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 enjoy the preparation of my own meals。 But I never prepare food when I have a woman around to do it for me。 As I ate; I wondered vaguely how Jack Burke was making out with the girl。 Although I was broke; the steak restored my good spirits; and I felt a certain sense of newfound freedom now that I no longer had Dody to worry about。
  We lingered over dinner for more than an hour and didn't arrive at Mr。 Middleton's home until after nine。 His ranchstyle; concrete brick and stucco house was about three miles off the main highway on a private gravel road and pletely surrounded by orange groves。 An avid fisherman; Ed had built his home with the rear terrace overlooking a small pond。 He parked in a double carport; set well away from the house; backing in beside a blue Chevy pickup。
  Before we crossed the flagstone patio; Ed flipped a switch in the carport and flooded the patio and most of the small lake with light。 The pond was about forty yards in diameter; and there was an aluminum fishing skiff tied to a concrete block pier at the edge of the gently sloping lawn。
  〃I've stocked the damned lake with fish four different times;〃 Ed said angrily; 〃but they disappear someplace。 Hide in the muck at the bottom; I suppose。 Anyway; I've never been able to catch very many。〃
  When the lights were turned on; Mrs。 Middleton opened the back door and peered out。 Her dark hair; shot through with streaks of gray; was coiled in a heavy round bun at the nape of her neck。
  〃Who's that with you; Ed?〃 she asked。
  We crossed the patio to the door and Ed kissed his wife on the mouth。 He gripped my upper arm with his thick fingers and pulled me in front of him。
  〃Frank Mansfield; Martha。 You remember him; I'm sure。 He's going to spend the night with us。〃
  〃Of course;〃 Martha said。 〃e on inside; Frank; before the mosquitoes eat you alive!〃
  We entered the kitchen and I blinked unfortably beneath the blue…and…yellow fluorescent lights。 I shook hands with Mrs。 Middleton after she wiped her hands unnecessarily on her clean white apron。 She was a motherly woman; about ten or fifteen years younger than her husband; but without any children to 〃mother。〃
  〃Have you boys had your dinner?〃 she asked。
  〃We had a little something in Saint Cloud;〃 Ed admitted。 〃Restaurants!〃 she said。 〃Why didn't you bring Frank on home to dinner when you were that close?〃 she scolded。 〃Sit down; Frank! How've you been? Could you eat a piece of key lime pie? Of course you can。 I know you both want coffee。〃
  As we sat down at the breakfast nook together; Ed winked at me。 Mrs。 Middleton bustled around in her bright and shiny kitchen; banging things together; just as busy as she could be。
  〃Force some pie down anyway; Frank;〃 Mr。 Middleton said in a loud stage whisper。 〃I'm going to eat a piece even though I hate it。〃
  〃Ha!〃 Martha said from beside the stove。 〃You hate it all right!〃
  After we were served and eating our pie; there was nothing else Mrs。 Middleton could do for us。 She stood beside the table with her hands clasped beneath her apron; working her pursed lips in and out。 I had the feeling that she wanted to ask me questions; but out of consideration for my socalled affliction; she wanted to phrase her questions so that I could answer them yes or no; and yet she couldn't manage any questions of that kind。 I hadn't seen Mrs。 Middleton or talked to her for at least four years。 As I recalled; the last time I had seen her was at a banquet held following the International Cockfighting Tournament in Saint Petersburg。 My 〃dumbness〃 had been a subject that she and her husband had undoubtedly discussed between them。
  〃Sit down; Martha;〃 Ed said。 〃Have a cup of coffee with us。〃
  〃And stay awake all night? No thanks。〃 She sat beside her husband; however; and smiled across the table。 〃Do you like the pie; Frank?〃
  I kissed my fingertips and rolled my eyes toward the ceiling。
  〃Lime is Ed's favorite。〃 She put a hand on her husband's sleeve。 〃How was the trip; Ed?〃
  Ed Middleton put his fork crosswise on his empty plate; wiped his lips with a napkin; and looked steadily at his wife。 〃The trip doesn't matter; Martha;〃 he said; 〃because it was the last; the very last。〃
  For a long time; a very long time it seemed to me; the elderly couple looked into each other's eyes。 Mr。 Middleton smiled and nodded his head; and Martha's lower lip began to tremble and her eyes were humid。 An instant later she was crying。 She hurriedly left the table; put her apron to her face and; still crying; ran out of the room。
  Mr。 Middleton crumpled the square of linen and tossed it toward the stove。 The napkin fluttered to the floor; and he smiled and shook his head。
  〃She's crying because she's happy;〃 he said。 〃Well; dammit; I promised to give up cockfighting; and a promise is a promise!〃 He got up from the table; doubled his right fist; and punched me hard on the shoulder。 〃Pour yourself some more coffee; eat another piece of pie。 I'll be back in a minute。〃
  He pushed through the swinging door and disappeared。 The lime pie was tart; tasty; with a wonderful two…inch topping of snow white; frothy meringue。 I ate two more pieces; drank two more cups of coffee。 I smoked two cigarettes。 Just as I was beginning to wonder whether Ed was going to e back to the kitchen or not; he pushed through the door。
  〃e on; Frank;〃 he snapped his fingers; 〃let's go get your suitcase。〃
  We went out to his Caddy; and after he unlocked the doors; I got my suitcase out of the back。 When we returned to the kitchen; he switched off the patio lights。 I followed him through the living room and into his study。
  〃This was supposed to be a third bedroom;〃 he explained。 〃Actually; it was designed as the master bedroom; and it's a lot larger than the other two bedrooms in the back。 But Martha and I decided to each take a small bedroom apiece so our snoring wouldn't bother each other。 And besides; I needed a large room like this as an office。 A big man needs a big room。〃 He opened the door leading to the bathroom。 〃Here's the can; Frank。 Take a shower if you want to。 There's always hot water; and these towels are all clean in here。 I'll get you some sheets。〃
  Ed left the room and I could hear him clumping down the hallway; yelling to his wife and asking her where she kept the clean sheets hidden。
  The Middletons' ranch…style home was so modern in design and color that the old…fashioned furniture in the study was out of place。 The walls were painted a bright warm blue; and there were matching floor…to…ceiling drapes over both windows。 The floor was black…and…white pebbled terrazzo; and there the modernity stopped。 The floor was covered with an oval…shaped hooked rag rug。 There was an ugly; well…scratched; walnut rolltop desk against one wall; and there was an ancient horsehair…stuffed Victorian couch against the opposite wall。 Beneath one window there was a scuffed cowhide easy chair; and a shiny black steamer trunk under the other window。 A red…lacquered straight chair; with a circular cane seat; stood beside the desk。 Three heavy wrought…iron smoking stands pleted the furnishings。
  I was attracted to the framed photographs on the wal
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