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  〃Daniel Rosen。〃
  〃Daniel Rosen。 Evidently; he's been working the Termination Submittee for ten days trying to line up enough votes for your dismissal。〃
  Adam sat in a chair at the table; and Goodman sat across from him。
  〃There are seven members of the submittee; and they met this morning at Rosen's request。 There were five members present; so they had a quorum。 Rosen; of course; did not notify me or anyone else。 Termination meetings are strictly confidential; for obvious reasons; so there was no requirement that he notify anyone。〃
  〃Not even me?〃
  〃No; not even you。 You were the only item on the agenda; and the meeting lasted less than an hour。 Rosen had the deck stacked before he went in; but he presented his case very forcefully。 Remember; he was a courtroom brawler for thirty years。 They record all termination meetings; just in case there's litigation afterward; so Rosen made a plete record。 He; of course; claims that you were deceitful when you applied for employment with Kravitz & Bane; that it presents the firm with a conflict of interest; and on and on。 And he had copies of a dozen or so newspaper articles about you and Sam and the grandfather…grandson angle。 His argument was that you had embarrassed the firm。 He was very prepared。 I think we underestimated him last Monday。〃
  〃And so they voted。〃
  〃Four to one to terminate you。〃
  〃I know。 I've seen Rosen in tough spots before; and the guy can be brutally persuasive。 He usually gets his way。 He can't go to courtrooms anymore; so he's picking fights around the office。 He'll be gone in six months。〃
  〃That's a small fort at the moment。〃
  〃There's hope。 Word finally filtered to my office around eleven; and luckily Emmitt Wycoff was in。 We went to Rosen's office and had a terrible fight; then we got on the phone。 Bottom line is this … the full Personnel mittee meets at eight o'clock in the morning to review your dismissal。 You need to be there。〃
  〃Eight o'clock in the morning!〃
  〃Yeah。 These guys are busy。 Many have court dates at nine。 Some have depositions all day。 Out of fifteen; we'll be lucky to have a quorum。〃
  〃How much is a quorum?〃
  〃Two…thirds。 Ten。 And if there's no quorum; then we might be in trouble。〃
  〃Trouble! What do you call this?〃
  〃It could get worse。 If there's no quorum in the morning; then you have the right to request another review in thirty days。〃
  〃Sam will be dead in thirty days。〃
  〃Maybe not。 At any rate; I think we'll have the meeting in the morning。 Emmitt and I have ;mitments from nine of the members to be there。〃
  〃What about the four who voted against me this morning?〃
  Goodman grinned and glanced away。 〃Guess。
  Rosen made sure his votes can be there tomorrow。〃
  Adam suddenly slapped the table with both hands。 〃I quit dammit!〃
  〃You can't quit。 You've just been terminated。〃
  〃Then I won't fight it。 Sonofabitches!〃
  〃Listen; Adam … 〃
  Goodman retreated for a moment to allow Adam to cool。 He straightened his bow tie and checked the growth of his beard。 He tapped his fingers on the table。 Then he said; 〃Look; Adam; we're in good shape in the morning; okay。 Emmitt thinks so。 I think so。 The firm's behind you on this。 We believe in what you're doing; and; frankly; we've enjoyed the publicity。 There've been nice stories in the Chicago papers。〃
  〃The firm certainly appears to be supportive。〃
  〃Just listen to me。 We can pull this off tomorrow。 I'll do most of the talking。 Wycoff's twisting arms right now。 We've got other people twisting arms。〃
  〃Rosen's not stupid; Mr。 Goodman。 He wants to win; that's all。 He doesn't care about me; doesn't care about Sam; or you; or anyone else involved。 He simply wants to win。 It's a contest; and I'll bet he's on the phone right now trying to line up votes。〃
  〃Then let's go fight his cranky ass; okay。 Let's walk into that meeting tomorrow with a chip on our shoulders。 Let's make Rosen the bad guy。 Honestly; Adam; the man does not have a lot of friends。〃
  Adam walked to the window and peeked through the shades。 Foot traffic was heavy on the Mall below。 It was almost five。 He had close to five thousand dollars in mutual funds; and if he was frugal and if he made certain lifestyle changes the money might last for six months。 His salary was sixty…two thousand; and replacing it in the very near future would be difficult。 But he had never been one to worry about money; and he wouldn't start now。 He was much more concerned about the next three weeks。 After a ten…day career as a death penalty lawyer; he knew he needed help。
  〃What will it be like at the end?〃 he asked after a heavy silence。
  Goodman slowly rose from his chair and walked to another window。 〃Pretty crazy。 You won't sleep much the last four days。 You'll be running in all directions。 The courts are unpredictable。 The system is unpredictable。 You keep filing petitions and appeals knowing full well they won't work。 The press will be dogging you。 And; most importantly; you'll need to spend as much time as possible with your client。 It's crazy work and it's all free。〃
  〃So I'll need some help。〃
  〃Oh yes。 You can't do it alone。 When 1Maynard Tole was executed; we had a lawyer ;。from Jackson staked out at the governor's ;office; one at the supreme court clerk's office in Jackson; one in Washington; and two on '。death row。 That's why you have to go fight ;tomorrow; Adam。 You'll need the firm and its resources。 You can't do it by yourself。 It takes 'a team。〃
  〃This is a real kick in the crotch。〃
  〃I know。 A year ago you were in law school; now you've been terminated。 I know it hurts。 But believe me; Adam; it's just a fluke。 It won't stand。 Ten years from now you'll be a partner in this firm; and you'll be terrorizing young associates。〃
  〃Don't bet on it。〃
  〃Let's go to Chicago。 I've got two tickets for a seven…fifteen flight。 We'll be in Chicago by eight…thirty; and we'll find a nice restaurant。〃
  〃I need to get some clothes。〃
  〃Fine。 Meet me at the airport at six…thirty。〃
  The matter was effectively settled before the meeting began。 Eleven members of the Personnel mittee were present; a sufficient number for a quorum。 They gathered in a locked library on the sixtieth floor; around a long table with gallons of coffee in the center of it; and they brought with them thick files and portable Dictaphones and fatigued pocket schedules。 One brought his secretary; and she sat in the hallway and worked furiously。 These were busy people; all of them less than an hour away from another frantic day of endless conferences; meetings; briefings; depositions; trials; telephones; and significant lunches。 Ten men; one woman; all in their late thirties or early forties; all partners of K & B; all in a hurry to return to their cluttered desks。
  The matter of Adam Hall was a nuisance to them。 The Personnel mittee; in fact; was a nuisance to them。 It was not one of the more pleasant panels upon which to serve; but they'd been duly elected and no one dared decline。 All for the firm。 Go team Go!
  Adam had arrived at the office at seven…thirty。 He'd been gone for ten days; his longest absence yet。 Emmitt Wycoff had shifted Adam
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