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 eventually found his body after searching the house; and Adam apologized profusely until they both asked him to stop。 She had insisted on a heavy breakfast。 It was their one day of the week to eat pork; a regular tradition around the Lettner cottage; and Adam had sat at the kitchen table guzzling ice water while the bacon fried and Irene hummed and Wyn read the paper。 She also scrambled eggs and mixed bloody marys。
  The vodka deadened some of the pain in his head; but it also did nothing to calm his stomach。 As they bounced toward Calico Rock on the bumpy road; Adam was terrified that he would be sick。
  Though Lettner had passed out first; he was remarkably healthy this morning。 No sign of a hangover。 He'd eaten a plate full of grease and biscuits; and he'd sipped only one bloody mary。 He'd diligently read the paper and mented about this and that; and Adam figured he was one of those functional alcoholics who got plastered every night but shook it off easily。
  The village was in view。 The road was suddenly smoother and Adam's stomach stopped bouncing。 〃Sorry about last night;〃 Lettner said。
  〃What?〃 Adam asked。
  〃About Sam。 I was harsh。 I know he's your grandfather and you're very concerned。 I lied about something。 I really don't want Sam to be executed。 He's not a bad guy。〃
  〃I'll tell him。〃
  〃Yeah。 I'm sure he'll be thrilled。〃
  They entered the town and turned toward the bridge。 〃There's something else;〃 Lettner said。 〃We always suspected Sam had a partner。〃
  Adam smiled and looked through his window。 They passed a small church with elderly people standing under a shade tree in their pretty dresses and neat suits。
  〃Why?〃 Adam asked。
  〃For the same reasons。 Sam had no history with bombs。 He had not been involved in Klan violence。 The two witnesses; especially the truck driver in Cleveland; always bothered us。 The trucker had no reason to lie; and he seemed awfully certain of himself。 Sam just didn't seem like the type to start his own bombing campaign。〃
  〃So who's the man?〃
  〃I honestly don't know。〃 They rolled to a stop by the river; and Adam opened his door just in case。 Lettner leaned on the steering wheel; and cocked his head toward Adam。 〃After the third or fourth bombing; I think maybe it was the synagogue in Jackson; some big Jews in New York and Washington met with LBJ; who in turn called in Mr。 Hoover; who in turn called me。 I went to D。C。; where I met with Mr。 Hoover and the President; and they pretty much crawled my ass。 I returned to Mississippi with renewed determination。 We came down hard on our informants。 I mean; we hurt some people。 We tried everything; but to no avail。 Our sources simply did not know who was doing the bombing。 Only Dogan knew; and it was obvious he wasn't telling anybody。 But after the fifth bomb; which I think was the newspaper ‘office; we got a break。〃
  Lettner opened his door and walked to the front of the jeep。 Adam joined him there; and they watched the river ease along through Calico Rock。 〃You wanna beer? I keep it cold in the bait shop。〃
  〃No; please。 I'm half…sick now。〃
  〃Just kidding。 Anyway; Dogan ran this huge used car lot; and one of his employees was an illiterate old black man who washed the cars and swept the floors。 We had carefully approached the old man earlier; but he was hostile。 But out of the blue he tells one of our agents that he saw Dogan and another man putting something in the trunk of a green Pontiac a couple of days earlier。 He said he waited; then opened the trunk and saw it was dynamite。 The next day he heard that there was another bombing。 He knew the FBI was swarming all around Dogan; so he figured it was worth mentioning to us。 Dogan's helper was a Klucker named Virgil; also an employee。 So I went to see Virgil。 I knocked on his door at three o'clock one morning; just beat it like hell; you know; like we always did in those days; and before long he turned on the light and stepped on the porch。 I had about eight agents with me; and we all stuck our badges in Virgil's face。 He was scared to death。 I told him we knew he had delivered the dynamite to Jackson the night before; and that he was looking at thirty years。 You could hear his wife crying through the screen door。 Virgil was shaking and ready to cry himself。 I left him my card with instructions to call me before noon that very day; and I threatened him if he told Dogan or anybody else。 I told him we'd be watching him around the clock。
  〃I doubt if Virgil went back to sleep。 His eyes were red and puffy when he found me a few hours later。 We got to be friends。 He said the bombings were not the work of Dogan's usual gang。 He didn't know much; but he'd heard enough from Dogan to believe that the bomber was a very young man from another state。 This guy had dropped in from nowhere; and was supposed to be very good with explosives。 Dogan picked the targets; planned the jobs; then called this guy; who sneaked into town; carried out the bombings; then disappeared。〃
  〃Did you believe him?〃
  〃For the most part; yes。 It just made sense。 It had to be someone new; because by then we had riddled the Klan with informants。 We knew virtually every move they made。〃
  〃What happened to Virgil?〃
  〃I spent some time with him; gave him some money; you know; the usual routine。 They always wanted money。 I became convinced he had no idea who was planting the bombs。 He would never admit that he'd been involved; that he'd delivered the cars and dynamite; and we didn't press him。 We weren't after him。〃
  〃Was he involved with Kramer?〃
  〃No。 Dogan used someone else for that one。 At times; Dogan seemed to have a sixth sense about when to mix things up; to change routines。〃
  〃Virgil's suspect certainly doesn't sound like Sam Cayhall; does he?〃 Adam asked。
  〃  〃
  〃And you had no suspects?〃
  〃  〃
  〃e on; Wyn。 Surely you guys had some idea。〃
  〃I swear。 We did not。 Shortly after we met Virgil; Kramer got bombed and it was all over。 If Sam had a buddy; then the buddy left him。〃
  〃And the FBI heard nothing afterward?〃
  〃Not a peep。 We had Sam; who looked and smelled extremely guilty。〃
  〃And; of course; you guys were anxious to close the case。〃
  〃Certainly。 And the bombings stopped; remember。 There were no bombings after Sam got caught; don't forget that。 We had our man。 Mr。 Hoover was happy。 The Jews were happy。 The President was happy。 Then they couldn't convict him for fourteen years; but that was a different story。 Everyone was relieved when the bombings stopped。〃
  〃So why didn't Dogan squeal on the real bomber when he squealed on Sam?〃
  They had eased down the bank to a point just inches above the water。
  Adam's car sat nearby。 Lettner cleared his throat and spat into the river。 〃Would you testify against a terrorist who was not in custody?〃
  Adam thought for a second。 Lettner smiled; flashed his big yellow teeth; then chuckled as he started for the dock。 〃Let's have a beer。〃
  〃No。 Please。 I need to go。〃
  Lettner stopped; and they shook hands and promised to meet again; Adam invited him to Memphis; and Lettner invited him back to Calico Rock for more fishing and drinking。 At the moment; his invitation was not w
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