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ome place like Sao Paulo or Rio。〃
 〃Like Mengele。〃
 〃Something like that。 They never caught him; you know。 They never caught a bunch of those guys。 I'd be living right now in a nice little house; speaking Portuguese and laughing at fools like David McAllister。〃 Sam shook his head and closed his eyes; and dreamed of what might have been。
 〃Why didn't you leave when McAllister started making noises?〃
 〃Because I was foolish。 It happened slowly。 It was like a bad dream ing to life in small segments。 First; McAllister got elected with all his promises。 Then; a few months later Dogan got nailed by the IRS。 I started hearing rumors and reading little things in the newspapers。 But I simply refused to believe it could happen。 Before I knew it; the FBI was following me and I couldn't run。〃
 Adam looked at his watch and was suddenly tired。 They had been talking for more than two hours; and he needed fresh air and sunshine。 His head ached from the cigarette smoke; and the room was growing warmer by the moment。 He screwed the cap on his pen and slid the legal pad into his briefcase。 〃I'd better go;〃 he said in the direction of the screen。 〃I'll probably e back tomorrow for another round。〃
 〃I'll be here。〃
 〃Lucas Mann has given me the green light to visit anytime I want。〃
 〃A helluva guy; isn't he?〃
 〃He's okay。 Just doing his job。〃
 〃So's Naifeh and Nugent and all those other white folks。〃
 〃White folks?〃
 〃Yeah; it's slang for the authorities。 Nobody really wants to kill me; but they're just doing their jobs。 There's this little moron with nine fingers who's the official executioner … the guy who mixes the gas and inserts the canister。 Ask him what he's doing as they strap me in; and he'll say; ‘Just doing my job。' The prison chaplain and the prison doctor and the prison psychiatrist; along with the guards who'll escort me in and the medics who'll carry me out; well; they're nice folks; nothing really against me; but they're just doing their jobs。〃
  〃It won't get that far; Sam。〃
 〃Is that a promise?〃
 〃No。 But think positive。〃
 〃Yeah; positive thinking's real popular around here。 Me and the boys are big on motivational shows; along with travel programs and home shopping。 The Africans prefer ‘Soul Train'。〃
 〃Lee's worried about you; Sam。 She wanted me to tell you she's thinking about you and praying for you。〃
 Sam bit his bottom lip and looked at the floor。 He nodded slowly but said nothing。
 〃I'll be staying with her for the next month or so。〃
 〃She's still married to that guy?〃
 〃Sort of。 She wants to see you。〃
 〃Why not?〃
 Sam carefully eased from his chair and knocked on the door behind him。 He turned and looked at Adam through the screen。 They watched each other until a guard opened the door and took Sam away。
 〃THE kid left an hour ago; with authorization; though I haven't seen it in writing;〃 Lucas Mann explained to Phillip Naifeh; who was standing in his window watching a litter gang along the highway。 Naifeh had a headache; a backache; and was in the middle of a generally awful day which had included three early phone calls from the governor and two from Roxburgh; the Attorney General。 Sam; of course; had been the reason for the calls。
 〃So he's got himself a lawyer;〃 Naifeh said while gently pressing a fist in the center of his lower back。
 〃Yeah; and I really like this kid。 He stopped by when he left and looked like he'd been run over by a truck。 I think he and his grandfather are having a rough time of it。〃
 〃It'll get worse for the grandfather。〃
 〃It'll get worse for all of us。〃
 〃Do you know what the governor asked me? Wanted to know if he could have a copy of our manual on how to carry out executions。 I told him no; that in fact he could not have a copy。 He said he was the governor of this state and he felt as though he should have a copy。 I tried to explain that it wasn't really a manual as such; just a loose…leaf little book in a black binder that gets heavily revised each time we gas someone。
  What's it called; he wanted to know。 I said it's called nothing; actually; no official name because thankfully it's not used that much; but that on further thought I myself have referred to it as the little black book。 He pushed a little harder; I got a little madder; we hung up; and fifteen minutes later his lawyer; that little hunchback fart with eyeglasses pinching his nose … 〃
 〃Larramore called me and said that according to this code section and that code section he; the governor; has a right to a copy of the manual。 I put him on hold; pulled the code sections; made him wait ten minutes; then we read the law together; and; of course; as usual; he's lying and bluffing and figuring I'm an imbecile。 No such language in my copy of the code。 I hung up on him。 Ten minutes later the governor called back; all sugar and spice; told me to forget the little black book; that he's very concerned about Sam's constitutional rights and all; and just wants me to keep him posted as this thing unfolds。 A real charmer。〃 Naifeh shifted weight on his feet and changed fists in his back while staring at the window。
 〃Then; half an hour later Roxburgh calls; and guess what he wants to know? Wants to know if I've talked to the governor。 You see; Roxburgh thinks he and I are real tight; old political pals; you know; and therefore we can trust each other。 And so he tells me; confidentially of course; buddy to buddy; that he thinks the governor might try to exploit this execution for his own political gain。〃
  〃Nonsense!〃 Lucas hooted。
 〃Yeah; I told Roxburgh that I just couldn't believe he would think such a thing about our governor。 I was real serious; and he got real serious; and we promised each other that we'd watch the governor real close and if we saw any sign that he was trying to manipulate this situation; then we'd call each other real quick。 Roxburgh said there were some things he could do to neutralize the governor if he got out of line。 I didn't dare ask what or how; but he seemed sure of himself。〃
 〃So who's the bigger fool?〃
 〃Probably Roxburgh。 But it's a tough call。〃 Naifeh stretched carefully and walked to his desk。 His shoes were off and his shirttail was out。 He was in obvious pain。 〃Both have insatiable appetites for publicity。 They're like two little boys scared to death that one will get a bigger piece of candy。 I hate 'em both。〃
 〃Everybody hates them except the voters。〃
 There was a sharp knock on the door; three solid raps delivered at precise intervals。。 〃Must be Nugent;〃 Naifeh said and his pain suddenly intensified。 〃e in。〃
 The door opened quickly and Retired Colonel George Nugent marched into the room; pausing only slightly to close the door; and moved officially toward Lucas Mann; who did not stand but shook hands anyway。 〃Mr。 Mann。〃 Nugent greeted him crisply; then stepped forward and shook hands across the desk with Naifeh。
 〃Have a seat; George;〃 Naifeh said; waving at an empty chair next to Mann。 Naifeh wanted to order him to cut the military crap; but he knew it would do no good。
 〃Yes sir;〃 Nugent answered as he lowered himself into the seat without bending his back。 Though the only uniforms
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