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  Hoke was curious about this peculiar couple; and especially the jock; although he didn't believe for a second that Susan had ordered 〃Junior Mendez〃 to break her brother's finger。 She had seemed too dimwitted even to entertain the idea; but still; it wouldn't hurt anything to talk to her while he was out this way。 He might pick up some information on the boyfriend。 If they were college students studying for degrees in management; maybe he and Henderson should enroll in a seminary and work on doctor of divinity degrees。
  The tall unfinished buildings in Kendall Pines Terrace reminded Hoke of the Roman apartment houses he had seen in Italian neorealist movies。 The Salvadoran guard on the gate explained how to get to Building Six; and Hoke took the winding road to the last parking lot; avoiding the speed bumps by going around them on the grass。 He parked in a visitors' slot to avoid being towed away…as advised by the gatekeeper…and rode the elevator to the fourth floor。
  Susan opened the door on the first knock; having a little difficulty with the new deadbolt lock; which was still stiff。
  〃I don't have much to tell you; Miss Waggoner;〃 Hoke said。 〃But I was out this way; so I thought I'd drop by for a few minutes and talk to you。〃
  Susan was wearing a black dress with hose and black pumps。 She had also applied some rouge to her cheeks and wore pink lipstick。 There was a string of imitation pearls around her thin neck。 The dress was too big for her; and she reminded Hoke of a little girl playing dress…up in her mother's clothes。
  〃Would you like a beer; sergeant? Coffee?〃
  〃No; no。 Thanks; but I just had lunch。〃
  〃Lunch? It's almost five…thirty。〃
  〃An early dinner; then。 I missed lunch; actually; so I had something just now at the Roseate Spoon Bill。〃
  〃I go there a lot。 I like the Mexican pizza。〃
  〃I've never tried that。〃
  〃It's really good。 Lots of cheese。〃
  〃I'll try it some time。 Your father came in this morning; Miss Waggoner; and he claimed the two hundred dollars。〃
  〃He would。〃
  〃But we're going to hold on to the effects for a while。 I was going to call the Krishnas today; but I've been busy with other things。 Has your father contacted you today?〃
  Susan shook her head。 〃He won't; either。 But I don't plan on going to the funeral; anyway。〃
  〃He said he was going to cremate your brother and scatter the ashes on Lake Okeechobee。〃
  〃Martin would like that。 He always liked the lake。〃
  〃Your father's staying at the Royalton; downtown; if you want to call him。〃
  〃I don't。〃
  〃Where's Mendez?〃
  〃Ramon。 Your fiancé?〃
  〃Oh; Junior; you mean。 His name is Ramon Mendez; Junior; but he always goes by Junior。 He hates to be called Ramon。〃
  〃How'd you happen to meet him?〃
  〃We met in English class at Dade。 He helped me write my haikus。 I was having trouble with them。〃
  〃Haikus? What are they?〃
  〃It's some kind of Japanese poem。〃
  〃I see。 So you met at school and got engaged。〃
  〃That's right。 But now we have what's called a platonic marriage。〃
  〃He lives here with you; then?〃
  〃He should be home soon。 If you want to ask questions about Junior; you should talk to him。〃
  〃What smells so good?〃
  〃That's dinner。 I'm cooking stuffed pork chops。 I use StoveTop dressing; shallots; and mushrooms; all smothered in brown gravy。 Also; baked sweet potatoes; peas; and a tomato and cucumber and onion salad。 Do you think I should make hot biscuits?〃
  〃Does Junior like biscuits?〃
  〃I really don't know。 I've got white bread; but I think I'll fix some。 Most men like hot biscuits。 Would you like to stay for dinner?〃
  〃I've already eaten。 I told you。 You've got a lovely apartment here; Miss Waggoner。〃
  〃Oh; I don't own it。 I rent it; furnished。〃
  〃It must be rough on you; working and going to school; too。〃
  〃It isn't so bad。 The work at the International Hotel isn't hard; and I don't have to work at night。〃
  〃What are you…a maid?〃
  〃Oh; no!〃 Susan laughed。 〃Maids only get minimum wage。 I get fifty dollars a trick; and split it down the middle with Pablo。 I'm one of Pablo Lhosa's girls。 That is; I was; but I quit。 Now that we've got a platonic marriage; Junior doesn't want me to work for Pablo anymore。〃
  〃You're a hooker; then?〃
  〃I thought you knew。 You aren't going to arrest me; are you?〃
  〃No; that isn't my department。 I just work homicides。 I guess I've been lucky so far。 I was with the Riviera Police Department for three years; and I've been in Miami for twelve; and I've never had to work Vice。 When d'you expect Junior home?〃
  〃When he gets here。 It doesn't make any nevermind to me。 The pork chops are in the Crockpot; and the other stuff won't take long。 The potatoes are already done。 He said he'd be home at six; but he might be late。〃
  Hoke handed her one of his cards。 〃Have Junior call me when he gets home tonight。 It says the Eldorado Hotel; in Miami Beach; but I'm reachable there。 If the phone isn't answered right away; tell him to let it ring。 There's only one man on the desk at night; and if he's away from the desk it takes a little time to get an answer。 Somebody'll answer eventually。〃
  〃All right。 I'll tell him; but that doesn't mean he'll call you。〃
  〃Just tell him I've been looking through some mug books。〃
  〃Mug books?〃
  〃He'll know what I mean。〃 Hoke went to the door。
  〃Sergeant Moseley? You didn't tell daddy about the car; did you?〃
  Hoke shook his head。 〃No。 He didn't ask; and I didn't volunteer。〃
  The traffic was heavy on North Kendall and heavier on Dixie; where Hoke turned toward downtown。 It was after seven by the time Hoke reached LeJeune Road。 He stopped for gas and made a phone call to the duty officer in Homicide; leaving a message for Sergeant Henderson to call him at home。 He made another call to the morgue and learned that they did not plan to start the past…mortems on the Colombians until the next day; probably late in the afternoon。 He paid for the gas; put the receipt in his notebook; and decided to go home。 He could work on his report in the morning。 Perhaps by then Henderson would have something from the woman's testimony。
  Hoke took the MacArthur Causeway to South Beach but decided to stop for a boilermaker at Irish Mike's before going home。 Mike brought him the shot of Early Times and a Miller's draft; then waited until Hoke downed the shot and took a sip of beer。
  〃I suppose you'll be wanting this on the tab; sergeant?〃
  〃Yeah; and one more shot besides。 I've still got enough beer。〃
  〃D'you know what your tab is?〃
  〃No; you tell me。〃
  〃It was eighty…five bucks。〃 Mike poured another shot into Hoke's glass。 〃Not countin' these two。〃
  〃I didn't know it was that much。〃
  〃That's what it is; sergeant。 When it hits a hundred I'm gonna eighty…six you till you pay the whole tab。 I wouldn't object to something on account right now。〃
  〃I wouldn't mind giving you something on account; Mike; but I'm a little short right now。 I'll bring in fifty on payday; but don't let it run up so high again。〃
  〃I'm not the one that runs it up…you are。〃
  Mike went into the back; an
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