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rs want us to use our minds。〃
  〃Where's Okeechobee?〃
  〃It's up by the lake; when you drive north to Disney World。〃
  〃What lake?〃
  〃Lake Okeechobee!〃 Susan laughed。 〃It's the biggest lake in the whole South。 Everybody gets their water down here from Lake Okeechobee。〃
  〃I'm from California。 I don't know shit about Florida。〃
  〃I don't know shit about California; either。 So I guess we're even。〃
  〃Lake Tahoe's a pretty good…size lake in California。 Have you heard of Tahoe?〃
  〃I've heard of it; but I don't know where it is。〃
  〃Part of it's in Nevada; and the rest is in California。 On the Nevada side; you can gamble in the casinos。〃
  〃You can't gamble in Florida; except on horses; race track and trotters; on dogs; and jai alai。 Oh; yes; you can gamble on cockfighting and dogfighting; too; if you know where to go。 But all other forms of gambling; the governor says; are immoral。〃
  〃Is the governor a Jesuit?〃
  〃That's a Catholic; isn't it?〃
  〃An educated Catholic; the way it was explained to me。〃
  〃No; he's a Protestant。 It would be a waste of money for a Catholic to run for office down here。〃
  〃Tell me about Okeechobee; and tell me why you came to Miami。〃
  〃It's a lot hotter up there than it is here; for one thing。 And it rains more; too; because of the lake。 It's a little town; not big like Miami; but there's lots to do; like bowling and going juking; or fishing and swimming。 If you don't like country; you wouldn't like Okeechobee。 If a girl doesn't get married; there isn't much future there; and nobody ever asked me to get married。 I did the cooking for my daddy and my brother; but that didn't stop me from getting pregnant。 That's why I came to Miami; really; to get me an abortion。 My father said it was a disgrace to get pregnant that way; and he told me not to e back…〃
  〃The 〃Reader's Digest〃 said about forty percent of the girls who get pregnant aren't married。 What's he so uptight about?〃
  〃My brother; Marty; had a big fight with him about that。 He told daddy it's the Lord's right to punish people; and that daddy didn't have any right to sit in judgment on me。 So the upshot of all that was that Marty had to go with me; and he was told not to e back either。 Daddy doesn't believe in much of anything; and Marty's really religious; you see。〃
  〃So you both came down to Miami?〃
  She nodded。 〃On the bus。 Marty and me are really close。 We were born only ten months apart; and he's always taken my side against daddy。〃
  The waitress interrupted。 〃You want more tea; or d'you want to order now?〃
  〃I'll have the Circe Salad;〃 Susan said。 〃I always get that。〃
  〃Me; too;〃 Freddy said。
  〃You'll like the Circe Salad。 Daddy gets mad; but he always gets over it。 I think we could go back now; and he wouldn't say a word。 But we've done so well down here; we're going to stay a long time。 We're saving our money; and when we've got enough saved Marty wants to go back to Okeechobee and get us a Burger King franchise。 He'll be the day manager; and I'll manage nights。 We'll build a house on the lake; get us a speedboat; and everything。〃
  〃Marty has it all figured out。〃
  Susan nodded。 〃That's why I'm going to Miami…Dade。 When I finish English and social science; I'm going to take business and management courses。〃
  〃What about your mother? What does she think about you two leaving?〃
  〃I don't know where she is; and neither does daddy。 She was working the counter at the truck stop; and then one night; when I was only five; she ran off with a truck driver。 Daddy traced her as far as New Orleans; paying a private detective; and then the trail got cold。
  〃But Marty and me are doing real good here。 He's got a job collecting money for the Hare Krishnas; and he gives at least a hundred dollars of it every day to me to put in the bank。 It's a hard life for Marty; pared to mine; because he's restricted to the camp at night; and he has to get up at four A。M。 every morning to pray。 But he doesn't mind working seven days a week at the airport; not when he makes a hundred dollars a day for us to save。〃
  〃I think I saw one out at the airport today。 I don't understand this Hare Krishna business。 What are they; anyway? It doesn't sound American。〃
  〃They are now。 It's some kind of religious cult from India; a professional beggars' group; and now they're all over the United States。 They must be in California; too。〃
  〃Maybe so。 I never heard of them before; that's all。〃
  〃Well; Marty saw the advantages right away; because it's a way to beg legally。〃
  Susan leaned forward and lowered her voice。
  〃What he does; you see; is put a dollar in one pocket for the Krishnas; and a dollar in another pocket for us。 The Knshnas; being a religious organization; can beg at the airport; whereas if you were to go out there and beg; they'd put you in jail。〃
  〃In other words; your brother's stealing the Krishnas blind。〃
  〃I guess you can put it that way。 He said they'd kick him out if they ever found out。 But they aren't going to catch on。 I meet Marty every night by the mailbox outside the Airport Hotel; which is right inside the airport。 While I pretend to mail a letter; he slips the money into my purse。 He's got a partner who's supposed to be watching him; but Marty can always get away for a minute to go to the men's room。 What I can't understand is why those passengers out there hand him fives and tens; and sometimes a twenty; just because he asks for it。 He says they're afraid not to; that they're all guilty about something they've done bad。 But he sure collects a lot of money on a twelve…hour shift out there。〃
  The waitress brought their Circe Salads: large chunks of romaine lettuce; orange slices; bean and wheat sprouts; shredded coconut; a blob of vanilla yogurt; and a topping of grated sugar…cane sawdust soaked in ginseng。 The salad was served in a porcelain bowl in the shape of a giant clam shell。
  〃I've never eaten in a health food restaurant before。〃
  〃Me neither; till I came to Miami。 You don't have to eat it if you don't like it。〃
  〃I don't like the ginseng root。 Do they put it in everything here?〃
  〃Just about。 It's supposed to make you feel sexy; so they use ginseng because they don't serve meat here。 That's the reason; I think。〃
  〃I'd rather have meat。 This would be all right without the ginseng taste。 How'd you do this afternoon?〃
  〃Fifty dollars。 One Colombian; and an old man from Dayton; Ohio。 Counting all those clothes you gave me; it was a good day for me。 Besides; I got to meet you。 You're the nicest man I've ever met。〃
  〃I think you're nice; too。〃
  〃Your hands are just beautiful。〃
  〃Nobody ever told me that before。 Here…take the rest of my salad。〃
  〃You didn't even try the yogurt。〃
  〃Yogurt? I thought it was soured ice cream。〃
  〃No; it's yogurt。 It's supposed to taste a little sour。〃
  〃I don't like it。〃
  〃I'm sorry; Junior。 I guess I should've had you meet me at the Burger King。 It's right across from the school。〃
  〃I'm not that hungry。 I had a club sandwich in my room; before I bought these new clothes。〃
  〃Your blue shirt matches your eyes。 Did you buy it because i
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