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 He went to the same cafe a block away; drank coffee; and toyed with a grilled cheese。 He heard a Sam Cayhall conversation several tables away; but couldn't discern what exactly was being said。
 He checked into a motel and called Lee。 She sounded sober; and maybe a bit relieved that he would not be there tonight。 He promised to return tomorrow evening。 By the time it was dark; Adam had been asleep for half an hour。
 ADAM drove through downtown Memphis in the predawn hours; and was locked in his office bY 7 A。M。 BY eight; he'd talked to E。 Garner Goodman three times。 Goodman; it seemed; was wired and also having trouble sleeping。 They discussed at length the issue of Keyes' representation at trial。 The Cayhall file was filled with memos and research about what went wrong at trial; but little of it placed blame on Benjamin Keyes。
 But that had been many years ago; when the gas chamber seemed too distant to worry about。 Goodman was pleased to hear that Sam now felt he should've testified at trial; and that Keyes had stopped him。 Goodman was skeptical of the truth at this point; but he would take Sam's word for it。
 Both Goodman and Adam knew the issue should've been raised years ago; and that to do so now was a long shot at best。 Law books were getting thicker by the week with Supreme Court decisions barring legitimate claims because they weren't timely filed。 But it was a real issue; one always examined by the courts; and Adam got excited as he drafted and redrafted the claim and swapped faxes with Goodman。
 Again; the claim would first be filed under the postconviction relief statutes in state court。 He hoped for a quick denial there so he could immediately run to federal court。
 At ten; he faxed his final draft to the clerk of the Mississippi Supreme Court; and also faxed a copy of it to the attention of Breck Jefferson in Slattery's office。 Faxes also went to the clerk of the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans。 Then he called the Death Clerk at the Supreme Court; ‘and told Mr。 Olander what he was doing。 Mr。 Olander instructed him to immediately fax a copy to Washington。
 Darlene knocked on the door; and Adam unlocked it。 He had a visitor waiting in the reception area; a Mr。 Wyn Lettner。 Adam thanked her; and a few minutes later walked down the hall and greeted Lettner; who was alone and dressed like a man who owned a trout dock。 Deck shoes; fishing cap。 They exchanged pleasantries: fish were biting; Irene was fine; when was he ing back to Calico Rock?
 〃I'm in town on business; and I just wanted to see you for a few minutes;〃 he said in a low whisper with his back to the receptionist。
 〃Sure;〃 Adam whispered。 〃My office is down the hall。〃
 〃No。 Let's take a walk。〃
 They rode the elevator to the lobby; and stepped from the building onto the pedestrian mall。 Lettner bought a bag of roasted peanuts from a pushcart vendor; and offered Adam a handful。 He declined。 They walked slowly north toward city hall and the federal building。 Lettner alternately ate the peanuts and tossed them to the pigeons。
 〃How's Sam?〃 he finally asked。
  〃He has two weeks。 How would you feel if you had two weeks?〃
 〃Guess I'd be praying a lot。〃
 〃He's not at that point yet; but it won't be long。〃
 〃Is it gonna happen?〃
 〃It's certainly being planned。 There's nothing in writing to stop it。〃
 Lettner threw a handful of peanuts into his mouth。 〃Well; good luck to you。 Since you came to see me; I've found myself pulling for you and of Sam。〃
 〃Thanks。 And you came to Memphis to wish me luck?〃
 〃Not exactly。 After you left; I thought a lot about Sam and the Kramer bombing。 I looked at my personal files and records … stuff I haven't thought about in years。 It brought back a lot of memories。 I called。 a few of my old buddies and we told war stories about the Klan。 Those were the days。〃
 〃I'm sorry that I missed them。〃
 〃Anyway; I thought of a few things that maybe I should've told you。〃
 〃Such as。〃
 〃There's more to the Dogan story。 You know he died a year after he testified。〃
 〃Sam told me。〃
 〃He and his wife were killed when their house blew up。 Some kind of propane leak in the heater。 House filled up with gas; and something ignited it。 Went off like a bomb; a huge fireball。 Buried them in sandwich bags。〃
 〃Sad; but so what?〃
  〃We never believed it was an accident。 The crime lab boys down there tried to reconstruct the heater。 A lot of it was destroyed; but they were of the opinion it had been rigged to leak。〃
 〃How does this affect Sam?〃
 〃It doesn't affect Sam。〃
 〃Then why are we talking about it?〃
 〃It might affect you。〃
 〃I really don't follow。〃
 〃Dogan had a son; a kid who joined the Army in 1979 and was sent to Germany。 At some point in the summer of 1980; Dogan and Sam were indicted again by the circuit court in Greenville; and shortly thereafter it became widely known that Dogan had agreed to testify against Sam。 It was a big story。 In October of 1980; Dogan's son went AWOL in Germany。 Vanished。〃 He crunched on some peanuts and tossed the hulls to a covey of pigeons。 〃Never found him either。 Army searched high and low。 Months went by。 Then a year。 Dogan died not knowing what happened to the kid。〃
 〃What happened to him?〃
 〃Don't know。 To this day; he's never turned UP。〃
 〃He died?〃
 〃Probably。 There was no sign of him。〃
 〃Who killed him?〃
 〃Maybe the same person who killed his parents。〃
 〃And who might that be?〃
 〃We had a theory; but no suspect。 We thought at the time that the son was grabbed before the trial as a warning to Dogan。 Perhaps Dogan knew secrets。〃
 〃Then why kill Dogan after the trial?〃
 They stopped under a shade tree and sat on a bench in Court Square。 Adam finally took some peanuts。
 〃Who knew the details of the bombing?〃 Lettner asked。 〃All the details。〃
 〃Sam。 Jeremiah Dogan。〃
 〃Right。 And who was their lawyer in the first two trials?〃
 〃Clovis Brazelton。〃
 〃Would it be safe to assume Brazelton knew the details?〃
 〃I suppose。 He was active in the Klan; wasn't he?〃
 〃Yep; he was a Klucker。 That makes three … Sam; Dogan; and Brazelton。 Anybody else?〃
 Adam thought for a second。 〃Perhaps the mysterious acplice。〃
 〃Perhaps。 Dogan's dead。 Sam wouldn't talk。 And Brazelton died many years ago。〃
 〃How'd he die?〃
 〃Plane crash。 The Kramer case made him a hero down there; and he was able to; parlay his fame into a very successful law practice。 He liked to fly; so he bought himself a plane and buzzed around everywhere trying lawsuits。 A real big shot。 He was flying back from the Coast one night when the plane disappeared from radar。 They found his body in a tree。 The weather was clear。 The FAA said there'd been some type of engine failure。〃
 〃Another mysterious death。〃
  〃Yep。 So everybody's dead but Sam; and he's getting close。〃
 〃Any link between Dogan's death and Brazelton's?〃
 〃No。 They were years apart。 But the theory includes the scenario that the deaths were the work of the same person。〃
 〃So who's at work here?〃
 〃Someone who's very concerned about secrets。 Could be Sam's mysterious acplice; John Doe。〃
 〃That's a pretty wild theory。〃
 〃Yes; it is。 And it's one with absolutely no proof to support it
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