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ere nights; we could prevent that。〃
  〃Is that what you wanted?〃
  〃I don't know。 It seemed like such a long way off; I didn't think much about it。 Marty liked to talk about it; though。 I guess I didn't care。 It would be something to do; I guess。 I don't know。〃
  〃Well; I think it's stupid。 I can't see any point to hanging around a Burger King all day; no matter how much money you make。 Don't you know why it's stupid?〃
  〃I never thought too much about it。〃
  〃I'll tell you why。 Your life would depend on the random desires of people who wanted a hamburger。 So you can just forget about Burger King。〃
  〃Okay。 Can I go back to sleep now?〃
  〃Yeah。 I'm going out for a while。 Don't let anyone in while I'm gone。 Do you want anything while I'm out?〃
  〃Uh…uh  。 。 。 〃 She was asleep。
  Freddy; carrying Hoke's sap and handcuffs in his jacket pocket and the holstered pistol clipped to his belt in the back; and with the badge and ID case in his right trousers pocket; left the deserted lobby。 He walked down Biscayne toward Sammy's; which was open twenty…four hours。 The predawn air was damp; cooler this time of morning; and there was a taste of salt in the air from the bay。
  At the corner; a tall black whore at the curb clawed at his arm with long black fingers。
  〃Lookin' for some fun?〃 she said。
  Freddy showed her his badge。 〃Call it a night。〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃 She crossed the street on the yellow light and walked swiftly away; her high heels clattering in the dark。
  Freddy continued on to Sammy's; went into the clean; welllighted restaurant; and took a corner booth。 Power; he thought。 Without the badge; he would have had an argument; and it would have been difficult to get rid of the whore unless he had decided to kick her in the ass。 And that could have; might have; caused him some trouble。 It was trouble he could handle but a hassle all the same。 With the badge; it was so easy  。 。 。 
  A rangy red…haired waitress came over to take his order。
  〃Coffee。 Is that okay; or do I have to order something with it?〃
  〃Most people do; but you don't have to。〃
  〃Okay。 And pie; then。〃
  〃What kind?〃
  〃I'm not going to eat it; so what difference does it make?〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃
  Freddy didn't want the coffee; either。 But the long walk in the cool air had allayed his anxiety somewhat; and he began to work out a plan that would lead to a purpose。 What he needed to do; he decided; was to get organized and to start over。 The haiku about the frog ing to Miami and making a splash of some kind made a lot of sense。 Alone; with this new city and a new chance; he could do something or other if he could only figure out what it was he was meant to do。 What he wanted to do was to dump Susan; but he realized that he was now stuck with her。 He had; strictly by accident; caused the death of her stupid brother。 The fact that it was her brother's fault and not his didn't make any difference。 Without anyone else to look after her now; she had bee Freddy's responsibility。 She would get no help from her father; that was a certainty。 So now it was up to him。 His first idea; about buying her a Burger King franchise; was out。 She had no real interest in the idea; and she wouldn't be capable of running a place like that if she had one。 Her dumb brother; in all probability; wouldn't have been able to run one either。
  Freddy sipped his black coffee and counted the pecan halves on top of the piece of pie the redhead had brought with the coffee。 The pie was warm and smelled good; but he had eaten one hell of a dinner。 He wasn't hungry 。
  A black man wearing a Raiders fedora walked into the restaurant carrying a hunting knife。 He grabbed the red…haired waitress's wrist and twisted her arm into a half…nelson。 She squealed and he put the point of the knife into her neck a quarter of an inch; just far enough to draw a trickle of blood; and told her to open the register。
  There were two patrons in the restaurant besides Freddy; and they sat paralyzed at the cuunter。 They were middle…aged Canadian tourists; getting an early breakfast before a drive to the Keys。 The robber apparently hadn't noticed Freddy in the corner booth; or else he wasn't concerned about him。 His concentration was on the waitress and the money in the till when Freddy shot him in the left kneecap。 The report of the 。38 was loud; but the man's scream was piercing enough to make the Canadians shudder。 He dropped the waitress's arm and his knife; then fell; still screaming; to the floor。 Freddy stopped the screaming in mid…shrill when he tapped him behind his right ear with the heavy leather sap。
  Freddy flashed his badge。 〃It's okay; dear;〃 he said to the waitress。 〃I'm a police officer。〃 He held up the badge so the middle…aged couple at the counter could see it。 Freddy smiled。 〃Police。 Go ahead and finish your breakfast。〃
  The waitress sat at the counter; put her head down on her crossed arms; and began to cry。 Freddy took the billfold from the unconscious man's hip pocket and dropped it into his own jacket pocket with the handcuffs。 He took out the handcuffs; decided he didn't need to use them; and then told the middle…aged couple to stay where they were while he made a call for an ambulance from the radio in his police car。 They both nodded; still too numb to reply。
  Freddy put a dollar bill under his coffee cup at his booth; left the restaurant; and walked back to the Omni Hotel。 As he entered the lobby; he heard the police siren as the panda car hurtled down Biscayne toward Sammy's。 He sat in a red leather chair in the lobby and took out the robber's billfold。 Eighty dollars。 There were three driver's licenses in the billfold; all with different names but with the same picture。 Freddy had no use for the licenses or the billfold; but he could always use another eighty dollars。 He dropped the billfold into a potted plant and took the elevator up to his room。 He had an idea now; on how to take care of Pablo Lhosa。
  Freddy shook Susan awake; told her to take a shower and to get dressed。 He ordered coffee; orange juice; and sweet rolls from room service。 The continental breakfast was at the door by the time Susan was dressed。
  〃The breakfast's for you; to wake you up;〃 he said。 〃Go ahead and eat while I tell you what to do。〃
  〃Want some?〃 she said; biting into a prune Danish。
  〃If I'd wanted something I would've ordered it。〃
  Freddy told Susan to drive back to the apartment and to pack up his purchases from the day before and to bring them to the hotel。 He told her where he had hidden the coin collection in the leather case; and to bring that; too。 Also; while she was home; she could pack a few things she might need herself for a few days' stay at the hotel。 〃Don't think about it too much。 If you forget something; we can always buy it here at Omni。 The important thing is to pack my stuff and get the money; then e back here without running into Pablo。 He won't be up this early in the morning。 On your way back; make sure you aren't followed。 If you pick up a tail; lose him before you drive back to the hotel。〃
  〃Is somebody after us; Junior?〃
  〃Not us; but me; yes。 I'm not a likable person; so 
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