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  〃That means going back into uniform; doesn't it?〃
  〃So what? I'll be out of Miami。 When I typed up my resignation; I never felt better。〃
  〃What kind of salary goes with it?〃
  〃Not much。〃
  〃How much? Sebring can't pay Miami's union scale。〃
  〃I know。 It's only fourteen thousand; Hoke。 I'm making thirty…one in Robbery; but the chief said there'd probably be another two thousand a year when the new Sebring budget es out。〃
  〃Christ; Red; that's less than half of what you're making now。〃
  〃I know; and I don't give a shit。 It doesn't cost as much to live in Sebring; and the chances are that I'll live a hell of a lot longer up there。〃
  〃There's nothing going on in Sebring。 They have the race once a year; and that's it。〃
  〃I know。 That's why I took the job。 Last week; a kid in Overtown threw a brick through my window。〃
  〃You shouldn't drive your car in Overtown。 You know that。〃
  〃It was a squad car; Hoke。 I was down there with Nelson to pick up a fence。 We never found him; either。 But that brick was it。 I'd been wavering; because of the money and all; but the next morning I called the chief in Sebring。 He's a nice guy; too; Hoke。 You'd like him。 He's a retired detective from Newark。 That's in New Jersey。〃
  〃I know where Newark is; for God's sake。〃
  〃Don't get pissed off; Hoke。〃
  〃I'm not pissed off; I'm just surprised; that's all。 I know damned well you aren't going to like living in a little town like that。 Why don't we meet some place and talk about it?〃
  〃I can't; Hoke。 I've got a lot of things to do and then I've got to meet Louise later when she gets off work。〃
  〃When are you leaving; Red? I'll see you before you go; won't I?〃
  〃Oh; sure。 I'll be in town for another week at least。 If I can't sell my condo; I'll have to rent it out。 But we'll get together。 We'll tie one on to celebrate。〃
  〃Right。 I'm here at the Dupont bar; if you can get away for a while before you pick up Louise。〃
  〃I can't; Hoke。 Not tonight。〃
  〃Call me; then。〃
  〃I'll call you。〃
  〃I'm real happy for you; Red; if you think that's what you want。〃
  〃Thanks; Hoke。 It's what I want。〃
  〃Call me。〃
  〃I will。〃
  Hoke racked the phone; and the bartender put it beneath the bar again。 〃Another beer; sir?〃
  〃Yeah。 And a double shot of Early Times。 I don't want any more of the stuff on this plate either。 Can you dump it for me?〃
  Hoke took his shot of whiskey and fresh bottle of beer over to a table by the window。 He really hated to see Red Farris leave the department。 He was one of the few bachelor friends Hoke bad left。 Red was almost always available to go out for a few drinks; or a little bottle pool; or to bowl a few lines。 And Red Farris had saved his life; too。 They had gone to pick up a wife…beater who was out on bail。 The man's wife had died; and that upgraded the charge from assault to second degree murder。 It was a simple pickup; the man didn't put up any fight or argument。 He had been too shocked by the news of his wife's death。 And then; just as Hoke had started to put the handcuffs on him; the man's twelve…year…old son had e out of the bedroom and shot Hoke in the chest with a 。22 rifle。 Farris got the rifle out of the kid's hands before he could get off another shot; and Hoke spent six weeks in the hospital with a nicked left lung。 It still hurt if he took a very deep breath。 But if Red Farris hadn't twisted that rifle out of the kid's hands… Well; the kid was in a foster home somewhere; the kid's father was up in Raiford; and the boy's mother was dead。 In Miami; a family could break up in a hurry
  It used to be a lot different when Hoke was still married。 Four or five couples would get together for a barbecue and some beer。 Then; after they ate; the women would all sit in the living room and talk about how difficult their deliveries had been; and the men would sit in the kitchen and play poker。 The big kids would watch TV; and the smaller kids would be put to sleep in the bedroom。 That had been real Florida living; but now all the white families were moving away。 There were six different detectives Hoke had known who had left Miami in the last year alone。 And now Farris…that was seven。 Of course; Henderson could get out for a night once in a while; but Bill Henderson was married; and he always worried about staying out too late。
  Hoke looked out at the river; never the same river。 He wanted another double shot of Early Times; but not at these prices。 Hoke left the bar and got his car from the parking ramp。 As he checked the window locks; the smell of the vomit on the back seat was almost overpowering。 When he got to the Eldorado Hotel; he'd get one of the Marielitos who lived there to clean it out。
  The one…way street was narrow after they left the well…lighted area of the Columbus Hotel on Biscayne。 The sidewalk was cracked and broken from recent roadwork; and there were few pedestrians。
  〃Where's the parking garage?〃 Freddy took Susan's thin arm as they skirted a Bob's Barricade horse and a flaming kerosene pot。
  〃Up about four blocks。 I didn't want the detective to see my car。 I'm sorry now I even mentioned it to him。 If he lets it slip out to daddy that I've got it; he'll take it。〃
  〃That prick detective's pretty sharp。 Unless he does it on purpose; he won't let anything slip out。 He sure picked up on me in a hurry。 I think I had him fooled on the dessert business; because I really was in a foster home in Santa Barbara。 But he knows that a man can't hold down a regular job and still work out six hours a day building up muscles like mine。〃
  〃Why'd you tell him your name was Ramon Mendez? You don't look nothing like these Cubans。〃 She pointed to four ragged Marielitos across the street。 They were unwrapping a large bundle of clothes between two parked cars。
  〃I told him Mendez because I checked into the hotel under the name of Gotlieb with a stolen credit card。 Wait。 Let's go over there and see what they've got in that bindle。〃
  〃Let's don't! You don't want to have nothing to do with these people; Junior。 It's just something they stole; anyway。〃 She tugged at his arm。
  〃Okay。 But it's always interesting to look into a bindle。 You never know what you'll find。〃
  〃You mess with these Cubans and they'll pull a knife on you。〃 At the next corner; they waited for the light to change。 〃If your name isn't Gotlieb; and it isn't Mendez; what is it?〃
  〃Junior; like I told you。 My last name's Frenger。 I'm really German; I suppose; but I don't remember my parents。 I was in four different foster homes; but no one ever told me anything about my parents。 They said I was an orphan; but they could've been lying about that。 They lied about everything else; so it's possible my parents are still alive somewhere。 I've always thought my father must've been an important man; though; or he wouldn't've named me Junior。 At least that proves I'm not a bastard。 You don't name a kid after yourself if you aren't married。 What d'you think?〃
  〃I'm too upset to think right now。 On top of everything else; I think Mr。 Turner's going to make us write a haiku; and I don't think I can do it。〃
  〃It seems simpl
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