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g; but he knew that the sun would bake this side all afternoon。
  Inside; with the air conditioning set on seventy…five; the apartment was nice and cool。 Out on the porch; where the humid heat was at least eighty…five; the sudden change brought a shock to his skin。 But he decided he liked the heat。 Freddy didn't wear any underwear; and his linen slacks stuck to the backs of his legs as he sat in the plastic…webbed porch rocker。 Susan; wearing white shorts and a light blue bikini halter; brought out the coffeepot and refilled his cup。 Her bare feet were long and narrow; and she looked about thirteen years old。
  〃Explain about the bank business again;〃 Freddy said。
  〃It isn't a bank; it's a savings and loan; but it works just like a bank。 I don't know the exact difference except that the S and L pays a higher interest rate。 Marty and me got a CD for ten thousand in both our names; and a NOW checking account。 The interest from the CD goes into our checking account automatically at the end of each month。 There's more'n four thousand in it。 So I'm going to draw it all out and start another CD and another NOW account in some other S and L。 That way they won't be able to get none of it because it'll all be in my name。〃
  〃That's no good;〃 Freddy said; shaking his head。 〃They can still sue you; those Krishnas with their lawyers; and then they'll tie up all the money until the judge decides who gets it。 What you do; when you go down there; is take out all the money and bring it to me。 I'll take care of it。〃
  〃That's too much money to keep around in cash。 In Miami; somebody'll steal it from you。〃
  〃I'll rent a safe…deposit box; except for some walking around money。 I don't want you to worry about it。 What you don't have; they can't take away from you。〃 He finished his coffee; handed her the cup。 〃Now that we've got our platonic marriage going; I'll take care of you。 Don't you worry about interest or anything else。 If you want something; anything…and I don't mean just because you need something; I mean want something…tell me; and I'll get it for you。 Who's that guy down there?〃 Freddy pointed to a man wearing a dark blue suit; plete with vest; getting into a new Buick Skylark in the parking lot。
  〃I don't know his name。 He lives down in two…fourteen; and he carried some groceries up here for me once。 He's a prephase real estate salesman; he told me。 That's why he has to wear a suit and tie all the time。〃
  〃What's a prephase salesman?〃
  〃I don't know; but that's what he said he was。 He seemed very nice and said he had a daughter about my age in junior high back in Ohio。 I didn't tell him how old I was or proposition him。 I don't think it's a good idea to fuck people where you have to live。〃
  〃You'd better get going to the S and L。 So go ahead and get dressed。〃
  〃I am dressed。 You don't have to get all dressed up out here in Kendall。 All the women out here wear shorts and halters。〃
  〃Except you。 I don't want my wife running around like some little kid。 Put on a dress and shoes and stockings。 Do something about your hair; too。 It's all tangled。〃
  〃Aren't you going with me?〃
  〃No。 I'm going to study the street map of Miami。 We'll go out when you e back。〃
  Freddy watched Susan drive out of the parking lot。 He put on his shirt; but not his shoes; and took the fire stairs down to the second floor。 He twisted the knob of the front door to 214 as far as it would go; and then forced the door open with his shoulder。 It sprung open easily。
  He found two 100 bills in the bible on the bedside table and a loaded 。38 caliber pistol in its leather holster in the drawer of the same table。 There was a locked drawer in the metal home desk in the living room; but he found the key in the middle pencil drawer。 He opened the locked drawer and found a cowhide case containing fifty silver dollars; each mounted in a round numbered slot。 This was a collection; and much more valuable; he knew; than the 50 face value。 When he rented the safe…deposit box; it might be a good idea to keep the collection to use as getaway bread。 He took two pairs of black silk socks from the dresser and put his stolen items into a brown paper grocery sack he got from a stack under the kitchen sink。 He added a package of six frozen pork chops from the freezer partment to the sack; then returned to his own apartment。
  The clothes in the salesman's closet; unhappily; had been at least two sizes too large for Freddy; but he was satisfied with his haul; especially with the pistol。 He put the pork chops on the kitchen table so they would thaw for dinner。 Then he shaved with a disposable lady's shaver Susan had unwrapped for him; and took a long tub bath。
  Soaking in the tub; Freddy examined the Miami city map; section by section; from Perrine to North Bay Village。 The Greater Miami area was five times longer than it was wide; a long narrow urban strip hugging the coast and the bay; with no way to expand unless the buildings were built higher and higher。 There was no way the city could expand any farther into the Everglades until they were drained; and the coastline was pletely filled。 If a man had to escape from the cops; he could only drive north or south。 Only two roads crossed the Everglades to Naples; and both of these could be blocked。 If a man drove south he would be caught; eventually; in Key West; and the cops could easily bottle up a man on the highways if he headed north; especially if he tried to take the Sunshine Parkway。
  The only way to escape from anyone; in case he had to; would be to have three or four hidey…holes。 One downtown; one in North Miami; and perhaps a place over in Miami Beach。 There would be no other safe method to get away except by going to ground until whatever it was that he'd have done was more or less forgotten about。 Then; when the search was over; he could drive or take a cab to the airport and get a ticket to anywhere he wanted to go。
  Well; Freddy thought; I've already got me a nice little hideyhole out here in Kendall。
  Susan returned before noon with two bags of groceries and 4;280 in fifties and twenties。 Freddy sat at the uncleared breakfast table and counted the money while Susan began to put away the groceries。
  〃It's ten thousand dollars short;〃 he said。
  〃That's because I took out another CD at the S and L in Miller Square。 There's plenty of money right there to spend or to lock away in a safe…deposit box; without losing interest on the other ten thousand every month。 There was already a penalty of almost four hundred dollars I had to pay for cashing in the CD early。 I had to pay the penalty; but it's stupid not to have the interest ing in every month。 I was getting onethirty…two a month before; but the new S and L's only paying ninety…two。〃 Susan picked up the package of frozen pork chops and frowned。 〃That's funny; I don't remember getting…〃
  Without rising; Freddy slapped Susan a sharp blow across the face。 She fell down; dropping the pork chops; and the package slid across the linoleum floor。 She began to cry and to rub her reddened cheek; which began to swell immediately。
  〃Part of being married;〃 Freddy explained; 〃is learning to do exactly
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