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d I had to break it。〃
  〃You killed Martin?〃
  〃I didn't kill anybody。 I broke his fucking finger; that's all。 And if you force me into it; by not doing exactly what I tell you; I'll break your skinny neck。〃
  Freddy got out of the car and ordered two café Cubanos at the counter。 He downed his quickly and took the other one; in its one…ounce paper cup; back to the car。 Susan rolled down the window; and he handed her the coffee。 Her hand trembled so much she spilled most of the coffee on her jeans。 There was a rim of white around her lips。 Freddy shook his head impatiently。
  〃D'you want another cup?〃
  Susan shook her head。 Her knuckles holding the wheel were white。
  〃All right; then。 Stay awake; keep the engine running; and I should be back in about ten minutes。〃 Carrying the coin case in his left hand; Freddy walked away from the car。
  Hoke was stopped by the red light。 Susan; in the TransAm; had made it across just in time。 Hoke watched her pull into the yellow loading zone on Miami Avenue and then back up to the end of the zone。 Except for the spaces in front of her TransAm; there were no other vacant spaces on the street。 A horn honked behind him。 Hoke rolled down the window and waved the driver around。 The man had to back up before he could pull forward again to get around Hoke's car。 He cursed Hoke and shook his fist as he roared by。
  Hoke watched Mendez get out of the car and buy coffee at the cafeteria。 He took a cup back to the car。 Hoke wondered if that was why they had stopped…to get a fucking cup of Cuban coffee? Another car pulled up behind Hoke and stopped。 The light was green again; and the driver leaned on her horn。 Hoke waved her around。
  When Hoke looked back at the TransAm; he noticed Mendez turning the corner onto Flagler。 As Mendez disappeared into the rain; the TransAm pulled away from the curb; with its tires squealing on the wet street; and raced down Miami Avenue。 Hoke followed the TransAm; thinking; he's going to buy something on Flagler; and she's going to circle the block to pick him up so he won't get wet。 But Hoke had guessed wrong。 That's why a man needed a partner。 If he had had Bill Henderson with him…or even Ellita Sanchez…she could have followed Susan; and he could have gone after Mendez on foot。
  When Hoke realized that the TransAm had got into the lane leading to the I…95 overpass; he switched lanes; bluffed his way into the outside lane; and made a left turn at First Street。 He drove down a block; made another left; and finally got back on Flagler。 The cars were barely moving and Hoke was caught by two red lights; but he inched along Flagler; watching the pedestrians make short dashes from one overhanging awning to the next。 There was a crowd of South Americans with shopping bags standing in the arcade that catered to Venezuelans and Colombians。 Hoke stopped pletely to look them over。 Mendez; in his light suit; would stand out among all those foreigners in funereal black。 Hoke took out his pistol and laid it on the seat beside him。 He looked at the empty bracket from which his radio had been stolen; and swore。 Horns honked behind him; and he moved forward again。 His only chance was to spot Mendez in the street; and that seemed damned unlikely。 Deep down; way down there in the pit of his stomach; he hoped he wouldn't find him。
  Freddy's hair was wet and the shoulders of his gray silk suitcoat were soaked through by the time he rounded the corner to Flagler and reached the window of Wulgemuth's Coin Exchange。 Freddy pressed the buzzer beside the window and smiled when he saw Wulgemuth's alert face behind the glass。 The coin expert was in his early fifties but looked older because of his bald head; which was encircled by a clipped wreath of stubby white hair above his ears。 His bulbous nose and his sunken cheeks were pitted with old acne scars。
  〃I'm a police officer;〃 Freddy said into the recessed microphone。 〃Turn the window。〃
  The bulletproof window revolved。 Freddy placed the cowhide coin case in the drawer; and dropped his ID card and badge; still in its leather holder; on top of the case。 The window revolved and Wulgemuth's face disappeared。
  There were more people shopping on Flagler than Freddy had expected to see on such a miserable; rainy day; but most of them; Freddy supposed; were used to the rain。 The rain was warm; and in places the sidewalk steamed。 The temperature; despite the rain; was eighty…two degrees; as Freddy could see by the lighted digital clock on the bank tower a block away。 The time was 10:04。 The time and temperature flashed off; and were replaced by an aqueous message in dotted green lights:
  The message puzzled Freddy。 What was an IRA? He heard the window revolve。 The badge and the ID were in the drawer; but not the coin case。 Wulgemuth's face was in the window again。 〃What's your business; sergeant?〃
  〃Police business;〃 Freddy said。 〃I've been trying to get a line on these stolen coins; and I've got some other things to ask you about。 Open the door。〃 Freddy took his badge out of the drawer。
  The face disappeared。 A buzzer on the door lock sounded; and Freddy turned the knob as the door lock was released。 The buzzing stopped as he stepped inside。
  〃Shut the door!〃 Wulgemuth called from the back of the shop。
  Freddy closed the door with his hip。 Wulgemuth had the coin case open on the counter at the end of the narrow shop。
  〃These coins were stolen; you say?〃
  〃Yeah。 I brought them down from the property room。 We picked them up on a fencing bust; and we figured if we could get a line on the owner we could find out something more on the burglars。 Is this a valuable collection; or not?〃
  Wulgemuth shrugged。 〃What you're talking about here; sergeant; is intrinsic value。 That's what I deal in。 It's worth what someone wants to pay for it; and that's probably a lot more than its face value。 This is by no means a rare collection; even though a cursory look shows that all the coins are in pretty fair condition。〃
  〃Did you ever see it before?〃
  〃As a collection; no; but I've seen a lot like it。 What happened to your eye; anyway?〃
  〃Car accident。〃
  〃You oughta sue the doctor who sewed you up。 You could make a bundle。〃
  〃He said it would look okay once it scarred over。〃
  〃He lied。 Anyway; this isn't my coin case; either。〃
  Freddy closed the lid on the case; and snapped the two hasp locks closed。 〃I'll try another dealer。 Can you show me one of your coin cases? I'd like to see how different yours are from this one。〃
  〃I don't have any on hand; not right now。〃
  〃Not even in your safe?〃
  〃None for silver dollars。〃
  〃Who else sells cowhide cases like this one; then?〃
  〃You're on the wrong track; sergeant。 All the trade magazines advertise cases like this。 You can order coin cases by mail; from cheap canvas jobs to custom…made ostrich with your initials in gold。〃
  〃I see。〃
  〃How e a Homicide detective's so interested in tracing stolen property? Is there a murder involved in this collection?〃
  〃That's confidential; Mr。 Wulgemuth。 I'm also checking out your place here for security。
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