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  〃She knows; yes。 But all the same; she wants to do well as a detective and asked me to put her with someone else。 I think I straightened her out on that score; but I want you to know how she feels so you can win her over。 She realizes that you're the sergeant; and she'll do whatever you tell her。〃
  〃I'm still going to be out for my two weeks' leave。〃
  〃I know。 I'm moving Henderson and Lopez into the bullpen; and Sanchez into your office。 Maybe she can catch up on some of your back paperwork。〃
  〃In that case; I'll see you in two weeks。〃
  〃Get rid of that beard before you e back。 You look like that Puerto Rican actor; José Ferrer。〃
  Hoke drove to the Trail Gun Shop and bought a new holster and a pair of handcuffs; charging them to his MasterCard; one that he had obtained from a bank in Chicago that issued them without a thorough credit check。 It was the only charge card that he had left; and he never missed sending the bank in Chicago the monthly minimum payment of 10。
  He then drove to the International Hotel; parked in the yellow zone; and looked for Pablo Lhosa。 He showed Pablo his badge and ID; and asked him where they could go to talk。 Pablo took him downstairs to the employees' locker room and opened his locker; which was secured with two padlocks。 He took out a leather sports jacket and handed it to the detective。
  〃He left this jacket in his room;〃 Pablo said。 〃He checked out of the hotel by telephone; paying by credit card。 He was registered under the name of Herman T。 Gotlieb; San Jose; California。 The card; it turned out; was stolen。 That's all I know。 This jacket's too small for me; but it's expensive; and brand new。 I want you to find him; lieutenant…〃
  〃Yes; sir。 This guy is scary。 You should see his eyes…〃
  〃I have。〃
  〃What I think; I think he's a hitman of some kind; imported from California。〃
  〃What gave you that idea?〃
  〃Just the way he acts。〃 Pablo shrugged。 〃I don't have no proof; but I know what a killer looks like。 I served ten years in the National Guard in Nicaragua; and I've dealt with men who looked like him before。〃
  〃I'll find him。 If you see him again; or if you can think of anything else; call me at my home address。〃 Hoke gave Pablo one of his cards。 〃Let the phone ring for a long time。 Sometimes no one's at the switchboard。 But don't call me at the department for the next two weeks。 Call me at home。〃
  〃Have you checked her apartment?〃 Pablo said。 〃They might be out there。 A friend of mine checked once; but they weren't there。 That doesn't mean that they won't be back。 If you want to go out there; here's the keys to her apartment。〃 Pablo took two keys off his ring and handed them to Hoke。
  〃How e you've got her apartment keys?〃
  〃My friend gave 'em to me。 He's got keys to everything in Miami。 Here; why don't you keep the jacket; too? Except for the shoulders; you're both about the same size。〃
  〃Don't you want it? It's an expensive jacket。〃
  〃It won't fit me。 I'm a forty…eight portly。〃
  〃Thanks。 I'll find him; Pablo。〃
  〃It can't be too soon for me。 I don't like violence of any kind。〃
  〃Yeah   。 。 。  〃 Hoke smiled。 〃That's why you left the Nicaraguan National Guard after only ten years。〃
  Hoke used the pay phone in the lobby to call a friend of his in Records。 He asked his friend to run a check on Herman T。 Gotlieb in San Jose; California。
  〃How long will it take?〃 Hoke asked。
  〃It depends on a lot of things。 Give me a couple of hours; okay?〃
  〃I'll call you back; then。 I don't know where I'll be two hours from now。〃
  Hoke drove out to Kendall。 He drew his pistol before he knocked on the door。 When no one answered; he used the keys to get in。 He looked through the rooms; but he couldn't tell for certain whether the pair was still living there or not。 There were no men's clothes; but there was plenty of food in the refrigerator。 The air conditioning was on; set for seventy…five degrees; and the brass bed in the master bedroom was unmade。 There was a small jar of Oil of Olay and a can of Crisco on the bedside table。 Except for two six…packs of San Miguel beer in the refrigerator; there was no liquor in the apartment。 Hoke knew he shouldn't be in the apartment without a warrant; but he was positive that a fingerprint check on the jock would turn up a record in California。 But how could he get a warrant? He couldn't tell a state attorney that he was positive it was Mendez who had attacked him。 He had no tangible proof。
  Hoke ate a bowl of chili and two tacos at a Taco Bell before going home。 The hell with his diet。 He needed to get his strength back。 He took a shower and opened a package of Kools。 The mentholated smoke tasted wonderful。 A man would be a fool to give up smoking altogether。 One cigarette; one; just one; once in a while; couldn't hurt。
  He called his friend in Records。 Herman T。 Gotlieb; a mugging victim in San Francisco; had been found unconscious on Van Ness Avenue。 He had been DOA when his body arrived by ambulance at the San Francisco General Hospital。
  Hoke was not surprised by the information。 He looked in the telephone book; noted the page and a half of Mendezes; and laughed。 There were five Ramons and one Ramona; but it would be useless to call any of them because he knew that the man's name was not Mendez。 All he knew for certain was that the man was armed and dangerous and that he somehow had to find him。
  For several days after the fiasco at the 7…Eleven; Freddy was moody and inactive。 His aching wrist gave him a good deal of pain; and although he didn't admit it to Susan; the nagging nature of the hurt made it difficult for him to sleep at night。 They didn't have cable television; but he watched a Bowery Boys film festival on Channel 51 night after night; scowling at the mercials。 Toward four A。M。; when a faint Atlantic breeze wafted in through the open windows; Freddy would turn off the TV and fall into a restless sleep。 Susan would be awakened by the sudden silence as the set clicked off。 She would then tiptoe into the living room and cover him with a sheet。
  After his shower and breakfast in the morning; Freddy sat on the back porch and looked through the screen at the lizards scurrying for survival in the back yard。 There was a picket fence around the back yard; and a Barbados cherry hedge had been planted against the fence。 Susan had neglected her small garden; and the tomato plants had withered。 A dead coconut palm…killed by lethal yellow…arched up obscenely in the center of the yard。 The fronds were gone; and the top of the tree was a shredded stub。 Two lizards; in particular; Freddy noted; made the palm their home base。 One; a hustler; darted here and there in search of mosquitoes; but the other one; the fatter of the two; moved rarely; except to inflate and deflate its mottled purple throat。 When a mosquito came within range…zip! it was gone。 In addition to being skinnier than the fatter; immobile lizard; the hustler lizard had lost the tip of its tail。 Freddy thought there might be a lesson of some kind here for him to learn。
  Freddy was reminded of Miles Darrell; an old fence he had worked wit
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