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  Hoke scratched his bearded jaw。 〃In two seconds a lot can happen to a man。〃
  〃What're you going to do about Wilson?〃
  〃I don't know。 I could go to Brownley with it; but how do I explain the five hundred bucks?〃
  〃You just tell it like it happened; and you're covered。 I was there; and I can back up your story。 It links up with the way this guy…what's his name?〃
  〃Mendez。 Only that isn't his name。〃
  〃Anyway; it links in with the way he used your cuffs to rob two bastards and leave 'em in the john。 If you want me to; we can leave Brownley out of it; and I'll talk to Wilson。〃
  〃If you could get across to him that he's after the wrong guy…〃
  〃I will。 But it won't be all that easy because you were spending his money。〃
  〃I didn't know it was Wilson's。 Besides; he got his five hundred back。 I can't get the girl back and wouldn't if I could。〃
  〃I'll talk to him。 I know how to deal with a prick like that。〃
  〃I appreciate that; Bill。〃
  〃D'you have a gun?〃
  〃I get my new gun and shield back Monday; when I see Captain Brownley。〃
  〃I'll get you one。 I've got a chrome Colt thirty…two automatic you can have。 I used to carry it in Liberty City in case I needed a throw…down piece。 It's not much good; but the magazine holds seven rounds。〃
  〃I can give it back to you on Monday。 It really feels funny as hell driving and walking around Miami without a weapon。〃
  〃I can imagine。〃
  Henderson got the 。32 out of the desk in the dining room and gave it to Hoke。 Hoke removed the magazine; checked the chamber; and then slipped the magazine in again and loaded the pistol with a round in the chamber。 He flipped up the safety with his thumb and put the weapon into his hip pocket。
  〃In case you're interested; Hoke; I gave Martin Waggoner's effects to his father when he took the body back to Okeechobee。 I used my key to your desk。〃
  〃That's okay; but what about the Krishnas?〃
  〃They didn't have any claims。〃 Henderson smiled。 〃I called the head honcho out there when I didn't hear from them; and I got the impression that Martin Waggoner was a novice; not a full member; and was about to be thrown out anyway。〃
  〃Did he tell you that?〃
  〃Not in so many words; but that's the impression the honcho gave me。 He wasn't even interested in the funeral arrangements; even though I told him what Mr。 Waggoner had in mind。〃
  〃Martin was probably ripping them off。 That's some family; isn't it? Incest; prostitution; fanaticism; software 。 。 。  。 I'd better go home; Bill。 This is really only my first day to be traipsing around; and I'm bushed as hell。〃
  〃Want me to drive you home?〃
  〃Hell; no。 I just mean that I'm tired。 Otherwise I'm okay。〃
  〃Be careful; Hoke。 This guy; this Mendez; or whatever his name is; seems like a crazy bastard to me。 And when he finds out that you're up and around; he might e after you again。〃
  〃I'll watch myself all right; don't worry。〃
  Hoke was almost certain that the man from California was after him; but he couldn't figure out why。 He didn't feel safe until he got home and had locked the door and bolted it behind him。
  On Sunday; Hoke stayed in bed almost all day。 He braved the heat at noon and walked to Gold's Deli for the Sunday chickenin…the…pot special; but he napped again during the afternoon。 At six; he made his regular rounds of the hotel and discovered that Mr。 Bennett had; during his absence in the hospital; put chains and a padlock around the quick…release handles to the back fire door exit。 Hoke got the keys from the office; unlocked the chains; and put them into the storage room behind the unused kitchen。 Later; when he made out his report and put it on Mr。 Bennett's desk; he reminded the manager that the fire marshal could close the hotel down for a serious violation like that。
  For dinner; Hoke heated a can of Chunky Turkey Soup on the hot plate in his room; and then watched 〃Archie Bunker's Place〃 on television。 After the show; he called Bill Henderson。
  〃Everything's okay; Hoke;〃 Henderson said。 〃I talked to Wilson last night; explained things to him; and he'll be on the lookout for Mendez himself。〃
  〃I don't think that's his real name。〃
  〃All right; all right! What do we call him then?〃
  〃I'm sorry。 Mendez; I guess。〃
  〃Anyway; Wilson wants to find him as much as we do now。 Apparently the guy scared the hell out of Pablo; and Wilson told me that Pablo's talking about going back to Nicaragua。 I also reassured Wilson that neither one of us is going to say anything to Internal Affairs。 We've got enough to do in Homicide without worrying about what's going on in Vice。 He also told me to tell you he's sorry about your teeth。〃
  〃I'm sorry about them; too。 I have to pour hot sauce on everything now in order to get any taste。〃
  〃How you feeling otherwise?〃
  〃Okay。 I'll probably see you in the morning when I e in to get my gun and badge from Brownley。〃
  〃I don't think so。 I'll be out with Lopez。 We're doing that investigation about the woman who sat on her kid; and I'm letting him handle it。 But I'm watching him。〃
  〃What case is that?〃
  〃It was in the papers。 This woman was punishing her kid; a six…year…old; and she sat on him。 She weighs about two…forty; and she crushed in his chest。 The kid died; and now she's up for manslaughter。 It'll probably be reduced to child abuse; but we've got to knock on doors all morning to see what the neighbors've got to say about her and the kid。〃
  〃Did she do it on purpose?〃
  〃I think so。 But Lopez; being Cuban; doesn't。 Cubans; he says; don't punish their kids no matter what they do; so he thinks it was an accident。 We'll find out after we've knocked on a few doors。 Incidentally; I found out who your new partner's going to be。 Ellita Sanchez。 D'you know her?〃
  〃The dispatcher? The girl with the big tits?〃
  〃Girl? She's at least thirty; Hoke; and she's been on the force for six years。〃
  〃Yeah; as a dispatcher。 What does she know about Homicide? Shit; I'm sorry I called you。〃
  〃No; you're not。 I got Wilson off your ass。 Besides; Sanchez really has got a nice pair of knockers。 And she can write in English; too。 Lopez can't。 If it wasn't for being married; I'd trade you Lopez for Sanchez; but Marie would have a fit if I had myself a female partner。〃
  〃I thought Marie was liberated。〃
  〃She is; but I'm not。〃
  〃I'll lock your little thirty…two in your desk drawer。〃
  〃Keep it; old buddy。 I'm not in any hurry for it。〃
  Captain Willie Brownley; wearing his navy blue uniform; plete with heavy jacket; sat behind a huge pile of paperwork in his glass…walled office。 He gave Hoke a short lecture about hanging on to his new badge and 。38 pistol this time。
  〃In my report; Hoke; I stressed the severity of the attack; and there'll be no problems with your record。 The only problem you might have is with Ellita Sanchez。 She told me that she would rather work with someone else instead of you。 I get the idea she doesn't think you're macho enough…losing your gun and all。〃
  〃Jesus! Didn't you tell her the circumstances?〃
  〃She knows; yes。 But all the same; she wants to do well as a detective and asked me to put
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