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led into replacement; the dolphins gone。
  Then stunningly a single voice; quite clear。
  … This bowl was brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans。 We bid you farewell。
  And then the sound of long; heavy; perfectly grey bodies rolling away into an unknown fathomless deep; quietly giggling。
   Chapter 33
  That night they stayed Outside the Asylum and watched TV from inside it。
  … This is what I wanted you to see; … said Wonko the Sane when the news came around again; … an old colleague of mine。 He's over in your country running an investigation。 Just watch。
  It was a press conference。
  … I'm afraid I can't ment on the name Rain God at this present time; and we are calling him an example of a Spontaneous ParaCausal Meteorological Phenomenon。
  … Can you tell us what that means?
  … I'm not altogether sure。 Let's be straight here。 If we find something we can't understand we like to call it something you can't understand; or indeed pronounce。 I mean if we just let you go around calling him a Rain God; then that suggests that you know something we don't; and I'm afraid we couldn't have that。
  … No; first we have to call it something which says it's ours; not yours; then we set about finding some way of proving it's not what you said it is; but something we say it is。
  … And if it turns out that you're right; you'll still be wrong; because we will simply call him a。。。 er 〃Supernormal。。。〃 … not paranormal or supernatural because you think you know what those mean now; no; a 〃Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer〃。 We'll probably want to shove a 〃Quasi〃 in there somewhere to protect ourselves。 Rain God! Huh; never heard such nonsense in my life。 Admittedly; you wouldn't catch me going on holiday with him。 Thanks; that'll be all for now; other than to say 〃Hi!〃 to Wonko if he's watching。
   Chapter 34
  On the way home there was a woman sitting next to them on the plane who was looking at them rather oddly。
  They talked quietly to themselves。
  … I still have to know; … said Fenchurch; … and I strongly feel that you know something that you're not telling me。
  Arthur sighed and took out a piece of paper。
  … Do you have a pencil? … he said。 She dug around and found one。
  … What are you doing; sweetheart? … she said; after he had spent twenty minutes frowning; chewing the pencil; scribbling on the paper; crossing things out; scribbling again; chewing the pencil again and grunting irritably to himself。
  … Trying to remember an address someone once gave me。
  … Your life would be an awful lot simpler; … she said; … if you bought yourself an address book。
  Finally he passed the paper to her。
  … You look after it; … he said。
  She looked at it。 Among all the scratchings and crossings out were the words 〃Quentulus Quazgar Mountains。 Sevorbeupstry。 Planet of Preliumtarn。 Sun…Zarss。 Galactic Sector QQ7 Active J Gamma。〃
  … And what's there?
  … Apparently; … said Arthur; … it's God's Final Message to His Creation。
  … That sounds a bit more like it; … said Fenchurch。 … How do we get there?
  … You really?。。。
  … Yes; … said Fenchurch firmly; … I really want to know。
  Arthur looked out of the scratchy little perspex window at the open sky outside。
  … Excuse me; … said the woman who had been looking at them rather oddly; suddenly; … I hope you don't think I'm rude。 I get so bored on these long flights; it's nice to talk to somebody。 My name's Enid Kapelsen; I'm from Boston。 Tell me; do you fly a lot?
   Chapter 35
  They went to Arthur's house in the West Country; shoved a couple of towels and stuff in a bag; and then sat down to do what every Galactic hitch hiker ends up spending most of his time doing。
  They waited for a flying saucer to e by。
  … Friend of mine did this for fifteen years; … said Arthur one night as they sat forlornly watching the sky。
  … Who was that?
  … Called Ford Prefect。
  He caught himself doing something he had never really expected to do again。
  He wondered where Ford Prefect was。
  By an extraordinary coincidence; the following day there were two reports in the paper; one concerning the most astonishing incidents with a flying saucer; and the other about a series of unseemly riots in pubs。
  Ford Prefect turned up the day after that looking hung over and plaining that Arthur never answered the phone。
  In fact he looked extremely ill; not merely as if he'd been pulled through a hedge backwards; but as if the hedge was being simultaneously pulled backwards through a bine harvester。 He staggered into Arthur's sitting room; waving aside all offers of support; which was an error; because the effort caused him to lose his balance altogether and Arthur had eventually to drag him to the sofa。
  … Thank you; … said Ford; … thank you very much。 Have you。。。 … he said; and fell asleep for three hours。
  … 。。。the faintest idea … he continued suddenly; when he revived; … how hard it is to tap into the British phone system from the Pleiades? I can see that you haven't; so I'll tell you; … he said; … over the very large mug of black coffee that you are about to make me。
  He followed Arthur wobbily into the kitchen。
  … Stupid operators keep asking you where you're calling from and you try and tell them Letchworth and they say you couldn't be if you're ing in on that circuit。 What are you doing?
  … Making you some black coffee。
  … Oh。 … Ford seemed oddly disappointed。 He looked about the place forlornly。
  … What's this? … he said。
  … Rice Crispies。
  … And this?
  … Paprika。
  … I see; … said Ford; solemnly; and put the two items back down; one on top of the other; but that didn't seem to balance properly; so he put the other on top of the one and that seemed to work。
  … A little space…lagged; … he said。 … What was I saying?
  … About not phoning from Letchworth。
  … I wasn't。 I explained this to the lady。 〃Bugger Letchworth〃; I said; 〃if that's your attitude。 I am in fact calling from a sales scoutship of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation; currently on the sub…light…speed leg of a journey between the stars known on your world; though not necessarily to you; dear lady。〃 … I said 〃dear lady〃; … explained Ford Prefect; … because I didn't want her to be offended by my implication that she was an ignorant cretin。。。
  … Tactful; … said Arthur Dent。
  … Exactly; … said Ford; … tactful。
  He frowned。
  … Space…lag; … he said; … is very bad for sub…clauses。 You'll have to assist me again; … he continued; … by reminding me what I was talking about。
  … 〃Between the stars;〃 … said Arthur; … 〃known on your world; though not necessarily to you; dear lady; as。。。〃
  … 〃Pleiades Epsilon and Pleiades Zeta;〃 … concluded Ford triumphantly。 … This conversation lark is quite gas isn't it?
  … Have some coffee。
  … Thank you; no。 〃And the reason;〃 I said; 〃why I am bothering you with it rather than just dialling direct as I could; because we have some pretty sophisticated telemunications equipment out here in the Pleiades; I can tell you; is that the penny pinching son of a starbeast piloting 
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