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  〃Well; Mr。 Hall … 〃
  〃Just call me Adam; okay。〃
  〃Sure; Adam; we really have two sets of rules for the Row。〃
  〃Excuse me; but I was told by a guard at the gate that there was no death row。〃
  〃Not officially。 You'll never hear the guards or other personnel refer to it as anything but Maximum Security or MSU or Unit 17。 Anyway; when a man's time is about up on the Row we relax the rules quite a bit。 Normally; a visit with the lawyer is limited to an hour a day; but in Sam's case you can have all the time you need。 I suspect you'll have a lot to talk about。〃
  〃So there's no time limit?〃
  〃No。 You can stay all day if you like。 We try to make things easy in the last days。 You can e and go as you please as long as there's no security risk。 I've been to death row in five other states; and; believe me; we treat them the best。 Hell; in Louisiana they take the poor guy out of his unit and place him in what's called the Death House for three days before they kill him。 Talk about cruel。 We don't do that。 Sam will be treated special until the big day。〃
  〃The big day?〃
  〃Yeah。 It's four weeks from today; you know? August 8。〃 Lucas reached for some papers on the corner of his desk; then handed them to Adam。 〃This came down this morning。 The Fifth Circuit lifted the stay late yesterday afternoon。 The Mississippi Supreme Court just set a new execution date for August 8。〃
  Adam held the papers without looking at them。 〃Four weeks;〃 he said; stunned。
  〃Afraid so。 I took a copy of it to Sam about an hour ago; so he's in a foul mood。〃
  〃Four weeks;〃 Adam repeated; almost to himself。 He glanced at the court's opinion。 The case was styled State of Mississippi v。 Sam Cayhall。 〃I guess I'd better go see him; don't you think?〃 he said without thinking。
  〃Yeah。 Look; Adam; I'm not one of the bad guys; okay?〃 Lucas slowly eased to his feet and walked to the edge of his desk where he gently placed his rear。 He folded his arms and looked down at Adam。 〃I'm just doing my job; okay。 I'll be involved because I have to watch this place and make sure things are done legally; by the book。 I won't enjoy it; but it'll get crazy and quite stressful; and everybody will be ringing my phone … the warden; his assistants; the Attorney General's office; the governor; you; and a hundred others。 So I'll be in the middle of it; though I don't want to。 It's the most unpleasant thing about this job。 I just want you to realize that I'm here if you need me; okay? I'll always be fair and truthful with you。〃
  〃You're assuming Sam will allow me to represent him。〃
  〃Yes。 I'm assuming this。〃
  〃What are the chances of the execution taking place in four weeks?〃
  〃Fifty…fifty。 You never know what the courts will do at the last minute。 We'll start preparing in a week or so。 We have a rather long checklist of things to do to get ready for it。〃
  〃Sort of a blueprint for death。〃
  〃Something like that。 Don't think we enjoy it。
  〃I guess everybody here is just doing their job; right?〃
  〃It's the law of this state。 If our society wants to kill criminals; then someone has to do it。〃
  Adam placed the court opinion in his briefcase and stood in front of Lucas。 〃Thanks; I guess; for the hospitality。〃
  〃Don't mention it。 After you visit with Sam; I'll need to know what happened。〃
  〃I'll send you a copy of our representation agreement; if he signs it。〃
  〃That's all I need。〃
  They shook hands and Adam headed for the door。
  〃One other thing;〃 Lucas said。 〃When they bring Sam into the visiting room; ask the guards to remove the handcuffs。 I'll make sure they do。 It'll mean a lot to Sam。〃
  〃Good luck。〃
 THE temperature had risen at least ten degrees when Adam left the building and walked past the same two trustees sweeping the same dirt in the same languid motions。 He stopped on the front steps; and for a moment watched a gang of inmates gather litter along the highway less than a hundred yards away。 An armed guard on a horse in a ditch watched them。 Traffic zipped along without slowing。 Adam wondered what manner of criminals were these who were allowed to work outside the fences and so close to a highway。 No one seemed to care about it but him。
  He walked the short distance to his car; and was sweating by the time he opened the door and started the engine。 He followed the drive through the parking lot behind Mann's office; then turned left onto the main prison road。 Again; he was passing neat little white homes with flowers and trees in the front yard。 What a civilized little munity。 An arrow on a road sign pointed left to Unit 17。 He turned; very slowly; and within seconds was on a dirt road that led quickly to some serious fencing and razor wire。
  The Row at Parchman had been built in 1954; and officially labeled the Maximum Security Unit; or simply MSU。 An obligatory plaque on a wall inside listed the date; the name of the governor then; the names of various important and long…forgotten officials who were instrumental in its construction; and; of course; the names of the architect and contractor。 It was state of the art for that period … a single…story flat roof building of red brick stretching in two long rectangles from the center。
  Adam parked in the dirt lot between two other cars and stared at it。 No bars were visible from the outside。 No guards patrolled around it。 If not for the fences and barbed wire; it could almost pass for an elementary school in the suburbs。 Inside a caged yard at the end of one wing; a solitary inmate dribbled a basketball on a grassless court and flipped it against a crooked backboard。
  The fence in front of Adam was at least twelve feet high; and crowned at the top with thick strands of barbed wire and a menacing roll of shiny razor wire。 It ran straight and true to the corner where it joined a watchtower where guards looked down。 The fence enpassed the Row on all four sides with remarkable symmetry; and in each corner an identical tower stood high above with a glass…enclosed guard station at the top。 Just beyond the fence the crops started and seemed to run forever。 The Row was literally in the middle of a cotton field。
  Adam stepped from his car; felt suddenly claustrophobic; and squeezed the handle of his thin briefcase as he glared through the chain link at the hot; flat little building where they killed people。 He slowly removed his jacket; and?noticed his shirt was already spotted and sticking to his chest。
  The knot in his stomach had returned with a vengeance。 His first few steps toward the guard station were slow and awkward; primarily because his legs were unsteady and his knees were shivering。 His fancy tasseled loafers were dusty by the time he stopped under the watchtower and looked up。 A red bucket; the type one might use to wash a car; was being lowered on a rope by an earnest woman in a uniform。 〃Put your keys in the bucket;〃 she explained efficiently; leaning over the railing。 The barbed wire on the top of the fence was five feet below her。
  Adam quickly did as she instructed。 He carefully laid his keys in the bucket where they joined a dozen other key rings。 She jerked it back and he watched it rise for a few sec
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