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  〃You ever been to Riviera Beach; Ellita?〃
  〃Never。 I've been to Palm Beach; but not to Riviera。〃
  〃Palm Beach is right across the inlet from Singer Island; and Singer's a part of the Riviera Beach municipality; with the best beach in Florida。 So; if you went as far as the northern end of Palm Beach; you were looking across at Singer。 I grew up in Riviera Beach; but I didn't know it was actually called Riviera until I was almost twenty years old。 We always called it Rivera。 Rivera…that's what everybody called it。 Funny; isn't it?〃
  〃I've noticed that a lot of Miamians call Miami Mi…am…ah。 I guess it's what you grow up with。〃
  〃In Riviera; that's how we can tell the natives from the tourists。 Most of us still say Rivera。〃
  When they got to the 7…Eleven; Sanchez asked the manager to fix her a grape Slurpee。 Hoke and Henderson went to the freezer。 Henderson got a Bud; and Hoke reached deep into the box to get a cold Coors。 Each paid for his own drink; and then they went outside to drink them。 A few blocks away; in the nascent morning light; they could see the vultures circling above the county courthouse tower; preparing to fly to the city dump for their breakfast feeding。
  〃That yellow Nova;〃 Sanchez said; pointing to the dusty car parked by the Dempsey Dumpster; 〃has been there for three days。 I remember seeing it。〃
  〃Probably the manager's car;〃 Henderson said。 〃There's no one else around here。〃
  Sanchez walked down to the car。 〃It's got Michigan plates。〃
  Henderson cracked open the glass door to the store。 The manager had 〃The Star〃 open on the counter and was reading it。 He looked up。 〃You from Michigan?〃 Henderson said。
  〃Are you from Michigan?〃
  〃Michigan?〃 The manager shook his head。 〃Ponce。 In Puerto Rico。〃
  〃That your car? The yellow Nova?〃
  The Puerto Rican shook his head。 〃My wife's got my car。 She drives me to work; and picks me up。 That car's been parked there for three days。〃
  〃You guys better e down here a minute!〃 Sanchez raised her voice。 She threw her waxed cup; still half full; into the dumpster。 Hoke and Henderson joined her at the back of the Nova。 〃D'you smell anything funny?〃
  Henderson bent over and sniffed at the trunk。 He smiled broadly at Hoke。 〃Take a sniff; Hoke。 Be my guest。〃
  Hoke took a deep sniff at the trunk lid; where it joined the body。 The odor was unmistakable; it was the familiar odor of urine; feces; death。 Hoke raised his head; returning Henderson's knowing metal…studded smile with a wry grin。
  〃You two stay here;〃 Hoke said。 〃I'll walk back to the station and send down a squad car…〃
  〃No you won't;〃 Henderson said。 〃Go home; Hoke! Just get in your car and go home。 We'll take care of the body。 You're on sick leave and off duty。 Remember?〃
  〃He's right; Hoke;〃 Sanchez said。 〃It'll be at least another hour before we can run a make and get a warrant to open the trunk。 Go on home。 Please。〃
  〃But I'd like to see…〃
  〃Beat it!〃 Henderson said; pushing Hoke's shoulder。
  〃All right。 But call me tomorrow; Sanchez。 There're a few things…〃
  〃I'll call you;〃 Sanchez said。 〃But right now you'd better get going。〃
  〃You call me; too; Bill。〃
  〃I will; I will。 Good…bye; Hoke。〃
  Hoke returned to the police station parking lot and got into his car。 As he drove out of the lot he could see Ellita Sanchez leaning back against the trunk of the yellow Nova。 Henderson was probably still in the store; using the manager's phone。
  Hoke drove down to Biscayne Boulevard and turned north; hugging the right lane so he could make the cut…off at the MacArthur Causeway for Miami Beach。 Feeling slightly guilty about leaving Henderson and Sanchez stuck at the 7…Eleven; he pulled down the visor against the morning sun rising above South Beach and headed for the Eldorado Hotel; where Old Man Zuckerman was waiting for him in the lobby with a fresh; neatly folded paper napkin。


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