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 East Everglades…nothing but water and alligators。 It gets too drowned with water to build on the other side of Krome; and Kendall Pines Terrace is the last plex in Kendall。 Eventually; the rest of those fields will all be condos; because Kendall is the chicest neighborhood in Miami。 But they won't be able to build anymore in the 'Glades unless they drain them。〃
  〃This apartment looks expensive。〃
  〃It is; for the girl that owns it。 She put every cent she had into it; and then found out she couldn't afford to live here。 She's just a legal secretary; so she had to rent it out; furniture and all。 We only pay her four hundred a month rent; but she was glad to get it。 She tried to sell or rent it for four months before we came along。 Even with our four hundred; she still has to e up with another four…fifty every month。〃
  〃Where does she live now?〃
  〃She had to move back with her parents in Hallandale; and she's twenty…five years old。 I know how bad she feels。 I'd never move back in with daddy。 I'd rather die first。〃
  〃This is good beer。〃
  〃San Miguel dark。 It's the best; and it es all the way from the Philippine Islands。 The man at Crown gets it for me。 Of course; in addition to the four hundred a month; the electric bill es to another two hundred。〃
  〃No shit?〃
  Susan nodded。 〃On account of the air conditioning。 And it'll be going up again soon。 The anchorette on Channel Ten said so last night。 Without the money from Marty ing in; I don't think I can handle it。 I'm worried。〃
  〃Don't be。 We're engaged; so I'll take care of it。〃
  Freddy put his fingers on the screen。 The dead man in the morgue was sure as hell the same guy at the airport。 He hadn't meant to kill him; all he had wanted to do was break the guy's finger。 Just because of the jacket; and now he didn't even have the leather jacket with him。 What he did have was the simple。 minded younger sister。 He could feel the damp jets of air corn。 ing through the screen。 There were only six cars parked in the ten…acre parking lot。 The white TransArn; in its numbered slot; seemed to glow in the sixth row。 Every other parking light in the lot had been turned off; to save energy; perhaps; and the other lights had been dimmed。 The moon wasn't up yet; and beyond the cyclone fence was blackness。 Looking out and down into that dark land mass; Freddy felt as if he were on the edge of an abyss。 Perspiration from his armpits trickled down his sides。
  〃Let's go back inside;〃 Freddy said。 〃Doesn't it even cool off at night?〃
  〃A little。 Around four in the morning it'll drop down to seventy…seven or so; but then the humidity'll go up。〃
  Freddy took off his shoes and his shirt。 Susan sat on the couch in the living room。 〃D'you want to watch some TV; Junior?〃
  〃Not now。 I've got to make a phone call。 Where's the telephone book?〃
  〃There's two books over there; under the breakfast table。 The phone's on the…〃
  〃I can see the phone。〃
  Freddy looked up the number of the International Hotel。 He called the desk; checked out; and told the clerk to charge everything; including his barber bill; to his Gotlieb credit card。 〃Yes;〃 he finished; 〃I did have a pleasant stay。〃
  Freddy joined Susan on the couch and told her to bring him a pair of scissors。 He cut up the Gotlieb credit and identification cards; and put the cut pieces into the ashtray。
  〃Now;〃 he said; 〃Mr。 Gotlieb's no longer in Miami。〃
  Freddy patted the lounge; and Susan sat beside him。 〃I liked the way you handled yourself at the morgue; Susan。 What were you thinking about; anyway; when you saw your dead brother?〃
  〃I was thinking about the times when he used to bend my fingers back when he wanted me to do something。 It really hurt; and after a while he didn't have to bend them back。 All he had to do was threaten to do it; and I'd do whatever he wanted。 He was religious; I guess; but he was awfully mean。 He said he wanted to go to heaven; and now he's finally got what he wanted。〃 She was lost in thought for a moment; then she looked up。
  〃What I want to do; first thing tomorrow; is go down to the bank and take out the CD。 Then I can start another one some place else。 We've got a ten…thousand…dollar CD saved; plus another four thousand in our joint NOW account。 And I sure don't want daddy or the Krishnas to get it。〃
  〃Good。 We'll do that first thing。 Now that we're engaged; we're going to start our platonic marriage。 D'you know what that is?〃
  Susan nodded。 〃Beth had one; on 'The Days of Our Lives;' when she moved in with the lawyer。 And I want one too。 I've been really lonely out here at night。 I didn't like Marty; but even so; I missed him when he moved out to the camp。〃
  〃Why didn't you like him? He was your brother。〃
  〃Remember; before; when I told you I never went steady? Marty's why; that's why。 He's the one that got me pregnant; and I think daddy suspicioned it; too。 And then when we came down to Miami and I got the abortion; Marty couldn't find any work。 He met Pablo when he was looking for work at the hotel。 So then he made me go to work for Pablo。 I don't like working at the hotel; Junior; I really don't。 That old man from Dayton; Ohio; today was disgusting。〃
  〃You've turned your last trick for Pablo。 You're living with me now。〃
  〃You really don't know Pablo。 He smiles and bows and all that; but he's mean。 And he knows where I…where we live; Junior。〃
  〃Don't worry about Pablo。 I'll take care of him。 Do you remember that Bob Dylan song about the lady laying across a brass bed?〃
  〃I don't remember。 Maybe I did。 They don't play much Dylan on the radio anymore。〃
  〃Well; here's what you do。 Go into the bedroom; take off your clothes; put two pillows under your stomach; and lay face down on that big brass bed。 I'm gonna have another beer; and then I'll be right in。〃
  〃You're gonna do it to me the back way whether I want to or not; aren't you?〃
  〃In that case; I'd better get another San Miguel for you; and some Crisco for me。〃
  Later; bars of moonlight came through the slanted vertical Levolors and made yellow bars across Freddy's hairless chest。 Susan; in a shorty nightgown; snuggled close to him and used his extended right arm as a pillow。 Freddy chuckled deep in his throat and then snorted。
  〃Remember that haiku the teacher wrote?〃
  〃Not exactly;〃 Susan said。
  〃〃The Miami sun。 / Rising in the Everglades。 / Burger in a bun〃。 That's what I was laughing at。 Now I know what it means。〃
  There was a middle…aged man sitting in the glass…walled office with Sergeant Bill Henderson when Hoke arrived in the squad room。 Hoke checked his mailbox and then signaled his presence to Henderson with a wave of his arm。 Henderson beckoned for him to e over。 Henderson got to his feet and smiled as Hoke crossed the crowded squad room。 Most of Henderson's front teeth were reinforced with silver inlays; and his smile was a sinister grimace。 Hoke and Bill had been working together for almost four years; and Hoke knew that when Henderson smiled; something horrible about human nature had been reconfirmed for his partner。
  Hoke cracked open the door。 〃I'm going down for coffee;
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