's plenty of food; but I didn't realize I was out of Scotch。 But bringing you home to play will more than make up for my oversight; I'm sure。 Don't you think so; Tommy?〃
  〃If they're still there;〃 he observed dryly。
  〃Don't worry;〃 Mrs。 Hunferford laughed pleasantly; 〃I know my brother!〃 She turned toward me and put her hand lightly on my knee。 〃There are only two couples; Mr。 Mansfield。 Tommy's father and mother; and Dr。 Luke McGuire and his wife。 Not a very large audience; I'm afraid; after what you're accustomed to; is it?〃
  In reply;i spat out the window。
  〃But I know you'll find them appreciative of good music。〃
  A few minutes later we turned into a driveway guarded by two small concrete lions。 Tommy parked behind a Buick on the semicircular gravel road that led back to the street。 The two…story house was of red brick。 Four fluted wooden columns supported a widow's walk directly above the wide; aluminum…screened front porch。 The lawn slanted gradually to the street for almost a hundred yards; broken here and there with newly planted coconut palms。 The feathery tips of the young trees rattled in the wind。 She was wasting money and effort attempting to grow coconut trees as far north as Jax。 The subtropics start at Daytona Beach; much farther downstate。
  Mrs。 Hungerford rushed ahead of us after we got out of the car。 Tommy; carrying two sacked fifths of Scotch under his left arm and a six…pack of soda in his right hand; hurried after her。 As I climbed the porch steps; Mrs。 Hungerford switched on the overhead lights and opened the front doors。 She held a finger to her lips; as she beckoned me into the foyer with her free hand。
  〃Now; you stay right here in the foyer;〃 Mrs。 Hungerford whispered excitedly; 〃so I can surprise them!〃
  Closing the front door softly; she followed her nephew into the living room。 The voices greeting them contained a mixture of concern over the prolonged absence; and happiness at the prospect of a drink。 Above the sound of their conversation; the clipped electronic voice of a newscaster rattled through his daily report of the late news。
  The foyer was carpeted in a soft shade of rose nylon。 The same carpeting climbed the stairway to the walnutbalustraded second floor。 A giant split…leaved philodendron sat in a white pot behind the door。 There was a spindlylegged; leather…covered table beneath a gilded wall mirror; and a brass dish on the table held about thirty calling cards。 Out of long…forgotten habit I felt a few of the cards to see if they were engraved。 They were。 I turned my attention to a marble cherub mounted on a square; ebony base。 It was about three feet high; and the well…weathered cherub looked shyly with its dugout eyes through widespread stubby fingers。 A lifted; twisted right knee hid its sex; and three fingers of the left hand were missing。 I removed my cowboy hat and hung it on the thumb of the mutilated hand。
  The bored announcer was clicked off in midsentence; and Mrs。 Hungerford came after me a moment later。
  〃They're all tickled to death; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 she said happily。 〃e on; they want to meet you!〃
  In one corner of the large living room; Tommy was engaged behind a small bar。 Two middle…aged men got out of their chairs and crossed the room to greet me。 Dr。 McGuire was a thick…set man without a neck; and his gray hair was badly in need of cutting。 Mt Hungerford; Sr。; Tommy's father; was an older edition of his blond son; except that he no longer had his hair and the top of his head was bronzed by the Florida sun。 Both of the men wore white dinner jackets and midnight blue tuxedo trousers。 I acknowledged the introductions by nodding my head and shaking hands。 The two wives remained seated on a long; curving white sofa; and didn't offer their hands to be shaken。
  〃I know you're all eager to hear Mr。 Mansfield play;〃 Bernice announced to the room at large; 〃but you'll have to wait until he has a drink first。〃
  Wele news。 After dropping my guitar case on the sofa I headed for the bar。
  〃There's plenty of gin if you don't want Scotch;〃 Tommy suggested。
  I poured two ounces of Scotch into a tall glass in reply; and added ice cubes and soda。 An uneasy silence settled over the room as I hooked my elbows over the bar and faced the group。 Bernice; or Tommy; one; had evidently informed them about my inability to talk; and they were disturbed by my silence。 The two matrons; bulging in strapless evening gowns; had difficulty in averting their eyes from my face。 I doubt if they meant to be rude; but they couldn't keep from staring at me。 Dr。 McGuire; standing with his back to the fireplace; lit a cigar and studied the tip through his bifocals。 Only Bernice was at ease; sitting fortably on the long bench in front of the baby grand piano; apparently unaware of her guests' disfort。 Mr。 Hungerford; Sr。; cleared his throat and set his glass down on a low coffee table。
  〃Bernice tells us you studied under Segovia; Mr。 Mansfield;〃 he said。
  〃Yes;〃 Bernice replied for me; 〃That's what Mr。 Vernon told us; didn't he; Tommy?〃
  〃That's right。 And he played a b
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