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rop duster dropped from nowhere and acrobatically skimmed the tops of the fields; then soared upward。 Traffic was heavy and slow; and sometimes forced almost to a standstill as a monstrous John Deere of some variety inched along as if the highway were deserted。
  Adam was patient。 He was not expected until ten; and it wouldn't matter if he arrived late。
  At Clarksdale; he left Highway 61 and headed southeast on 49; through the tiny settlements of Mattson and Dublin and Tutwiler; through more soybean fields。 He passed cotton gins; now idle but waiting for the harvest。 He passed clusters of impoverished row houses and dirty mobile homes; all for some reason situated close to the highway。 He passed an occasional fine home; always at a distance; always sitting majestically under heavy oaks and elms; and usually with a fenced swimming pool to one side。 There was no doubt who owned these fields。
  A road sign declared the state penitentiary to be five miles ahead; and Adam instinctively slowed his car。 A moment later; he ran up on a large tractor puttering casually down the road; and instead of passing he chose to follow。 The operator; an old white man with a dirty cap; motioned for him to e around。 Adam waved; and stayed behind the plow at twenty miles per hour。 There was no other traffic in sight。 A random dirt clod flung from a rear tractor tire; and landed just inches in front of the Saab。 He slowed a bit more。 The operator twisted in his seat; and again waved for Adam to e around。 His mouth moved and his face was angry; as if this were his highway and he didn't appreciate idiots following his tractor。 Adam smiled and waved again; but stayed behind him。
  Minutes later; he saw the prison。 There were no tall chain…link fences along the road。 There were no lines of glistening razor wire to prevent escape。 There were no watchtowers with armed guards。 There were no gangs of inmates howling at the passersby。 Instead; Adam saw an entrance to the right and the words MISSISSIPPI STATE PENITENTIARY spanning from an arch above it。 Next to the entrance were several buildings; all facing the highway and apparently unguarded。
  Adam waved once again at the tractor operator; then eased from the highway。 He took a deep breath; and studied the entrance。 A female in uniform stepped from a guardhouse under the arch; and stared at him。 Adam drove slowly to her; and lowered his window。
  〃Mornin';〃 she said。 She had a gun on her hip and a clipboard in her hand。 Another guard watched from inside。 〃What can we do for you?〃
  〃I'm a lawyer; here to see a client on death row;〃 Adam said weakly; very much aware of his shrill and nervous voice。 Just calm down; he told himself。
  〃We ain't got nobody on death row; sir。〃
  〃I'm sorry?〃
  〃Ain't no such place as death row。 We got a bunch of 'em in the Maximum Security Unit; that's MSU for short; but you can look all over this place and you won't find no death row。〃
  〃Name?〃 she said; studying the clipboard。
  〃Adam Hall。〃
  〃And your client?〃
  〃Sam Cayhall。〃 He half…expected some sort of response to this; but the guard didn't care。 She flipped a sheet; and said; 〃Stay right here。〃
  The entrance became a driveway with shade trees and small buildings on each side。 This wasn't a prison … this was a pleasant little street in a small town where any minute now a group of kids would appear on bicycles and roller skates。 To the right was a quaint structure with a front porch and flower beds。 A sign said this was the Visitors Center; as if souvenirs and lemonade were on sale for eager tourists。 A white pickup with three young blacks in it and Mississippi Department of Corrections stenciled on the door passed by without slowing a bit。
  Adam caught a glimpse of the guard standing behind his car。 She was writing something on the clipboard as she approached his window。
  〃Where 'bouts in Illinois?〃 she asked。
  〃Got any cameras; guns; or tape recorders?〃
  She reached inside and placed a card on his dash。 Then she returned to her clipboard; and said; 〃Got a note here that you're supposed to see Lucas Mann。〃
  〃Who's that?〃
  〃He's the prison attorney。〃
  〃I didn't know I was supposed to see him。〃
  She held a piece of paper three feet from his face。 〃Says so right here。 Take the third left; just up there; then wind around to the back of that red brick building。〃 She was pointing。
  〃What does he want?〃
  She snorted and shrugged at the same time; and walked to the guardhouse shaking her head。 Dumbass lawyers。
  Adam gently pressed the accelerator and eased by the Visitors Center and down the shaded drive。 On both sides were neat white frame houses where; he learned later; prison guards and other employees lived with their families。 He followed her instructions and parked in front of an aging brick building。 Two trustees in blue prison pants with white stripes down the legs swept the front steps。 Adam avoided eye contact and went inside。
  He found the unmarked office of Lucas Mann with little trouble。 A secretary smiled at him; and opened another door to a large office where Mr。 Mann was standing behind his desk and talking on the phone。
  〃Just have a seat;〃 the secretary whispered as she closed the door behind him。 Mann smiled and waved awkwardly as he listened to the phone。 Adam sat his briefcase in a chair and stood behind it。 The office was large and clean。 Two long windows faced the highway and provided plenty of light。 On the wall to the left was a large framed photo of a familiar face; a handsome young man with an earnest smile and strong chin。 It was David McAllister; governor of the State of Mississippi。 Adam suspected identical photos were hung in every state government office; and also plastered in every hallway; closet; and toilet under the state's domain。
  Lucas Mann stretched the phone cord and walked to a window; his back to the desk and Adam。 He certainly didn't appear to be a lawyer。 He was in his mid…fifties with flowing dark gray hair which he somehow pulled and kept situated on the back of his neck。 His dress was the hippest of fraternity chic … severely starched khaki workshirt with two pockets and a mixed salad tie; still tied but hanging loose; top button unbuttoned to reveal a gray cotton tee shirt; brown chinos; likewise starched to the crunch with a perfect one…inch cuff falling just enough to allow a peek at white socks; loafers shined immaculately。 It was obvious Lucas knew how to dress; and also obvious he was engaged in a different practice of law。 If he'd had a small earring in his left lobe; he would have been the perfect aging hippie who in his later years was yielding to conformity。
  The office was neatly furnished with government hand…me…downs: a worn wooden desk that seemed impeccably organized; three metal chairs with vinyl cushions; a row of mismatched file cabinets along one wall。 Adam stood behind a chair and tried to calm himself。 Could this meeting be required of all visiting attorneys? Surely not。 There were five thousand inmates in Parchman。 Garner Goodman had not mentioned a visit with Lucas Mann。
  The name was vaguely familiar。 Somewhere deep in one of his boxes of court f
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