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  〃I'm not the one that runs it up…you are。〃
  Mike went into the back; and Hoke quickly downed the second shot; finished the beer; and left the bar。 He was depressed enough already without being hit for an 85 bar tab。 Hoke didn't drink all that much; but when he wanted a drink he hated to drink alone in his room。 Fortunately; he had a battle of El Presidente at home。 This was one time when he would have to keep himself pany。
  Hoke got into his car and drove to the Eldorado Hotel。
  Before leaving Kendall Pines Terrace; Freddy had locked the pistol in the glove partment and spread the city map of Miami out on the passenger's seat。 He turned east on Kendall and took the Homestead Extension Freeway north toward the city。 The traffic didn't get heavy until he turned east again on the Dolphin Expressway toward the airport。 By watching the overhead signs carefully; he avoided the lane that would have taken him across the causeway to Miami Beach and managed to bluff his way into the left lane that took him down to Biscayne Boulevard。 He was astonished by the erratic driving on the freeway。 If they drove this way in Los Angeles; he thought; most of these people would have been killed within minutes。 Freddy didn't consider himself a goad driver; but pared to these Miami drivers he was a professional。
  On impulse; he turned into the Omni Mall and took the ramp to the third level before finding a parking space。 The parking garage was color…coded as well as numbered; and he wrote 〃Purple 3〃 on his parking ticket before putting it into his hip pocket。
  Using the Mendez Visa card; he bought two short…sleeve sports shirts in the County Seat; and then paid cash for a featherweight poplin suit in an Italian men's store。 The suit was on sale for 350。 To make the sale; however; the salesman had to get a pair of pants with a twenty…nine…inch waist from another suit to go with the size forty…two jacket。 He bought two 25 neckties in another men's shop; using the Mendez card; and then a pair of cordovan tasseled loafers for 150 cash at Bally's。 He returned to the TransAm and locked his purchases in the trunk。 He went back into the mall and bought a stuffed baked potato at One Potato; Two…; asking for the Mexican Idaho; which included butter; chili con carne; jack cheese; and tortilla chips。 The chili was hot; and he drank a large Tab with lots of ice。
  All he had to buy now was a box of white shirts and a present for Susan。 She was not the kind of girl who had been given many presents; and she would be happy with anything he got her。 She was so passive in bed that he doubted that she had ever had any tips from her clients。
  In addition to its three shopping levels; the air…conditioned mall was anchored at each end with a Penney's and a Jordan Marsh department store。 There was also an involved egress to the Omni Hotel。 A man could get last quickly in the Omni Mall; but not for very long because of the color…coded exits and numbers。
  A portly man in a blue…and…white seersucker suit was standing in front of a store window and looking intently at the merchandise。 As Freddy glanced at him; wondering what it was in the window that held his attention; a small dark man with a bushy head of curly hair bumped against the portly man; apologized; and walked on。 Freddy saw the small man slip the wallet out of the heavy man's hip pocket; but the man hadn't felt a thing。 Freddy trailed behind the small man; who was wearing a blue serge suit and a blue wool tie; to the escalator and watched him drop the wallet into another man's folded newspaper; 〃El Diario〃。 The pickpocket continued through the mall; and the one with the newspaper; a tall dark man with black sideburns down to and even with his mouth; took the Down escalator。
  Freddy got on the escalator behind him。 He followed him past Treasure Island and the carrousel; and into the lowest level of the mall。 The man strolled past the Unicorn Store; a T…shirt store; skirted a French sidewalk café; and then went into the men's roam。 Freddy waited outside the door; counting to thirty; then went in。 The tall man with the sideburns had the wallet in his hands。 He looked up at Freddy for a moment and then back down at the wallet。 Freddy grabbed his left wrist; twisted it behind his back with one motion; and then ran the man into the white…tiled wall; face…first。 The man screamed something in Spanish and tried to get his right hand into his trousers pocket。 Freddy jerked the left arm higher and it broke at the elbow。 As the arm cracked; the man vomited and fell to his knees。 Freddy kicked him behind the ear; and the man went unconscious。
  Freddy picked up the wallet from the floor and stuffed it into his pocket。 He searched the man on the floor。 There was a pearl…handled switchblade knife in his right front pocket and a roll of bills held together with a rubber band in the left hip pocket。 He found another wallet in an inside jacket pocket。 Freddy stuffed these into his pockets and washed his hands。 A teenager; wearing a red…billed Red Man cap; jeans; and a CLASH T…shirt; walked in and saw the man on the floor; bubbling blood from his mouth and ears; then went to the urinal。
  〃What's the matter with that guy?〃
  〃Ask him;〃 Freddy said; blotting his hands dry on a brown paper towel。
  〃I don't want to get involved;〃 the teenager said; unzipping his fly。
  Freddy left the men's room and took the stairway up to Level Two。 He bought a box of three white…on…white Excello shirts at Baron's。 He bought a pedestal coffee cup that had 〃Susie〃 painted on the side in Old English script; and a half…pound bag of Colombian coffee。 He asked the girl at the coffee shop to gift…wrap the two items together; which cost him an extra 1。50。 He returned to his car and locked his new purchases into the trunk before getting into the front seat and turning on the engine and the air conditioning。
  Freddy counted 322 from the portly man's stolen wallet; 809 from the tall man's wallet; and 1;200 from the tight roll of bills。 In the middle of the tight roll of American money; there was an even tighter roll of 10;000 Mexican pesos。 So; not counting the pesos; which he might be able to exchange later; he was 2;331 richer than when he had arrived at the Omni…minus the cash he had put out for his shopping; of course。 This was absolutely the best haul Freddy had ever made in a single day。 He had also picked up two new credit cards…the fat man's… a Visa and a MasterCard。 The tall man with sideburns; apparently the other half of a Mexico City pickpocket team; had a green card in the name of Jaime Figueras in his wallet。 This meant that he could work in Miami; but it didn't authorize him to work as a pickpocket; he would be unlikely to report his mugging to the police。 If that damned kid hadn't e into the men's room; Freddy could have waited for a few minutes and made another nice haul after the short partner came down for his cut。 But probably it was just as well。 He had gotten in trouble before by staying too long in a men's room。 Vice Squad caps pretending to be gay; and some who didn't have to pretend; hit public rest rooms all the time to top off their daily arrest 
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