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 〃He can't help it;〃 Sam said helpfully to Adam。 〃He's just stupid。 He didn't even realize it。
 Nugent felt the sharp rebuke; and tried to think of something proper to say。 〃I'm just trying to get through this; okay?〃 he said to Adam。
 〃Why don't you just leave?〃 Adam said。
 〃You know something; Nugent?〃 Sam asked。 〃I've read tons of law books。 And I've read pages and pages of prison regulations。 And nowhere have I read anything that requires me to spend my last hour with you。 No law; statute; regulation; nothing。〃
 〃Just get the hell out of here;〃 Adam said; ready to strike if necessary。
 Nugent jumped to his feet。 〃The doctor will enter through that door at eleven…forty。 He'll stick a stethoscope to your chest; then leave。 At eleven fifty…five; I will enter; also through that door。 At that time; we'll go into the Chamber Room。 Any questions?〃
 〃No。 Leave;〃 Adam said; waving at the door。 Nugent made a quick exit。
 Suddenly; they were alone。 With an hour to go。
 Two identical prison vans rolled to a stop in front of the Visitors Center; and were boarded by the eight lucky reporters and one lone sheriff。 The law allowed; but did not require; the sheriff of the county where the crime was mitted to witness the execution。
 The man who was the sheriff of Washington County in 1967 had been dead for fifteen years; but the current sheriff was not about to miss this event。 He had informed Lucas Mann earlier in the day that he fully intended to invoke the power of the law。 Said he felt like he owed it to the people of Greenville and Washington County。
 Mr。 Elliot Kramer was not present at Parchman。 He had planned the trip for years; but his doctor intervened at the last moment。 His heart was weak and it was just too risky。 Ruth Kramer had never thought seriously of witnessing the execution。 She was at home in Memphis; sitting with friends; waiting for it to end。 be opened at exactly midnight; and when you see the chamber the prisoner will already be inside it; less than two feet from the windows。 You will see only the back of his head。 I didn't design this; okay? It should take about ten minutes before he is pronounced dead; at which time the curtains will be closed and you'll return to the vans。 You'll have a long wait; and I'm sorry this room has no air conditioning。 When the curtains open; things will happen quickly。 Any questions?〃
 〃Have you talked to the prisoner?〃
 〃How's he holding up?〃
 〃I'm not getting into all that。 A press conference is planned at one; and I'll answer those questions then。 Right now I'm busy。〃 Nugent left the witness room and slammed the door behind him。 He walked quickly around the corner; and entered the Chamber Room。
 〃We have less than an hour。 What would you like to talk about?〃 Sam asked。
 〃Oh; lots of things。 Most of it unpleasant; though。〃
 〃It's kinda hard to have an enjoyable conversation at this point; you know。〃
 〃What are you thinking right now; Sam? What's going through your mind?〃
 〃What are you afraid of?〃
 〃The smell of the gas。 Whether or not it's painful。 I don't want to suffer; Adam。 I hope it's quick。 I want a big whiff of it; and maybe I'll just float away。 I'm not afraid of death; Adam; but right now I'm afraid of dying。 I just wish it was over。 This waiting is cruel。〃
 〃Are you ready?〃
 〃My hard little heart is at peace。 I've done some bad things; son; but I feel like God might give me a break。 I certainly don't deserve one。〃
 〃Why didn't you tell me about the man who was with you?〃
 〃It's a long story。 We don't have much time。〃
 〃It could've saved your life。〃
 〃No; nobody would've believed it。 Think about it。 Twenty…three years later I suddenly change my story and blame it all on a mystery man。 It would've been ridiculous。〃
 〃Why'd you lie to me?〃
 〃I have reasons。〃
 〃To protect me?〃
 〃That's one of them。〃
 〃He's still out there; isn't he?〃
 〃Yes。 He's close by。 In fact; he's probably out front with all the other loonies right now。 Just watching。 You'd never see him; though。〃
 〃He killed Dogan and his wife?〃
 〃And Dogan's son?〃
 〃And Clovis Brazelton?〃
 〃Probably。 He's a very talented killer; Adam。 He's deadly。 He threatened me and Dogan during the first trial。〃
 〃Does he have a name?〃
 〃Not really。 I wouldn't tell you anyway。 You can never breathe a word of this。〃
 〃You're dying for someone else's crime。〃
 〃No。 I could've saved those little boys。 And God knows I've killed my share of people。 I deserve this; Adam。〃
 〃No one deserves this。〃
 〃It's far better than living。 If they took me back to my cell right now and told me I'd stay there until I died; you know what I'd do?〃
 〃I'd kill myself。〃
 After spending the last hour in a cell; Adam couldn't argue with this。 He could not begin to prehend the horror of living twenty…three hours a day in a tiny cage。
 〃I forgot my cigarettes;〃 Sam said; patting his shirt pocket。 〃I guess this is a good time to quit。〃
 〃Are you trying to be funny?〃
 〃It's not working。〃
 〃Did Lee ever show you the book with my lynching picture in it?〃
 〃She didn't show it to me。 She told me where it was; and I found it。〃
 〃You saw the picture。〃
 〃A regular party; wasn't it?〃
 〃Pretty sad。〃
 〃Did you see the other picture of the lynching; one page over?〃
  〃Yes。 Two Kluckers。〃
 〃With robes and hoods and masks。〃
 〃Yes; I saw it。〃
 〃That was me and Albert。 I was hiding behind one of the masks。〃
 Adam's senses were beyond the point of shock。 The gruesome photograph flashed through his mind; and he tried to purge it。 〃Why are you telling me this; Sam?〃
 〃Because it feels good。 I've never admitted it before; and there's a certain relief in facing the truth。 I feel better already。〃
 〃I don't want to hear any more。〃
 〃Eddie never knew it。 He found that book in the attic; and somehow figured out I was in the other party photo。 But he didn't know I was one of the Kluckers。〃
 〃Let's not talk about Eddie; okay?〃
 〃Good idea。 What about Lee?〃
 〃I'm mad at Lee。 She skipped out on us。〃
 〃It would've been nice to see her; you know。 That hurts。 But I'm so glad Carmen came。〃
 Finally; a pleasant subject。 〃She's a fine person;〃 Adam said。
 〃A great kid。 I'm very proud of you; Adam; and of Carmen。 Y'all got the good genes from your mother。 I'm so lucky to have two wonderful grandchildren。〃
 Adam listened and didn't try to respond。 Something banged next door; and they both jumped。
 〃Nugent must be playing with his gadgets in there;〃 Sam said; his shoulders vibrating again。 〃You know what hurts?〃
 〃I've been thinking a lot about this; really flogging myself the last couple of days。 I look at you; and I look at Carmen; and I see two bright young people with open minds and hearts。 You don't hate anybody。 You're tolerant and broadminded; well educated; ambitious; going places without the baggage I was born with。 And I look at you; my grandson; my flesh and blood; and I ask myself; Why didn't I bee something else? Something like you and Carmen? It's hard to believe we're actually related。〃
 〃e on; Sam。 Don't do this。〃
 〃I can't help it。〃
 〃Please; Sam。〃
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