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  It was like another branch of the Klan had suddenly invaded Mississippi without telling the old one。〃
  〃Did you know about Sam?〃
  〃His name was in our records。 As I recall; his father had been a Klucker; and maybe a brother or two。 So we had their names。 But they seemed harmless。 They lived in the northern part of the state; in an area not known for serious Klan violence。 They probably burned some crosses; maybe shot up a few houses; but nothing pared to Dogan and his gang。 We had our hands full with murderers。 We didn't have time to investigate every possible Klucker in the state。〃
  〃Then how do you explain Sam's sudden shift to violence?〃
  〃Can't explain it。 He was no choirboy; okay? He had killed before。〃
  〃Are you sure?〃
  〃You heard me。 He shot and killed one of his black employees in the early fifties。 Never spent a day in jail for it。 In fact; I'm not sure; but I don't think he was ever arrested for it。 There may have been another killing; too。 Another black victim。〃
  〃I'd rather not hear it。〃
  〃Ask him。 See if the old bastard has guts enough to admit it to his grandson。〃 He took another sip。 〃He was a violent man; son; and he certainly had the capability to plant bombs and kill people。 Don't be naive。〃
  〃I'm not naive。 I'm just trying to save his life。〃
  〃Why? He killed two very innocent little boys。 Two children。 Do you realize this?〃
  〃He was convicted of the murders。 But if the killings were wrong; then it's wrong for the state to kill him。〃
  〃I don't buy that crap。 The death penalty is too good for these people。 It's too clean and sterile。 They know they're about to die; so they have time to say their prayers and say good…bye。 What about the victims? How much time did they have to prepare?〃
  〃So you want Sam executed?〃
  〃Yeah。 I want 'em all executed。〃
  〃I thought you said he wasn't a bad guy。〃
  〃I lied。 Sam Cayhall is a cold…blooded killer。 And he's guilty as hell。 How else can you explain the fact that the bombings stopped as soon as he was in custody?〃
  〃Maybe they were scared after Kramer?〃
  〃They? Who the hell is they?〃
  〃Sam and his partner。 And Dogan。〃
  〃Okay。 I'll play along。 Let's assume Sam had an acplice。〃
  〃No。 Let's assume Sam was the acplice。 Let's assume the other guy was the explosives expert。〃
  〃Expert? These were very crude bombs; son。 The first five were nothing more than a few sticks wrapped together with a fuse。 You light the match; run like hell; and fifteen minutes later; Boom! The Kramer bomb was nothing but a half…ass rig with an alarm clock wired to it。 They were lucky it didn't go off while they were playing with it。〃
  〃Do you think it was deliberately set to go off when it did?〃
  〃The jury thought so。 Dogan said they planned to kill Marvin Kramer。〃
  〃Then why was Sam hanging around? Why was he close enough to the bomb to get hit with debris?〃
  〃You'll have to ask Sam; which I'm sure you've already done。 Does he claim he had an acplice?〃
  〃Then that settles it。 If your own client says no; what the hell are you digging for?〃
  〃Because I think my client is lying。〃
  〃Too bad for your client; then。 If he wants to lie and protect the identity of someone; then why should you care?〃
  〃Why would he lie to me?〃
  Lettner shook his head in frustration; then mumbled something and took a drink。 〃How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't want to know; okay? I honestly don't care if Sam's lying or if Sam's telling the truth。 But if he won't level with you; his lawyer and his own grandson; then I say gas him。〃
  Adam took a long drink and stared into the darkness。 He actually felt silly at times digging around trying to prove his own client was lying to him。 He'd give this another shot; then talk about something else。 〃You don't believe the witnesses who saw Sam with another person?〃
  〃No。 They were pretty shaky; as I recall。 The guy at the truck stop didn't e forward for a long time。 The other guy had just left a honky…tonk。 They weren't credible。〃
  〃Do you believe Dogan?〃
  〃The jury did。〃
  〃I didn't ask about the jury。〃
  Lettner's breathing was finally getting heavy; and he appeared to be fading。 〃Dogan was crazy; and Dogan was a genius。 He said the bomb was intended to kill; and I believe him。 Keep in mind; Adam; they almost wiped out an entire family in Vicksburg。 I can't remember the name … 〃
  〃Pinder。 And you keep saying they did this and that。〃
  〃I'm just playing along; okay。 We're assuming Sam had a buddy with him。 They planted a bomb at the Pinder house in the middle of the night。 An entire family could've been killed。〃
  〃Sam said he placed the bomb in the garage so no one would get hurt。〃
  〃Sam told you this? Sam admitted he did it? Then why in the hell are you asking me about an acplice? Sounds like you need to listen to your client。 Son of a bitch is guilty; Adam。 Listen to him。〃
  Adam took another drink and his eyelids grew heavier。 He looked at his watch; but couldn't see it。 〃Tell me about the tapes;〃 he said; yawning。
  〃What tapes?〃 Lettner asked; yawning。
  〃The FBI tapes they played at Sam's trial。 The ones with Dogan talking to Wayne Graves about bombing Kramer。〃
  〃We had lots of tapes。 And they had lots of targets。 Framer was just one of many。 Hell; we had a tape with two Kluckers talking about bombing a synagogue while a wedding was in progress。 They wanted to bolt the doors and shoot some gas through the heating ducts so the entire congregation would be wiped out。 Sick bastards; man。 It wasn't Dogan; just a couple of his idiots talking trash; and so we dismissed it。 Wayne Graves was a Klucker who was also on our payroll; and he allowed us to tap his phones。 He called Dogan one night; said he was on a pay phone; and they got to talking about hitting Kramer。 They also talked about other targets。 It was very effective at Sam's trial。 But the tapes did not help us stop a single bombing。 Nor did they help us identify Sam。〃
  〃You had no idea Sam Cayhall was involved?〃
  〃None whatsoever。 If the fool had left Greenville when he should have; he'd probably still be a free man。〃
  〃Did Kramer know he was a target?〃
  〃We told him。 But by then he was accustomed to threats。 He kept a guard at his house。〃 His words were starting to slur a bit; and his chin had dropped an inch or two。
  Adam excused himself and cautiously made his way to the bathroom。 As he returned to the porch; he heard heavy snoring。 Lettner had slumped in his chair and collapsed with the drink in his hand。 Adam removed it; then left in search of a sofa。
  THE late morning was warm but seemed downright feverish in the front of the Army surplus jeep; which lacked air conditioning and other essentials。 Adam sweated and kept his hand on the handle of the door which he hoped would open promptly in the event Irene's breakfast came roaring up。
  He had awakened on the floor beside a narrow sofa in a room which he had mistaken for the den; but was in fact the washroom beside the kitchen。 And the sofa was a bench; Lettner had explained with much laughter; that he used to sit on to take off his boots。 Irene had eventually found his body after searching the ho
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