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ented cars on Miami's highways。 No; the only thing that bothered Hoke was the actual apprehension of Ramon Mendez; but he would be able to handle that when the time came  。 。 。 
  Freddy awoke at six; went to the bathroom; showered; and then shook Susan awake。 Freddy was pleased by the rain and asked Susan how long she thought it would last。 Susan; who was bustling in the kitchen preparing a large breakfast; went to the window and looked out。
  〃This is the tail end of the hurricane season; and we always get a lot of rain。 It could last three or four days; or it may pass over in two or three hours。 From the looks of the sky; I'd say all day。〃
  Susan ladled chipped beef and peppery milk gravy over six buttered toast points。 She set the plate in front of Freddy and stepped back as he forked a huge mouthful and chewed with his eyes closed。
  〃This is good SOS;〃 he said。 〃But you should've fixed home fries to go with it。 SOS tastes better over potatoes than it does on toast。 That way; you can eat the toast separately with a little marmalade。 This gravy's so thick I can hardly taste the butter on the toast。〃
  〃It won't take a minute to fix some home fries; if that's what you want。 There's a cold baked potato in the fridge; and I can slice it up…〃
  〃No; this is okay。 I meant for next time。 I like a big breakfast when I go out on a job。 Gives a man energy。〃
  〃How's your wrist?〃
  Freddy got up from the table; dropped to the floor; and did a one…arm pushup with his bad arm。 〃That's one;〃 he said; wincing as he sat at the table again。 〃Tomorrow I'll try for two。〃
  〃Does it still hurt; I mean?〃
  〃A little; when I do pushups。 But I don't think it was ever broken; or it wouldn't've healed by now。 Probably just a bad sprain。〃
  〃I guess this rain don't make no nevermind to your plans; does it?〃
  〃It helps us; that's all; by cutting down the visibility。 Did you fix the lunch yet?〃
  〃Tunafish sandwiches; what's left of the vinegar pie; some apples and bananas。 And two bags of Doritos。 There's tea in the thermos; and a six…pack of Dr。 Peppers。 I already put the stuff in the car。〃
  Freddy nodded; and poured another cup of coffee。 〃That's plenty。 We probably won't be hungry anyway; after this big breakfast; but after you've been sitting in a car for a few hours; eating gives you something to do。 You'd better put an empty coffee can in the car; too。〃
  〃What for?〃
  〃Sometime; Susie; before you ask a stupid question; why don't you think for a minute? Where d'you think the iced tea and those Dr。 Peppers are gonna go?〃
  〃The can's to pee in?〃
  〃See how easy it is?〃
  Susan frowned。 The two little lines between her eyes deepened; and she pressed her lips。
  〃If something's bothering you;〃 Freddy said; 〃spit it out。 I don't like the way you're behaving this morning。〃
  〃What you're making me do isn't fair。〃
  〃How's that?〃
  〃The man's the man; and the woman's a woman in a marriage。 You're supposed to go out and bring in the money; and I stay home and keep house。 It isn't fair to make me help you do whatever it is you're going to do; and I'm scared。〃
  〃What're you afraid of? All you've got to do is park the car in the yellow zone and wait for me to e back。〃
  〃I think you're going to do something illegal; and if I'm helping you; I could get into trouble; too。 I gave up a promising college career to marry you and take care of the house and all; and I shouldn't have to…〃
  〃Who's been filling your head with all this shit? Edna Damrosch; next door?〃
  〃Nobody has to tell me when to be scared。 I know enough to be scared when I'm doing something I'm not supposed to do。〃
  〃So if I tell you what I'm going to do; you won't be scared; is that it?〃
  〃That's right。〃
  〃I'm going to rob this coin dealer; a guy named Wulgemuth。 The coin collection I'm taking with me will help me get inside his shop。 It's worth a couple of hundred bucks; or more; but I'll leave it there when I take the man's cash。 He's got his own safe; and he deals in gold and big money; so his safe'll have a lot of cash in it。 No telling how much。 That's what I plan to get。 So now you can relax。〃
  〃Relax? I'm more scared than ever。〃
  〃See what I mean? That's why I didn't tell you before。 I knew you'd act this way。 Just keep in mind how simple your part is。 You park and drive the car。 There's nothing to wet your pants about。〃
  〃And I won't get into trouble?〃
  〃Not a chance。 This job is foolproof。 I've checked it out from every angle。 When it's all over we'll have so much money I'll take you on a Caribbean cruise。〃
  〃Why can't you do it alone?〃
  〃Because I can't take a chance and have the car towed away while I'm in the store。 You've got to be in it。〃
  Susan nodded and started to gather the dishes。
  〃Leave the dishes。 You can do them later tonight; after we e home。〃
  The heavy rain and several accidents on the highway had slowed traffic on the Dixie Highway to a crawl; and Hoke Moseley had no trouble following the TransAm。
  Although it was after nine A。M。; the bruised sky and the heavy rain made it seem like early dawn。 Impatient drivers with their lights and wipers on inched along the flooded streets; crowding over toward the center line。 Some honked their horns just to be honking their horns。 When Susan sped up to race through a yellow light; Freddy told her to slow down。
  〃There's no hurry;〃 he said。 〃It doesn't make any real difference when we get there。 Even the noon hour would be okay。 I've checked twice; and the man is alone in his shop and doesn't close up for lunch。 Probably brings it with him。〃
  〃I'm sorry。 It's just that I'm still scared and a little nervous。 Besides; if you stop for a yellow light in Miami you get rearended。〃
  〃I can't understand why you're scared。 All you've got to do is park in the yellow zone; and…〃
  〃I know all that! I'm going to be all right。〃
  The yellow loading zone on Miami Avenue was vacant。 It was long enough for three pact cars or for one car and a full…size truck。 After Susan pulled into the loading zone; Freddy told her to back up to the end of the zone so she couldn't be blocked from behind。 〃That still leaves room for a truck to park in front of you in case somebody needs to unload something for that ropa store。〃
  Next to the Cuban clothing store there was a narrow shop with a stuffed llama in the window。 The store claimed to sell genuine Peruvian imports; but the floor beneath the llama was layered with Timex watches and zircon rings in black velvet boxes。 On the corner was a small Cuban cafeteria with a Formica counter to serve customers on the sidewalk。
  Freddy held the coin case in his lap。 He took out his 。38 pistol; checked it; and then put the pistol back in his right coat pocket。
  〃You…you aren't going to shoot Mr。 Wulgemuth; are you?〃 Susan said; licking her thin lips。
  〃Not unless I have to;〃 Freddy said。 〃But sometimes;〃 Freddy shrugged; 〃they make you do it。〃 Freddy smiled like a butcher's dog。 〃Like the time I broke your brother's finger。 He irritated me; and I had to break it。〃
  〃You killed Martin?〃
  〃I didn't kill anybody。 I broke his fucking fin
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