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 Nugent spoke to Monday; all was proceeding as planned。 One of Monday's assistants was smearing petroleum jelly around the edges of the chamber's windows。 A plainclothed member of the execution team was checking the belts and straps on the wooden chair。 The doctor was fiddling with his EKG monitor。 The door was open to the outside; where an ambulance was already parked。
 Nugent glanced at the checklists once more; though he'd memorized them long ago。 In fact; he'd even rewritten one other checklist; a suggested chart to record the execution。 The chart would be used by Nugent; Monday; and Monday's assistant。 It was a numbered; chronological list of the events of the execution: water and acid mixed; prisoner enters chamber; chamber door locked; sodium cyanide enters acid; gas strikes prisoner's face; prisoner apparently unconscious; prisoner certainly unconscious; movements of prisoner's body; last visible movement; heart stopped; respiration stopped; exhaust valve opened; drain valves opened; air valve opened; chamber door opened; prisoner removed from chamber; prisoner pronounced dead。 Beside each was a blank line to record the time elapsed from the prior event。
 And there was an execution list; a chart of the twenty…nine steps to be taken to begin and plete the task。 Of course; the execution list had an appendix; a list of the fifteen things to do in the step…down; the last of which was to place the prisoner in the ambulance。
 Nugent knew every step on every list。 He knew how to mix the chemicals; how to open the valves; how long to leave them open; and how to close them。 He knew it all。
 He stepped outside to speak to the ambulance driver and get some air; then he walked back through the Isolation Room to Tier A。 Like everyone else; he was waiting for the damned Supreme Court to rule one way or the other。
 He sent the two tallest guards onto the tier to close the windows along the top of the outside wall。 Like the building; the windows had been there for thirty…six years and they did not shut quietly。 The guards pushed them up until they slammed; each one echoing along the tier。 Thirty…five windows in all; every inmate knew the exact number; and with each closing the tier became darker and quieter。
 The guards finally finished and left。 The Row was now locked down … every inmate in his cell; all doors secured; all windows closed。
 Sam had begun shaking with the closing of the windows。 His head dropped even lower。 Adam placed an arm around his frail shoulders。
 〃I always liked those windows;〃 Sam said; his voice low and hoarse。 A squad of guards stood less than fifteen feet away; peering through the tier door like kids at the zoo; and Sam didn't want his words to be heard。 It was hard to imagine Sam liking anything about this place。
  〃Used to; when it came a big rain the water would splash on the windows; and some of it would make it inside and trickle down to the floor。 I always liked the rain。 And the moon。 Sometimes; if the clouds were gone; I could stand just right in my cell and catch a glimpse of the moon through those windows。 I always wondered why they didn't have more windows around here。 I mean; hell; sorry preacher; but if they're determined to keep you in a cell all day; why shouldn't you be able to see outdoors? I never understood that。 I guess I never understood a lot of things。 Oh well。〃 His voice trailed off; and he didn't speak。again for a while。
 From the darkness came the mellow tenor of Preacher Boy singing ‘Just a Closer Walk withThee'。 It was quite pretty。
 〃Just a closer walk with Thee;
 Grant it; Jesus; is my plea; Daily walking close to Thee 。 。 。 〃
 〃Quiet!〃 a guard yelled。
 〃Leave him alone!〃 Sam yelled back; startling both Adam and Ralph。 〃Sing it; Randy;〃 Sam said just loud enough to be heard next door。 Preacher Boy took his time; his feelings obviously wounded; then began again。
 A door slammed somewhere; and Sam jumped。 Adam squeezed his shoulder; and he settled down。 His eyes were lost somewhere in the darkness of the floor。
  〃I take it Lee wouldn't e;〃 he said; his words haunted。
 Adam thought for a second; and decided to tell the truth。 〃I don't know where she is。 I haven't talked to her in ten days。〃
 〃Thought she was in a rehab clinic。〃
 〃I think she is too; but I just don't know where。 I'm sorry。 I tried everything to find her。〃
 〃I've thought about her a lot these past days。 Please tell her。〃
 〃I will。〃 If Adam saw her again; he would struggle to keep from choking her。
 〃And I've thought a lot about Eddie;〃
 〃Look; Sam; we don't have long。 Let's talk about pleasant things; okay?〃
 〃I want you to forgive me for what I did to Eddie。 〃
 〃I've already forgiven you; Sam。 It's taken care of。 Carmen and I both forgive you。〃
 Ralph lowered his head next to Sam's; and said; 〃Perhaps there are some others we should think about too; Sam。〃
 〃Maybe later;〃 Sam said。
 The tier door opened at the far end of the hallway; and footsteps hurried toward them。 Lucas Mann; with a guard behind him; stopped at the last cell and looked at the three shadowy figures huddled together on the bed。 〃Adam; you have a phone call;〃 he said nervously。 〃In the front office。〃
 The three shadowy figures stiffened together。 Adam jumped to his feet; and without a word stepped from the cell as the door opened。 His belly churned violently as he half…ran down the tier。 〃Give 'em hell; Adam;〃 J。 B。 Gullitt said as he raced by。
 〃Who is it?〃 Adam asked Lucas Mann; who was beside him; step for step。
 〃Garner Goodman。〃
 They weaved through the center of MSU and hurried to the front office。 The receiver was lying on the desk。 Adam grabbed it and sat on the desk。 〃Garner; this is Adam。〃
 〃I'm at the capitol; Adam; in the rotunda outside the governor's office。 The Supreme Court just denied all of our cert petitions。 There's nothing left up there。〃
 Adam closed his eyes and paused。 〃Well; I guess that's the end of that;〃 he said; and looked at Lucas Mann。 Lucas frowned and dropped his head。
 〃Sit tight。 The governor's about to make an announcement。 I'll call you in five minutes。〃 Goodman was gone。
 Adam hung up the phone and stared at it。 〃The Supreme Court turned down everything;〃 he reported to Mann。 〃The governor's making a statement。 He'll call back in a minute。〃
 Mann sat down。 〃I'm sorry; Adam。 Very sorry。 How's Sam holding up?〃
 〃Sam is taking this much better than I am; I think。〃
 〃It's strange; isn't it? This is my fifth one; and I'm always amazed at how calmly they go。 They give up when it gets dark。 They have their last meal; say good…bye to their families; and bee oddly placid about the whole thing。 Me; I'd be kicking and screaming and crying。 It would take twenty men to drag me out of the Observation Cell。〃
 Adam managed a quick smile; then noticed an open shoe box on the desk。 It was lined with aluminum foil with a few broken cookies in the bottom。 It had not been there when they left an hour earlier。 〃What's that?〃 he asked; not really curious。
 〃Those are the execution cookies。〃
 〃The execution cookies?〃
 〃Yeah; this sweet little lady who lives down the road bakes them every time there's an execution。〃
 〃I don't know。 In fact; 
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