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  And; at this point; no one would believe a sudden tale of a mysterious new terrorist who'd never been mentioned before; and who came and went without being seen。 Sam knew the Rollie Wedge angle was futile; and he never mentioned the man's name to his own lawyer。
  * * *
 At the close of the trial; David McAllister stood before the jury in a packed courtroom and presented his closing argument。 He talked of being a youngster in Greenville and having Jewish friends。 He didn't know they were different。 He knew some of the Kramers; fine folks who worked hard and gave back to the town。 He also played with little black kids; and learned they made wonderful friends。 He never understood why they went to one school and he went to another。 He told a gripping story of feeling the earth shake on the morning of April 21; 1967; and running in the direction of downtown where smoke was drifting upward。 For three hours; he stood behind the police barricades and waited。 He saw the firemen scurry about when they found Marvin Kramer。 He saw them huddle in the debris when they found the boys。 Tears dripped down his cheeks when the little bodies; covered in white sheets; were carried slowly to an ambulance。
  It was a splendid performance; and when McAllister finished the courtroom was silent。 Several of the jurors dabbed at their eyes。
 * * *
 On February 12; 1981; Sam Cayhall was convicted on two counts of capital murder and one count of attempted murder。 Two days later; the same jury in the same courtroom returned with a sentencing verdict of death。
  He was transported to the state penitentiary at Parchman to begin waiting for his appointment with the gas chamber。 On February 19; 1981; he first set foot on death row。
 THE law firm of Kravitz & Bane had almost three hundred lawyers peacefully coexisting under the same roof in Chicago。 Two hundred and eighty…six to be exact; though it was difficult for anyone to keep score because at any given moment there were a dozen or so leaving for a multitude of reasons; and there were always two dozen or so shiny; fresh new recruits trained and polished and just itching for bat。 And though it was huge; Kravitz & Bane had failed to play the expansion game as quickly as others; had failed to gobble up weaker firms in other cities; had been slow to raid clients from its petitors; and thus had to suffer the distinction of being only the third largest firm in Chicago。 It had offices in six cities; but; much to the embarrassment of the younger partners; there was no London address on the letterhead。
  Though it had mellowed some; Kravitz & Bane was still known as a vicious litigation firm。 It had tamer departments for real estate; tax; and antitrust; but its money was made in litigation。 When the firm recruited it sought the brightest third…year students with the highest marks in mock trials and debate。 It wanted young men (a token female here and there) who could be instantly trained in the slash…and…attack style perfected long ago by Kravitz & Bane litigators。
  There was a nice though small unit for plaintiffs' personal injury work; good stuff from which they took 50 percent and allowed their clients the remainder。 There was a sizable section for white…collar criminal defense; but the white…collar defendant needed a sizable net worth to strap on Kravitz & Bane。 Then there were the two largest sections; one for mercial litigation and one for insurance defense。 With the exception of the plaintiffs' work; and as a percentage of gross it was almost insignificant; the firm's money was earned by billable hours。 Two hundred bucks per hour for insurance work; more if the traffic could stand it。 Three hundred bucks for criminal defense。 Four hundred for a big bank。 Even five hundred dollars an hour for a rich corporate client with lazy in…house lawyers who were asleep at the wheel。
  Kravitz & Bane printed money by the hour and built a dynasty in Chicago。 Its offices were fashionable but not plush。 They filled the top floors of; fittingly; the third…tallest building downtown。
  Like most large firms; it made so much money it felt obligated to establish a small pro bono section to fulfill its moral responsibility to society。 It was quite proud of the fact that it had a full…time pro bono partner; an eccentric do…gooder named E。 Garner Goodman; who had a spacious office with two secretaries on the sixty…first floor。 He shared a paralegal with a litigation partner。 The firm's gold…embossed brochure made much of the fact that its lawyers were encouraged to pursue pro bono projects。 The brochure proclaimed that last year; 1989; Kravitz & Bane lawyers donated almost sixty thousand hours of their precious time to clients who couldn't pay。 Housing project kids; death row inmates; illegal aliens; drug addicts; and; of course; the firm was deeply concerned with the plight of the homeless。 The brochure even had a photograph of two young lawyers; jackets off; sleeves rolled up; ties loosened about the neck; sweat in the armpits; eyes filled with passion; as they performed some menial chore in the midst of a group of minority children in what appeared to be an urban landfill。 Lawyers saving society。
  Adam Hall had one of the brochures in his thin file as he eased slowly along the hallway on floor sixty…one; headed in the general direction of the office of E。 Garner Goodman。 He nodded and spoke to another young lawyer; one he'd never seen before。 At the firm Christmas party name tags were distributed at the door。 Some of the partners barely knew each other。 Some of the associates saw each other once or twice a year。 He opened a door and entered a small room where a secretary stopped typing and almost smiled。 He asked for Mr。 Goodman; and she nodded properly to a row of chairs where he was to wait。 He was five minutes early for a 10 A。m。 appointment; as if it mattered。 This was pro bono now。 Forget the clock。 Forget billable hours。 Forget performance bonuses。 In defiance of the rest of the firm; Goodman allowed no clocks on his walls。
  Adam flipped through his file。 He chuckled at the brochure。 He read again his own little resume … college at Pepperdine; law school at Michigan; editor of the law review; case note on cruel and unusual punishment; ments on recent death penalty cases。 A rather short resume; but then he was only twenty…six。 He'd been employed at Kravitz & Bane for all of nine months now。
  He read and made notes from two lengthy U。S。 Supreme Court decisions dealing with executions in California。 He checked his watch; and read some more。 The secretary eventually offered coffee; which he politely declined。
 * * *
 The office of E。 Garner Goodman was a stunning study in disorganization。 It was large but cramped; with sagging bookshelves on every wall and stacks of dusty files covering the floor。 Little piles of papers of all sorts and sizes covered the desk in the center of the office。 Refuse; rubbish; and lost letters covered the rug under the desk。 If not for the closed wooden blinds; the large window could have provided a splendid view of Lake Michigan; but it was obvious Mr。 Goodman spent no; time at his window。
  He was an old man with a neat gray
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