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dollars for a bottle of wine; even with a stolen credit card; struck him as outrageous。 The thought also made him cautious。 He knew that as long as he did not buy anything that cost more than fifty dollars; most clerks would not call the 800 number to check on the status of the credit card。 At least this was the usual policy。 And in hotels; they usually didn't get around to checking the card until the day you checked out。 But he had taken a 135…a…day suite。 Well; he wouldn't worry about it; and as he thought about the mugging of Herman T。 Gotlieb in the alley; he felt a little more secure。 That was the safe thing about mugging gays; the police didn't worry much about what happened to them。 At the very least; Mr。 Gotlieb had a bad concussion; and he would be a very confused man for some time。
  Freddy got out of the tub; dried himself with a gold bath sheet; and wrapped it around his waist。 He needed a shave but had nothing to shave with; his face was clean but felt dirty with its blond stubble。 He went through his stuffed eelskin wallet again。 He had 79 in bills and some loose change。 The San Franciscans he had mugged had carried very little folding money。 He had seven credit cards; but he was going to need some more cash。
  He put the stolen Cardin suitcase on the coffee table。 It was locked。 If there was a razor in the case he could shave。 He didn't have a knife…perhaps there were bar implements。 Yes; a corkscrew。 It took five minutes to jimmy the two locks。 He opened the suitcase and licked his lips。 This was always an exciting moment; like opening a surprise package or a grab bag。 One never knew what one would find。
  It was all women's stuff: nightgowns; skirts; blouses; slippers; and size 61/2 shoes in knitted covers。 There was a black silk cocktail dress; size seven; a soft blue cashmere sweater; size seven…eight; and a pair of fold…up Cardin sunglasses in a lizard case。 The items were all expensive; but there was no razor; apparently; the young mother who had owned the suitcase didn't shave her legs。
  Freddy dialed the bell captain and asked to speak with Pablo。
  〃Pablo;〃 he said; when he got the bellman on the line; 〃this is Mr。 Gotlieb up in seven…seventeen。〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃
  〃I'd like a girl sent up。 A fairly small one; size seven or eight。〃
  〃How tall?〃
  〃I'm not sure。 How tall are sevens and eights?〃
  〃They can run pretty tall; from five feet on up to maybe five…six or more。〃
  〃That doesn't make any sense。 How could one dress fit a woman five feet tall or five feet; six inches tall?〃
  〃I don't know; Mr。 Gotlieb; but women's sizes run funny。 My wife wears a size twenty…two hat。 I wear a seven and a quarter; and my head's a lot bigger than hers。〃
  〃All right。 Just send me up a small one。〃
  〃For how long?〃
  〃I don't know。 What difference does it make?〃
  〃You're still on nooner rates。 I've got one small one for you now; but she gets off at five。 That's all I got now。 Tonight; I can get you another one; even smaller。〃
  〃No。 That's okay。 I won't even need her till five。〃
  〃In about twenty minutes; then?〃
  〃Tell her to bring me up a club sandwich; with some dill pickle slices on the side。〃
  〃She can't do that; sir; but I'll send the room service waiter up with the club sandwich。〃
  〃Good。 And I'll take care of you later。〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃
  The club sandwich; a nice one with white turkey meat; bacon; American cheese; lettuce; and tomato slices on white toast; was 12; plus a 1 service charge。 Freddy signed for it and gave the waiter a 1 tip。 Even though there were pickles; potato chips; cole slaw; and extra paper cups of mayonnaise and mustard on the side; Freddy was appalled by the price of the club sandwich。 What in the hell had happened to the economy while he was in prison?
  Freddy ate half the sandwich and all of the pickle slices; then put the other half into the refrigerator。 The other half; he thought; is worth six bucks…Jesus!
  There was a light knock on the door。 Freddy unfastened the chain and opened the door; and a young girl with small and very even teeth came in。 She was a small one; all right; standing about five…three in her high heels。 Her well…defined widow's peak and smallish chin made her face heart…shaped。 She wore tight jeans with ROLLS…ROYCE embroidered on the left leg in three…inch white block letters; a U…neck purple T…shirt; and dangling gold earrings。 Her soft kangaroo leather drawstring bag was big enough tohold schoolbooks。 Freddy estimated her age at fifteen…maybe sixteen。
  〃Mr。 Gotlieb?〃 she said; smiling; 〃Pablo said you wanted to talk to me。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 Freddy said。 〃How old are you; anyway?〃
  〃Nineteen。 My name is Pepper。〃
  〃Yeah。 Sure it is。 You got any ID?〃
  〃My driver's license。 I just look young because I don't wear makeup; that's all。〃
  〃Let's see the license。〃
  〃I don't have to show it to you。〃
  〃That's right。 You don't。 You can leave。〃
  〃But if I show it to you; you'll know my right name。〃
  〃But I'll still call you Pepper。〃
  She took her wallet out of the bag and showed Freddy her Florida license。 The name on the license was Susan Waggoner; and she was twenty years old…not nineteen。
  〃This says you're twenty。〃
  She shrugged。 〃I like being a teenager。〃
  〃What're the rates?〃
  〃For nooners…half…hour limit…fifty dollars until five o'clock。 Then it goes up to seventy…five。 I get off at five; so for you it's only fifty; unless you want extras。〃
  〃Okay。 Let's go into the bedroom。〃
  Pepper pulled down the spread on the queen…size bed; then the sheets; and smoothed them out。 She slipped off her shoes; her T…shirt; and her jeans。 She was not wearing a bra; nor did she need one。 She rolled off her panties; lay down on the bed; and put her hands behind her head as she spread her skinny legs。 As she locked her fingers behind her head; her small breasts almost disappeared; except for the taut strawberry nipples。 Her long auburn hair; in a ponytail fastened with a rubber band; made a curling question mark on the right side of the pillow。 Her well…greased pubic hair was a kinky brownish yellow。
  Freddy unwrapped the bath sheet and dropped it on the floor。 He probed her pregreased vagina with the first three fingers of his right hand。 He shook his head and frowned。
  〃Not enough friction there for me;〃 he said。 〃I'm used to boys; you see。 Do you take it in the ass?〃
  〃No; sir。 I should; I know; but I tried it once and it hurt too much。 I just can't do it。 I can give you a blow job if you like。〃
  〃That's okay; but I'm not all that interested anyway。 You really should learn to take it in the ass。 You'll make more money; and if you learn how to relax…〃
  〃That's what Pablo said; but I just can't。〃
  〃What size dress do you wear?〃
  〃It depends。 I can wear a five sometimes; but usually I'm either a six or a seven。 It depends on who makes it。 They all have different sizes。〃
  〃Try this on。〃 Freddy brought her the black silk dress from the sitting room。 〃Put your shoes on first; and then look at the mirror。 There's a full…length mirror on the back of the bathroom door。〃
  Pepper slipped into the dress; turned sideways as s
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