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 The guards backed out of the narrow door; proud of their work。
 Adam looked at him sitting in there。 Their eyes met; and for an instant Sam closed his。
 The doctor was next。 Nugent said something to him; but Adam couldn't hear the words。 He stepped inside and rigged the wire running from the stethoscope。 He was quick with his work。
 Lucas Mann stepped forward with a sheet of paper。 He stood in the door of the chamber。 〃Sam; this is the death warrant。 I'm required by law to read it to you。〃
 〃Just hurry;〃 Sam grunted without opening his lips。
 Lucas lifted the piece of paper; and read from it: 〃Pursuant to a verdict of guilty and a sentence of death returned against you by the Circuit Court of Washington County on February 14; 1981; you are hereby condemned to die by lethal gas in the gas chamber at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman。 May
  God have mercy on your soul。〃 Lucas backed away; then reached for the first of two phones mounted on the wall。 He called his office to see if there were any miraculous last minute delays。 There were none。 The second phone was a secured line to the Attorney General's office in Jackson。 Again; all systems were go。 It was now thirty seconds after midnight; Wednesday; August 8。 〃No stays;〃 he said to Nugent。
 The words bounced around the humid room and crashed in from all directions。 Adam glanced at his grandfather for the last time。 His hands were clenched。 His eyes were closed tightly; as if he couldn't look at Adam again。 His lips were moving; as if he had just one more quick prayer。
 〃Any reason why this execution should not proceed?〃 Nugent asked formally; suddenly craving solid legal advice。
 〃None;〃 Lucas said with genuine regret。
 Nugent stood in the door of the chamber。 〃Any last words; Sam?〃 he asked。
 〃Not for you。 It's time for Adam to leave。〃
 〃Very well。〃 Nugent slowly closed the door; its thick rubber gasket preventing noise。 Silently; Sam was now locked up; and buckled down。 He closed his eyes tightly。 Just please hurry。
 Adam eased behind Nugent; who was still facing the chamber door。 Lucas Mann opened the door to the outside; and both men made a quick exit。 Adam glanced back at the room for the last time。 The executioner was reaching for a lever。 His assistant was inching to the side to catch a glimpse。 The two guards were jockeying for position so they could watch the old bastard die。 Nugent and the deputy warden and the doctor were crowded along the other wall; all inching closer; heads bobbing up and over; each fearful he might miss something。
 The ninety…degree heat outside seemed much cooler。 Adam walked to the end of the ambulance and leaned on it for a second。
 〃Are you all right?〃 Lucas asked。
 〃Just take it easy。〃
 〃You're not gonna witness it?〃
 〃No。 I've seen four。 That's enough for me。 This one's especially difficult。〃
 Adam stared at the white door in the center of the brick wall。 Three vans were parked nearby。 A group of guards smoked and whispered by the vans。 〃I'd like to leave;〃 he said; afraid that he was about to be sick。
 〃Let's go。〃 Lucas grabbed his elbow and led him to the first van。 He said something to a guard; who jumped into the front seat。 Adam and Lucas sat on a bench in the center of it。
 Adam knew at that precise moment his grandfather was in the chamber gasping for breath; his lungs seared with burning poison。 Just over there; in that little red…brick building; right now; he's sucking it in; trying to swallow as much as possible; hoping to simply float away to a better world。
 He began to cry。 The van moved around the recreation yards and through the grass in front of the Row。 He covered his eyes; and cried for Sam; for his suffering at this moment; for the despicable way he was being forced to die。 He looked so pitiful sitting there in his new clothes being tied down like an animal。 He cried for Sam and the last nine and a half years he'd spent staring through bars; trying to catch a glimpse of the moon; wondering if anyone out there cared about him。 He cried for the whole wretched Cayhall family and their miserable history。 And he cried for himself; for his anguish at this moment; for the loss of a loved one; for his failure to stop this madness。
 Lucas patted him gently on the shoulder and the van rolled and stopped; then rolled and stopped again。 〃I'm sorry;〃 he said more than once。
 〃This your car?〃 Lucas asked; as they stopped outside the gate。 The dirt parking lot was filled to capacity。 Adam yanked the door handle and stepped out without a word。 He could say thanks later。
 He sped along the gravel trail; between the rows of cotton; until he came to the main drive。 He drove quickly to the front entrance; slowing only briefly as he weaved around two barricades; then stopped at the front gate so a guard could check his trunk。 To his left was the swarm of reporters。 They were on their feet; waiting anxiously for word from the Row。 Mini…cams were ready。
 There was no one in his trunk; and he was waved around another barricade; almost hitting a guard who wasn't moving fast enough。 He stopped at the highway; and paused to look at the candlelight vigil under way to his right。
  Hundreds of candles。 And a hymn in progress somewhere down the way。
 He sped away; past state troopers loitering about; enjoying the break in the action。 He sped past cars parked on the shoulders for two miles; and soon Parchman was behind him。 He pushed the turbo; and was soon doing ninety。
 He headed north for some reason; though he had no intention of going to Memphis。 Towns like Tutwiler; Lambert; Marks; Sledge; and Crenshaw flew by。 He rolled the windows down and the warm air swirled around the seats。 The windshield was peppered with large bugs and insects; the plague of the Delta; he'd learned。
 He just drove; with no particular destination。 This trip had not been planned。 He'd given no thought to where he would go immediately after Sam died; because he never truly believed it would happen。 Maybe he'd be in Jackson now; drinking and celebrating with Garner Goodman and Hez Kerry; getting plastered because they'd pulled a rabbit out of the hat。 Maybe he'd be at the Row; still on the phone trying desperately to get the details of a last minute stay which would later bee permanent。 Maybe a lot of things。
 He wouldn't dare go to Lee's; because she might actually be there。 Their next meeting would be a nasty one; and he preferred to postpone it。 He decided to find a decent motel。 Spend the night。 Try and sleep。 Figure things out tomorrow after the sun was up。 He raced through dozens of hamlets and towns; none with a room for rent。 He slowed considerably。 One highway led to another。 He was lost but didn't care。 How can you be lost when you don't know where you're going? He recognized towns on road signs; turned this way then that way。 An all…night convenience store caught his attention on the outskirts of Hernando; not far from Memphis。 There were no cars parked in front。 A middle…aged lady with jet…black hair was behind the counter; smoking; smacking gum; and talking on the phone。 Adam went to the beer cooler and grabbed a six…pack。
 〃Sorry; hon; can't buy beer after twelve。〃
 〃What?〃 Adam
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