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  〃I've had that same dream; I think;〃 said Digory。 〃About a boy and a girl; living next door…and something about crawling among rafters。 I remember the girl had a dirty face。〃
  〃Aren't you getting it mixed? In my dream it was the boy who had the dirty face。〃
  〃I can't remember the boy's face;〃 said Digory: and then added; 〃Hullo! What's that?〃
  〃Why! it's a guinea…pig;〃 said the girl。 And it was…a fat guinea…pig; nosing about in the grass。 But round the middle of the guinea…pig there ran a tape; and; tied on to it by the tape; was a bright yellow ring。
  〃Look! look;〃 cried Digory; 〃The ring! And look! You've got one on your finger。 And so have I。〃
  The girl now sat up; really interested at last。 They stared very hard at one another; trying to remember。 And then; at exactly the same moment; she shouted out 〃Mr Ketterley〃 and he shouted out 〃Uncle Andrew〃; and they knew who they were and began to remember the whole story。 After a few minutes hard talking they had got it straight。 Digory explained how beastly Uncle Andrew had been。
  〃What do we do now?〃 said Polly。 〃Take the guineapig and go home?〃
  〃There's no hurry;〃 said Digory with a huge yawn。
  〃I think there is;〃 said Polly。 〃This place is too quiet。 It's so…so dreamy。 You're almost asleep。 If we once give in to it we shall just lie down and drowse for ever and ever。〃
  〃It's very nice here;〃 said Digory。
  〃Yes; it is;〃 said Polly。
  〃But we've got to get back。〃 She stood up and began to go cautiously towards the guinea…pig。 But then she changed her mind。
  〃We might as well leave the guinea…pig;〃 she said。 〃It's perfectly happy here; and your uncle will only do something horrid to it if we take it home。〃
  〃I bet he would;〃 answered Digory。 〃Look at the way he's treated us。 By the way; how do we get home?〃
  〃Go back into the pool; I expect。〃
  They came and stood together at the edge looking down into the smooth water。 It was full of the reflection of the green; leafy branches; they made it look very deep。
  〃We haven't any bathing things;〃 said Polly。
  〃We shan't need them; silly;〃 said Digory。 〃We're going in with our clothes on。 Don't you remember it didn't wet us on the way up?〃
  〃Can you swim?〃
  〃A bit。 Can you?〃
  〃Well…not much。〃
  〃I don't think we shall need to swim;〃 said Digory 〃We want to go down; don't we?〃
  Neither of them much liked the idea of jumping into that pool; but neither said so to the other。 They took hands and said 〃One…Two…Three…Go〃 and jumped。 There was a great splash and of course they closed their eyes。 But when they opened them again they found they were still standing; hand in hand; in the green wood; and hardly up to their ankles in water。 The pool was apparently only a couple of inches deep。 They splashed back on to the dry ground。
  〃What on earth's gone wrong?〃 said Polly in a frightened voice; but not quite so frightened as you might expect; because it is hard to feel really frightened in that wood。 The place is too peaceful。
  〃Oh! I know;〃 said Digory; 〃Of course it won't work。 We're still wearing our yellow rings。 They're for the outward journey; you know。 The green ones take you home。 We must change rings。 Have you got pockets? Good。 Put your yellow ring in your left。 I've got two greens。 Here's one for you。〃
  They put on their green rings and came back to the pool。 But before they tried another jump Digory gave a long 〃O…ooh!〃
  〃What's the matter?〃 said Polly。
  〃I've just had a really wonderful idea;〃 said Digory。 〃What are all the other pools?〃
  〃How do you mean?〃
  〃Why; if awe can get back to our own world by jumping into this pool; mightn't we get somewhere else by jumping into one of the others? Supposing there was a world at the bottom of every pool。〃
  〃But I thought we were already in your Uncle Andrew's Other World or Other Place or whatever he called it。 Didn't you say…〃
  〃Oh bother Uncle Andrew;〃 interrupted Digory。 〃I don't believe he knows anything about it。 He never had the pluck to e here himself。 He only talked of one Other World。 But suppose there were dozens?〃
  〃You mean; this wood might be only one of them?〃
  〃No; I don't believe this wood is a world at all。 I think it's just a sort of in…between place。〃
  Polly looked puzzled。 〃Don't you see?〃 said Digory。 〃No; do listen。 Think of our tunnel under the slates at home。 It isn't a room in any of the houses。 In a way; it isn't really part of any of the houses。 But once you're in the tunnel you can go along it and e into any of the houses in the row。 Mightn't this wood be the same?…a place that isn't in any of the worlds; but once you've found that place you can get into them all。〃
  〃Well; even if you can…〃 began Polly; but Digory went on as if he hadn't heard her。
  〃And of course that explains everything;〃 he said。 〃That's why it is so quiet and sleepy here。 Nothing ever happens here。 Like at home。 It's in the houses that people talk; and do things; and have meals。 Nothing goes on in the inbetween places; behind the walls and above the ceilings and under the floor; or in our own tunnel。 But when you e out of our tunnel you may find yourself in any house。 I think we can get out of this place into jolly well Anywhere! We don't need to jump back into the same pool we came up by。 Or not just yet。〃
  〃The Wood between the Worlds;〃 said Polly dreamily。 〃It sounds rather nice。〃
  〃e on;〃 said Digory。 〃Which pool shall we try?〃
  〃Look here;〃 said Polly; 〃I'm not going to try any new pool till we've made sure that we can get back by the old one。 We're not even sure if it'll work yet。〃
  〃Yes;〃 said Digory。 〃And get caught by Uncle Andrew and have our rings taken away before we've had any fun。 No thanks。〃
  〃Couldn't we just go part of the way down into our own pool;〃 said Polly。 〃Just to see if it works。 Then if it does; we'll change rings and e up again before we're really back in Mr Ketterley's study。〃
  〃Can we go part of the way down?〃
  〃Well; it took time ing up。 I suppose it'll take a little time going back。〃
  Digory made rather a fuss about agreeing to this; but he had to in the end because Polly absolutely refused to do any exploring in new worlds until she had made sure about getting back to the old one。 She was quite as brave as he about some dangers (wasps; for instance) but she was not so interested in finding out things nobody had ever heard of before; for Digory was the sort of person who wants to know everything; and when he grew up he became the famous Professor Kirke who es into other books。
  After a good deal of arguing they agreed to put on their green rings (〃Green for safety;〃 said Digory; 〃so you can't help remembering which is which〃) and hold hands and jump。 But as soon as they seemed to be getting back to Uncle Andrew's study; or even to their own world; Polly was to shout 〃Change〃 and they would slip off their greens and
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