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elous sleeping aids。 Now; however; the more he read the more he worried。 His mind was burdened with the events of the past two weeks … the people he'd met; the things he'd learned; the places he'd been。 And his mind raced wildly with what was to e。
 He slept fitfully Saturday night; and was awake for long stretches of time。 When he finally awoke for the last time; the sun was up。 It was almost eight o'clock。 Lee had mentioned the possibility of another foray into the kitchen。 She had once been quite good with sausage and eggs; she'd said; and anybody could handle canned biscuits; but as he pulled up his jeans and slipped on a tee shirt; he could smell nothing。
 The kitchen was quiet。 He called her name as he examined the coffee pot … half full。 Her bedroom door was open and the lights were off。 He quickly checked every room。 She was not on the patio sipping coffee and reading the paper。 A sick feeling came over him and grew worse with each empty room。 He ran to the parking lot … no sign of her car。 He stepped barefoot across the hot asphalt and asked the security guard when she'd left。 He checked a clipboard; and said it had been almost two hours ago。 She appeared to be fine; he said。
 He found it on a sofa in the den; a three…inch stack of news and ads known as the Sunday edition of the Memphis Press。 It had been left in a neat pile with the Metro section on top。 Lee's face was on the front of this section; in a photo taken at a charity ball years earlier。 It was a close…up of Mr。 and Mrs。 Phelps Booth; all smiles for the camera。 Lee was smashing in a strapless black dress。 Phelps was decorated fashionably in black tie。 They seemed to be a wonderfully happy couple。
 The story was Todd Marks' latest exploitation of the Cayhall mess; and with each report the series was being more tabloid…like。 It started friendly enough; with a weekly summary of the events swirling around the execution。 The same voices were heard … McAllister's; Roxburgh's; Lucas Mann's; and Naifeh's steady 〃no ments。〃 Then it turned mean…spirited quickly as it gleefully exposed Lee Cayhall Booth: prominent Memphis socialite; wife of important banker Phelps Booth of the renowned and rich Booth family; munity volunteer; aunt of Adam Hall; and; believe it or not; daughter of the infamous Sam Cayhall!
 The story was written as if Lee herself were guilty of a terrible crime。 It quoted alleged friends; unnamed of course; as being shocked to learn her true identity。 It talked about the Booth family and its money; and pondered how a blue blood such as Phelps could stoop to marry into a clan such as the Cayhalls。 It mentioned their son Walt; and again quoted unnamed sources who speculated about his refusal to return to Memphis。 Walt had never married; it reported breathlessly; and lived in Amsterdam。
 And then; worst of all; it quoted another nameless source and told the story of a charity event not too many years ago at which Lee and Phelps Booth were present and sat at a table near Ruth Kramer。 The source had also been at the dinner; and distinctly remembered where these people had sat。 The source was a friend of Ruth's and an acquaintance of Lee's; and was just plain shocked to learn that Lee had such a father。
 A smaller photo of Ruth Kramer acpanied the story。 She was an attractive woman in her early fifties。
 After the sensational uncovering of Lee; the story went on to summarize Friday's oral argument in New Orleans and the latest maneuverings of the Cayhall defense。
 Taken as a whole; it was sleazy narrative that acplished nothing except that it pushed the daily murder summaries onto the second page。
 Adam threw the paper on the floor and sipped coffee。 She had awakened on this warm Sunday; clean and sober for the first time in days; probably in much better spirits; and had settled on the sofa with a fresh cup of coffee and the paper。 Within minutes she'd been slapped in the face and kicked in the stomach; and now she'd left again。 Where did she go during these times? Where was her sanctuary? Certainly she stayed away from Phelps。 Maybe she had a boyfriend somewhere who took her in and gave her fort; but that was doubtful。 He prayed she wasn't driving the streets aimlessly with a bottle in her hand。
 No doubt; things were hopping around the Booth estates this morning。 Their dirty little secret was out; plastered on the front page for the world to see。 How would they cope with the humiliation? Imagine; a Booth marrying and producing offspring with such white trash; and now everyone knew。 The family might never recover。 Madame Booth was certainly distressed; and probably bedridden by now。
 Good for them; Adam thought。 He showered and changed clothes; then lowered the top on the Saab。 He didn't expect to see Lee's maroon Jaguar on the deserted streets of Memphis; but he drove around anyway。 He started at Front Street near the river; and with Springsteen blaring from the speakers he randomly made his way east; past the hospitals on Union; through the stately homes of midtown; and back to the projects near Auburn House。 Of course he didn't find her; but the drive was refreshing。 By noon; the traffic had resumed; and Adam went to the office。
 Sam's only guest on Sunday was again an unexpected one。 He rubbed his wrists when the handcuffs were removed; and sat across the screen from the gray…haired man with a jolly face and a warm smile。
 〃Mr。 Cayhall; my name is Ralph Griffin; and I'm the chaplain here at Parchman: I'm new; so we …haven't met。〃
 Sam nodded; and said; 〃Nice to meet you。
 〃My pleasure。 I'm sure you knew my predecessor。〃
 〃Ah yes; the Right Reverend Rucker。 Where is he now?〃
  〃Good。 I never cared for him。 I doubt if he makes it to heaven。〃
 〃Yes; I've heard he wasn't too popular。〃
 〃Popular? He was despised by everyone here。 For some reason we didn't trust him。 Don't know why。 Could be because he was in favor of the death penalty。 Can you imagine? He was called by God to minister to us; yet he believed we should die。 Said it was in the Scriptures。 You know; the eye for an eye routine。〃
 〃I've heard that before。〃
 〃I'm sure you have。 What kind of preacher are…you? What denomination?〃
 〃I was ordained in a Baptist church; but I'm sort of nondenominational now。 I think the Lord's probably frustrated with all this sectarianism。〃
 〃He's frustrated with me too; you know。〃
 〃How's that?〃
 〃You're familiar with Randy Dupree; an inmate here。 Just down the tier from me。 Rape and murder。〃
 〃Yes。 I've read his file。 He was a preacher at one…time。〃
 〃We call him Preacher Boy; and he's recently acquired the spiritual gift of interpreting dreams。 He also sings and heals。 He'd probably play with snakes if they allowed it。 You know; take up the serpents; from the book of Mark; sixteenth chapter; eighteenth verse。 Anyway; he just finished this long dream; took over a month; sort of like a mini…series; and it eventually was revealed to him that I will in fact be executed;
  and that God is waiting for me to clean up my act。〃
 〃It wouldn't be a bad idea; you know。 To get things in order。〃
 〃What's the rush? I have ten days。〃
 〃So you believe in God?〃
 〃Yes; I do。 Do you believe in the death penalty
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