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him。 It's not unusual; really; especially with the Africans。 He seldom gets mail or visitors。 He was born fifty miles from here; but the free world has forgotten about him。 As his appeals were losing steam; Stock started worrying about life and death and things in general。 Around here; if no one claims your body; then the state buries you like a pauper in some cheap grave。 Stock got concerned about what would happen to his body; and he started asking all kinds of questions。 Packer and some of the guards picked up on it; and they convinced Stock that his body would be sent to a crematorium where it would be burned。 The ashes would be dropped from the air and spread over Parchman。 They told him that since he'd be full of gas anyway; when they stuck a match to him he'd go off like a bomb。 Stock was devastated。 He had trouble sleeping and lost weight。 Then he started writing letters to his family and friends begging them for a few dollars so he could have a Christian burial; as he called it。 The money trickled in; and he wrote more letters。 He wrote to ministers and civil rights groups。 Even his lawyers sent money。
  〃When his stay was lifted; Stock had close to four hundred dollars; and he was ready to die。 Or so he thought。〃
  Sam's eyes were dancing and his voice was light。 He told the story slowly; in a low voice; and savored the details。 Adam was amused more by the telling than by the narrative。
  〃They have a loose rule here that allows almost unlimited visitation for seventy…two hours prior to the execution。 As long as there's no security risk; they'll allow the condemned man to do damned near anything。 There's a little office up front with a desk and phone; and that bees the visiting room。 It's usually filled with all sorts of people … grandmothers; nieces; nephews; cousins; aunties … especially with these Africans。 Hell; they run 'em in here by the busload。 Kinfolks who haven't spent five minutes thinking about the inmate suddenly show up to share his last moments。 It almost bees a social event。
  〃They also have this rule; it's unwritten I'm sure; that allows one final conjugal visit with the wife。 If there's no wife; then the warden in his boundless mercy allows a brief appointment with a girlfriend。 One last little quickie before lover boy checks out。〃 Sam glanced along the counter at Stock; then leaned even closer。
  〃Well; ole Stock here is one of the more popular residents of the Row; and he somehow convinced the warden that he had both a wife and a girlfriend; and that these ladies would agree to spend a few moments with him before he died。 At the same time! All three of them; together! The warden allegedly knew something fishy was going on; but everyone likes Stock; and; well; they were about to kill him anyway; so what's the harm。 So Stock here was sitting in the little room with his mother and sisters and cousins and nieces; a whole passel of Africans; most of whom hadn't uttered his name in ten years; and he was eating his last meal of steak and potatoes while everybody else was crying and grieving and praying。 With about four hours to go; they emptied the room and sent the family to the chapel。 Stock waited for a few minutes while another van brought his wife and his girlfriend here to the Row。 They arrived with guards; and were taken to the little office up front where Stock was waiting; all wild…eyed and ready。 Poor guy'd been on the Row for twelve years。
  〃Well; they brought in a little cot for this liaison; and Stock and his gals got it on。 'The guards said later that Stock had some 'fine…looking women; and the guards also said they mented at the time on how young they ;looked。 Stock was just about to have a go with either his wife or his girlfriend; it didn't really matter; when the phone rang。 It was his lawyer。 And his lawyer was crying and out of breath as he yelled out the great news that the Fifth Circuit had issued a stay。
  〃Stock hung up on him。 He had more important matters at hand。 A few minutes passed; then the phone rang again。 Stock grabbed it。 It was his lawyer again; and this time he was much more posed as he explained to Stock the legal maneuvering that had saved his life; for the moment。 Stock offered his appreciation; then asked his lawyer to keep it quiet for another hour。〃
  Adam again glanced to his right; and wondered which of the two lawyers had called Stock while he was exercising his constitutional right of the last conjugal visit。
  〃Well; by this time; the Attorney General's office had talked to the warden; and the execution had been called off; or aborted as they like to say。 Made no difference to Stock。 He was proceeding as if he would never see another woman。 The door to the room cannot be locked from the inside; for obvious reasons; so Naifeh; after waiting patiently; gently knocked on the door and asked Stock to e on out。 Time to go back to your cell; Stock; he said。 Stock said he needed just another five minutes。 No; said Naifeh。 Please; Stock begged; and suddenly there were noises again。 So the warden grinned at the guards who grinned at the warden; and for five minutes they studied the floor while; the cot rattled and bounced around the little room。
  〃Stock finally opened the door and strutted out like the heavyweight champ of the world。 The guards said he was happier about his performance than he was about his stay。 They quickly got rid of the women; who as it turned out; were not really his wife and girlfriend after all。〃
  〃Who were they?〃
  〃A couple of prostitutes。〃
  〃Prostitutes!〃 Adam said a bit too loud; and one of the lawyers stared at him。
  Sam leaned so close his nose was almost in the slit。 〃Yeah; local whores。 His brother somehow arranged it for him。 Remember the funeral money he worked so hard to raise。〃
  〃You're kidding。〃
  〃That's it。 Four hundred bucks spent on whores; which at first seems a bit stiff; especially for local African whores; but it seems they were scared to death about ing to death row; which I guess makes sense。 They took all Stock's money。 He told me later he didn't give a damn how they buried him。 Said it was worth every dime。 Naifeh got embarrassed; and he threatened to prohibit the conjugal visits。 But Stock's lawyer; that little dark…haired one over there; filed a lawsuit and got a ruling that ensures one last quickie。 I think Stock's almost looking forward to his next one。〃
  Sam leaned back in his chair and the smile slowly left his face。 〃Personally; I haven't given much thought to my conjugal visit。 It's intended for husband and wife relations only; you know; that's what the term means。 But the warden'll probably bend the rules for me。 What do you think?〃
  〃I really haven't thought about it。〃
  〃I'm just kidding; you know。 I'm an old man。 I'd settle for a back rub and a stiff drink。〃
  〃What about your last meal?〃 Adam asked; still very quietly。
  〃That's not funny。〃
  〃I thought we were kidding。〃
  〃Probably something gross like boiled pork and rubber peas。 Same crap they've been feeding me for almost ten years。 Maybe an extra piece of toast。 I'd hate to give the cook the opportunity to prepare a meal fit for free world humans。〃
  〃Sounds delicious。〃
  〃Oh; I'll share it with yo
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