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cker appeared。 Just checking to see if things were okay; he said; glancing first at Adam then down the room and through the screen at Sam; who
  was leaning forward in his chair with a hand over his face。
  〃We're fine;〃 Adam said without conviction。
  〃Good; good;〃 Packer said and hurriedly closed the door。 It locked; and Adam slowly made his way back to his chair。 He pulled it close to the screen and rested on his elbows。 Sam ignored him for a minute or two; then wiped his eyes with a sleeve and sat up。 They looked at each other。
  〃We need to talk;〃 Adam said quietly。
  Sam nodded but said nothing。 He wiped his eyes again; this time with the other sleeve。 He removed a cigarette and put it between his lips。 His hand shook as he flicked the lighter。 He puffed quickly。
  〃So you're really Alan;〃 he said in a low; husky voice。
  〃At one time; I guess。 I didn't know it until my father died。〃
  〃You were born in 1964。〃
  〃My first grandson。〃
  Adam nodded and glanced away。
  〃You disappeared in 1967。〃
  〃Something like that。 I don't remember it; you know。 My earliest memories are from California。〃
  〃I heard Eddie went to California; and that there was another child。 Someone told me later her name was Carmen。 I would hear bits and pieces over the years; knew y'all were somewhere in Southern California; but he did a good job of disappearing。〃
  〃We moved around a lot when I was a kid。 I think he had trouble keeping a job。〃
  〃You didn't know about me?〃
  〃No。 The family was never mentioned。 I found out about it after his funeral。〃
  〃Who told you?〃
  Sam closed his eyes tightly for a moment; then puffed again。 〃How is she?〃
  〃Okay; I guess。〃
  〃Why'd you go to work for Kravitz & Bane?〃 〃It's a good firm。〃
  〃Did you know they represented me?〃
  〃So you've been planning this?〃
  〃For about five years。〃
  〃But why?〃
  〃I don't know。〃
  〃You must have a reason。〃
  〃The reason is obvious。 You're my grandfather; okay。 Like it or not; you're who you are and I'm who I am。 And I'm here now; so what are we going to do about it?〃
  〃I think you should leave。〃
  〃I'm not leaving; Sam。 I've been preparing for this a long time。〃
  〃Preparing for what?〃
  〃You need legal representation。 You need help。 That's why I'm here。〃
  〃I'm beyond help。 They're determined to gas me; okay; for lots of reasons。 You don't need to get involved in it。〃
  〃Why not?〃
  〃Well; for one; it's hopeless。 You're gonna get hurt if you bust your ass and you're unsuccessful。 Second; your true identity will be revealed。 It'll be very embarrassing。 Life for you will be much better if you remain Adam Hall。〃
  〃I am Adam Hall; and I don't plan to change it。 I'm also your grandson; and we can't change that; can we? So what's the big deal?〃
  〃It'll be embarrassing for your family。 Eddie did a great job of protecting you。 Don't blow it。
  〃My cover's already blown。 My firm knows it。 I told Lucas Mann; and … 〃
  〃That jerk'll tell everybody。 Don't trust him for a minute。〃
  〃Look; Sam; you don't understand。 I don't care if he tells。 I don't care if the world knows that I'm your grandson。 I'm tired of these dirty little family secrets。 I'm a big boy now; I can think for myself。 Plus; I'm a lawyer; and my skin is getting thick。 I can handle it。〃
  Sam relaxed a bit in his chair and looked at the floor with a pleasant little smirk; the kind grown men often give to little boys who are acting bigger than their years。 He grunted at something and very slowly nodded his head。 〃You just don't understand; kid;〃 he said again; now in the measured; patient tone。
  〃So explain it to me;〃 Adam said。
  〃It would take forever。〃
  〃We have four weeks。 You can do a lot of talking in four weeks。〃
  〃Just exactly what is it that you want to hear?〃
  Adam leaned even closer on his elbows; pen and pad ready。 His eyes were inches from the slit in the screen。 〃First; I want to talk about the case … appeals; strategies; the trials; the bombing; who was with you that night … 〃
  〃No one was with me that night。〃
  〃We can talk about it later。〃
  〃We're talking about it now。 I was alone; do you hear me?〃
  〃Okay。 Second; I want to know about my family。〃
  〃Why not? Why keep it buried? I want to know about your father and his father; and your brothers and cousins。 I may dislike these people when it's all over; but I have the right to know about them。 I've been deprived of this information all of my life; and I want to know。〃
  〃It's nothing remarkable。〃
  〃Oh really。 Well; Sam; I think it's pretty remarkable that you've made it here to death row。 This is a pretty exclusive society。 Throw in the fact that you're white; middle class; almost seventy years old; and it bees even more remarkable。 I want to know how and why you got here。 What made you do those things? How many Klansmen were in my family? And why? How many other people were killed along the way?〃
  〃And you think I'll just spill my guts with all this?〃
  〃Yeah; I think so。 You'll e around。 I'm your grandson; Sam; the only living; breathing
  relative who gives a damn about you anymore。 You'll talk; Sam。 You'll talk to me。〃
  〃Well; since I'll be so talkative what else will we discuss?〃
  Sam took a deep breath and closed his eyes。 〃You don't want much; do you?〃 he said softly。 Adam scribbled something meaningless on his pad。
  It was now time for the ritual of another cigarette; and Sam performed it with even more patience and care。 Another blast of blue smoke joined the fog well above their heads。 His hands were steady again。 〃When we get finished with Eddie; who do you want to talk about?〃
  〃I don't know。 That should keep us busy for four weeks。〃
  〃When do we talk about you?〃
  〃Anytime。〃 Adam reached into his briefcase and removed a thin file。 He slid a sheet of paper and a pen through the opening。 〃This is an agreement for legal representation。 Sign at the bottom。〃
  Without touching it; Sam read it from a distance。 〃So I sign up again with Kravitz & Bane。〃
  〃Sort of。〃
  〃What do you mean; sort of? Says right here I agree to let those Jews represent me again。 It took me forever to fire them; and; hell; I wasn't even paying them。〃
  〃The agreement is with me; Sam; okay。 You'll never see those guys unless you want to。〃
  〃I don't want to。〃
  〃Fine。 I happen to work for the firm; and so the agreement must be with the firm。 It's easy。〃
  〃Ah; the optimism of youth。 Everything's easy。 Here I sit less than a hundred feet from the gas chamber; clock ticking away on the wall over there; getting louder and louder; and everything's easy。〃
  〃Just sign the damned paper; Sam。〃
  〃And then what?〃
  〃And then we go to work。 Legally; I can't do anything for you until we have that agreement。 You sign it; we go to work。〃
  〃And what's the first bit of work you'd like to do?〃
  〃Walk through the Kramer bombing; very slowly; step by step。〃
  〃It's been done a thousand times。〃
  〃We'll do it again。 I have a thick notebook full of questions。〃
  〃They've all been asked。〃
  〃Yeah; Sam; but they haven't been answered; have they?〃
  Sam stuck the filter b
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